All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 830: The beginning of the counterattack

Chapter 830 The Beginning of the Counterattack

Based on Han Chen's understanding of the abyss, the invasion of the abyss requires a heavy price, plus the losses suffered this time, according to common sense, they should not launch another attack.

After all, it costs a huge price, but it can only start a war to give people a head. This is not in the interests of the abyss.

However, things like common sense...

At least since the earth entered the realm of God, this thing has been broken many times.

"I was negligent."

Han Chen muttered to himself.

He has the memory of the Darkborn, plus the inheritance of the Dark God, so his vision has not only exceeded the upper limit of the earth, and even Tianzhuyuan, there are few that can compare with him.

However, it was because he stood too high, so he became more superstitious about his own experience.

"No matter what, this war will continue."

Han Chen’s eyes were a little cold, "I don’t know what the overall situation is, and I don’t know how to compromise. I only know that even when facing the invasion of the abyss, the hungry wolves still want to devour the fat of the earth. Flesh, I will consider the words of the Lord of the Stars, but...this will only be discussed after the existence of those invading the earth have fallen!"

Three and a half years ago, the earth had just merged into the realm of the gods. At that time, the earth was still very weak and small, so it was only natural to be regarded as a piece of fat by those superior beings.

For them, attacking the earth is not a loss at all. On the contrary, the unusable resources of the earth will become their wealth, and it can be regarded as a kind of logistical supply.

Among other things, even if half of the earth’s people are captured as slaves, there are more than 2 billion slaves that can provide them with continuous logistical supplies. For them, this is simply an irresistible temptation.

But what about the earth?

To the earth, they are true demons.

Han Chen has always adhered to the principle of first and foremost. As long as he can take good care of himself and his family, he doesn't mind contributing his own strength to Huaxia. The interests of Huaxia can be guaranteed. Under the premise, he can also consider the problem from the perspective of the overall situation of the earth.

Similarly, it is not impossible for him to stand in the camp of intelligent life to consider issues, but this has an important premise, that is, the interests of the earth are guaranteed.

Of course, the benefits he mentioned include China's principles.

Whoever commits China will be punishable even though it is far away!

Since the sword in his hand is sharp enough, of course, he must follow this principle to the end at all costs, and he will never give in until the long sword in his hand is broken.

Li Longdao: "I really don't have any sense of belonging to the wisdom life camp of God's Domain. If you consider it from the perspective of interests, it is not impossible to stand in this camp and do something, but there is a premise, that is, the absolute sacrifice. not us."

Alizee smiled slightly: "I'm not so noble. Be the Virgin, let those who pursue the spiritual realm do it! I just want to protect the people I care about."

The four of them smiled slightly, everything is silent.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was inevitable, the four people who possessed the highest force on earth had the same idea at this moment.

What is his overall situation? The earth is now being attacked! Are you talking to me about the overall situation?

Talk to us about the overall situation while invading our homeland? Do you think we are stupid?

Han Chen said: "In this case, let's start the real counterattack!"

Li Long said: "I'm outside of the Sky City, and I can shoot at any time."

Alizee said: "The Cavaliers' League needs someone to take charge of the overall situation, and I have started to act."

The talents of the Cavaliers League were almost wiped out by the council. The brand-new talents have not yet fully grown up, and she is absolutely indispensable now.

Wu Yuan smiled and said, "Finally, I can make a move. This time I should be able to let go of my hands and feet!"

Han Chen said: "Of course!"

At this time, the morale of the earth is at its peak.

"Didn't God's Domain have a truth that has been hailed as unchanging through the ages? Only legends can contend with legends, but the legends on our side have not been shot yet! Nine of them died.

"No, nine of them died during the flag offering!"

"Haha, I almost forgot such an important thing. It seems that the legend of God's Domain and the legend of our earth are two different creatures!"

"Not two, but many, many kinds!"


Nowadays, people on Earth have more or less experience of "joining the army" in God's Domain. Even if they don't plan to develop in the direction of the legion, at least they should go to the legion to experience the atmosphere.

The thing they heard the most in these three years is that only legends can compete with legends.

Perhaps a legendary existence can lead an elite legion to contend against several legends, but a legion without a legendary existence can never defeat an ordinary legion led by a legendary existence.

Among other things, even if a Legendary existence uses rules to change the gravity of your legion's position, or the degree of stability in space, your legion's power will almost dissipate in half.

Not to mention, in the North China Theater, the dragonborn behemoth that can easily lift the behemoth of war and the ice and snow monitor lizard to fight is not much better than a baby in the face of legendary existence?

Now, the myth of the invincible existence of the legendary level has been shattered.

The earthlings, who had just entered God's Domain for not too long, soon realized that this was a lie at all, a lie in order to maintain the supremacy of the legendary existence.

At this time, almost all of the Earth’s God Domain watches received this sentence:

"It's just a lie that the new civilization is inferior to the ancient civilization. The invincibility of the legendary level is just empty talk. Our crisis is just a scam created by the forces of God's Domain.

Now, we need to expose the disguise of the powers of God’s Domain that are strong from the outside, and let their weak nature unfold before us. The earth’s counterattack begins! "

With the issuance of this order, the various legions of China began a counterattack together.


"The creatures of God's Domain are nothing more than being strong in the outside world."

"Their power in God's Domain may be huge, but there is still a limitation of power that can enter the earth through space channels."

"We were blinded by their powerful appearance before, and now is the time for us to expose all of this."

"For our homeland, start the counterattack!"

Suddenly, both China's military and China's civil forces began to take the initiative to attack the creatures of God's Domain, and the morale was like a rainbow.

At this time, Sky City faced the blockade of the Yu clan and also began to counterattack.

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