All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 836: Close the net

Chapter 836 Collection Net

The battle on the earth battlefield lasted for 7 days.

In these 7 days, the whole earth was spreading war.

Although the existence of the legendary level is now afraid to appear, the number of creatures in the Gods' Domain is several times more than the number of people on the earth after all. In the case of full-scale war, it still caused a lot of casualties.

According to incomplete statistics, the total number of casualties on the earth reached 80 million in this short 7-day large-scale war, but China’s casualties were less than 5 million.

After seeing a certain battle report, Han Chen sighed for a while: "When people are facing a desperate situation, their biggest enemy is often themselves."

The battle report is a gathering place of 3 million people in Waxing Island. It stands to reason that a gathering place of 3 million people should not have to worry about safety issues. Although some casualties will be caused during the battle, it will not be enough. Was breached.

After all, the creatures of God's Domain suffered a huge setback at the beginning of the battle. Without legendary existence, how could it be possible to break through a gathering place of 3 million people in a few days?

But just before the start of the war, a certain force in the gathering place suddenly began to betray, killing all commanders such as the gathering place, and then opening the city to meet the enemy, which eventually caused the settlement of 3 million people in the entire gathering place.

Wu Yuan was also shocked when she saw the news: "With God's Domain Watch here, everyone in the gathering place should have been paying attention to the overall dynamics! How could it still give people a chance to initiate a rebellion? How about Kaicheng to meet the enemy? Are they all fools?"

And Han Chen helplessly said: "Maybe, they are all looking forward to other people's shots!"

The earth has now entered an era where all the people are soldiers. Although not everyone has joined the legion, everyone has a certain combat capability, even logistics, they also have the ability to protect themselves.

In addition, the God Domain Watch observes the surrounding dynamics, theoretically there should not be a situation in which a force rebels, and then has the opportunity to open all the city gates to meet the enemy, but this is only a theory after all.

When the mutiny happened, let alone someone to stop it, even if someone recorded the whole thing in detail, and then uploaded it to the international network, no one appeared until the gathering place fell and people began to call for help. At that time, someone told the whole story.

Han Chen shook his head: "Don't worry about these people, I'm ready to start closing the net."

Now that the overall war is coming to an end, they should also do what they should do.

Wu Yuan nodded, with some disdain in her eyes: "Those idiots are also true. If they cooperate with the army and fight us for a long period of time, maybe the victory and defeat will be determined a little later, but these idiots actually hid. , Are they really cunning old foxes?"

It's no wonder that she doubted the IQ of those legendary beings, it was that the operations of these people were too suffocating.

Although the earth has the means to kill legendary existence, as long as it is a person with normal IQ, it is easy to distinguish that there are not many people who have such a means. In the war, as long as these people can be distinguished, the outcome is still not yet Knowable.

However, after most people got the news, their first reaction was to abandon the army and choose to hide in an empty corner.

When the earth's army was victorious, these people actually gathered together again, and now they can only wait for the earth to encircle and suppress.

Without the army, there is a legendary existence that cannot escape. Even without those special means, it is only a matter of time and cost to kill.

Han Chen said: "We always looked at them highly. Their experience and experience are indeed very high, but this also allows them to act from the perspective of interest. For them, the victory of the war is not important. The choice is the best. The right way to survive is more important."

The choice made by these legends of God's Domain is not because of their low IQ, but because of their values.

If Han Chen will still do something within his power for more people on the basis of ensuring the safety of the people around him, then for these creatures of God's Domain, even if they are united together, they must ensure that every individual Of interest.

Sensibility and emotion have disappeared in their long years, or in death again and again, and only reason and reason are left.

If they continue to fight, they may delay for some time and cause great casualties on the earth, but it will reduce the possibility of their survival. This is something they absolutely cannot bear. So even if they give up victory in the war, they are unwilling. Go on an adventure.

Half an hour later, a legion of fifty thousand people surrounded an open space in northern China. When it was surrounded by groups, a figure walked out of the gathering place.

This is the ice race who often "communicates" with the earth.

"First of all, we have to apologize for our invasion of the earth."

The Saint of the Ice Race bowed his head and said, "Now, can you please let us go, as long as you are willing to let us go, the benefits we will give you in the realm of God will definitely exceed the value you produce by killing us."

Although wars and political struggles in God’s Domain are relatively dirty, they don’t have too many twists and turns when negotiating. After all, everyone doesn’t have so much time. It’s a waste of time to talk about feelings and just talk about interests. All right.

James carefully glanced at Li Long and Han Chen, and suggested: "The earth will face more enemies in the future. I think we must consider the long-term future. On this kind of big right and wrong issue, we cannot Emotional."

When he said this, he felt a little drumming in his heart.

His remarks can be said to be half-truths and half-false, but the angle of his thinking is very rational.

After all, the earth faces too many enemies, and there will be more enemies in the future. As a leader of the earth, one should not consider the victory or defeat of a war, but the impact of a long-term war.

Han Chen said in a plain tone: "Since you know the long-term, do you know morale? Our crisis, even after three years of preparation, still has such a large casualty. Now the earth is at a time when the whole people are united. Do you think that the benefits from them are more important than the overall cohesion of the earth?"

James suddenly stopped talking.

In this era of respect for the strong, the earth is actually Huaxia’s Yiyantang. The opportunity for him to speak and make suggestions is the face that Han Chen gave him, and it is also regarded as the basic respect for people, but it does not mean that he is true. Have the right to decide.

The sage of the Ice Race made a tribute to China and said: "We don't ask you to spare our lives, but we can make another deal."

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