All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 834: resurrection

Chapter 834 Resurrection

Ten minutes ago, in the storm collar of the Yu clan, the Lord of the Blue Sky was presiding over the sacrifice in the Hall of Valor.

Powerful races don't need to use a city like this to open up a space for themselves to rest for a short time, because their own strength is a guarantee for their stability.

The collar of the storm is the territory of the lord of the blue sky.

This kind of territory does not claim to be the master here, so that he is really the master here, but a recognition of the will of God's Domain.

God's Domain has reached an epic level of 50 or higher, so that they can have such a territory, and they can do many things here.

Of course, for the creatures of God’s Domain, the most important function of the realm is to record the "soul information" of a life, and then pay a certain price, amethyst coin, or the "source quality" after equipment decomposition, or its own Consumption and weakness.

In the realm of God, any existence that has not reached the epic level of life, and the level of 50, will face the problem of soul exhaustion. Only under the blessing of such a lord can they survive for a long time and restore their souls." "Activity" to retain one's mind and life.

The reason why the vampire family recruits members is very easy, because the burden of the vampire family lords in the same family is very small, so they can recruit members unscrupulously.

In God's Domain, encounters in the wild can only be regarded as battles, and only the plunder and encroachment related to the territory can be regarded as real wars.

Of course, it has become a legendary existence, and certain rules have been broken by them, so mutual records between lords are also possible.

In theory, as long as you have enough wealth and the determination to bear a sufficient price, as long as one legendary existence is still alive, you can bring all the remaining existences back to life in advance, but unfortunately no one can afford it in theory. Such a price.

And now, the lord of the blue sky is the strong people who have been recorded in the resurrection of his own territory.

The closer the time to death, the stronger the power of death, and the farther the distance of death, the higher the price to pay.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he should wait until a few months before considering resurrecting a group of people, and then wait a few years before resurrecting gradually, so that the price he bears can become bearable, and in these people’s lives A balance is reached between the losses caused by the absence.

However, today he no longer cares so much.

The power of the Lord of the Stars far exceeded his expectations. He did not expect that under the siege of so many powerful people, the Lord of the Stars would forcibly behead the two powerful ones, the Lord of the Deep Sea and the Lord of the Blood Desert. In the army, directly bombard the opponent from a long distance.

Even the long-famous Master of Blue Sky with such a method was shocked.

He had faintly understood that the Lord of the Stars might have already embarked on that road just like the Moon Sage, and he might have walked an unattainable distance on that road.

If this matter is true, then the entire Tianzhuyuan pattern will change.

The Lord of the Stars will not do too much because of the influence of the oath, but if he tries to protect the earth, the earth is likely to become the second [Wind Rain Pavilion].

Such things must never happen!

Of course, this kind of thing is still far away. The reason why he is anxious to resurrect the dead strong is only because the sky is changing now. If the Yu clan does not have enough self-protection ability, then their transcendent status will become history.

Therefore, even if he paid a heavy price and paid a certain amount of accumulation, he had to let the Yu clan have the power to protect himself.

Although the Lord of the Stars is strong, he has no allies after all, even if he faces such a strong man, he will not lose in his home court.

Then, one after another news came.

He sent a total of 7 legendary powerhouses to the earth. These were almost the small semi-powerful of the Yu clan of Tianzhuyuan, but in the first battle, four fell.

In addition, three people fell during the siege of the Dianxing Temple, and today the Yu Clan has suffered a serious injury that did not occur when facing the invasion of God's Domain creatures.

Although the rest are stronger, but this amount still makes him feel strong, so even if he pays some accumulation, he has to resurrect some fighters.

However, when he was about to resurrect, he was stunned.

"Why, why is this?"

An unspeakable fear spread in his heart, because he discovered that those places left for the existence of the legendary level, the soul information had been erased.

"Why, how?"

The Lord of Blue Sky felt a little panicked.

He is a group of existences standing on the peak of Tianzhuyuan. There are definitely not many things that can make him feel flustered, but this incident makes him feel flustered, and, fear!

Such a situation is not impossible, for example, all his subordinates have defected.

This kind of thing is very unlikely to happen. The reason is very simple. Even if it is a Legendary existence, the value that can be exerted is still limited, but the value of recruiting a Legendary existence often exceeds the value of the Legendary existence itself. Give, then what is the point of being recruited?

Therefore, generally the same race has a natural advantage.

As the strongest of the feather clan, he naturally became the patron of the sage of the feather clan.

Even leaving aside the issue of loyalty, other forces are unwilling to pay too high a price to solicit. Even if they really need to take action, they can also adopt temporary employment, or a cooperative way of dividing benefits, instead of spending money on them. betray.

What's more, they died in battle before.

They will never erase their soul information from themselves before participating in this level of battle, and then give it to others! They are joking about their lives.

After all, they exist in the form of spirit children in God's Domain. It will take at least several decades for legendary existences to resurrect normally, and they will cause essential damage to their souls, leaving them unable to recover their strength for a long time.

In this case, the reason for the disappearance of their soul information seems to have been found.

The earth actually has the means to completely wipe out their souls!

After making this guess, even he himself thought this answer was very absurd.

But after eliminating the impossible answers, the remaining answers, no matter how incredible, can only be correct answers.

So, after forcibly calming himself down, he called the Lord of the Deep Sea, no, it should be the communication of the Son of the Deep Sea, he wanted to confirm one thing.

"Senior Master of the Blue Sky, are you calling the juniors for China to master the means to threaten the lives of Legendary existences?"

After hearing such questioning, he felt a little angry, but still suppressed his anger, and replied in as plain a tone as possible: "This kind of trivial matter does not deserve my attention."

Compared with the essence of the soul, how can this kind of thing be better?

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