All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 843: Attack the blood desert

Chapter VIII Attacking Blood Desert

After thinking hard for a while, Han Chen finally didn't care too much.

It's not that he doesn't believe in his instincts, but that the enemy they are facing is too dangerous, and even if there are any unexpected dangers, it is reasonable.

There is no absolutely victorious war in the world. It is a miracle to have a 10% chance of winning against the entire Tianzhuyuan. It is impossible for Han Chen to increase this winning rate to more than half.

Even if these Tianzhuyuan forces don't talk about unity, as long as they can let go of their prejudices and not hold back each other while dealing with the earth, the earth's chances of winning will be very slim.

Under such circumstances, even if there are some unexpected factors, it is absolutely impossible for Han Chen to stop his battle.

An hour later, Wen Renquan, who was ready to fight, appeared beside Han Chen: "My lord, where are we going to attack?"

Asking him to call Master Han Chen directly, it was not that he couldn't say it, but Han Chen didn't care about this name, so he didn't force it, and later just let it go.

After hearing Han Chen's instructions, he felt a little weird.

Now that the earth is in a precarious state, you don't want to survive, but you still want to fight back at this time? It's crazy.

If Han Chen went mad alone, it would be fine, but the strong men of the entire earth civilization went mad together.

What kind of civilization is this civilization?

However, he also understands one thing, that is, since Dragon Valley is in Han Chen's hands, there is really not much room for bargaining.

What's more, he is already a member of Dianxing Temple, and the price of betrayal is a bit high. It doesn't matter if he betrayed by himself, if he wants his Dragonborn Legion to betray together, he cannot afford the price.

If there is no Dragonborn Legion, he Wenrenjuan is just an ordinary Legendary Summoner. There is no outstanding place. Any senior Legendary existence can easily ravage him.

In this case, he might as well accompany Han Chen to go crazy, at least not to lose his reputation.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

Now that the Dragonborn Legion has become so famous, he simply can't leave everything behind him. Under the influence of fame, he knows it is dangerous and must get on Han Chen's chariot.

Han Chen took out a special map and pointed to a certain point: "Now that we are ready, we are ready to go to war! The first goal, blood desert! Yuanyuan, let Mengmeng begin to arrange the door of space and appear in this position. , The size of the space gate must be able to accommodate 5,000 people at the same time. Calculated at a speed that can transmit 15 people per second, it can pass more than 70,000 people per second, 1.2 million troops, and the transmission is completed in ten seconds. Yes, but considering the convergence of different units, I will give 30 seconds."

The soldiers are extremely fast, and what he wants to fight is a blitz.

The number of space gates determines the number of teleported forces. Han Chen also intends to use blitzkrieg directly, and the space gates also determine mobility.

Wen Ren asserted: "I cut in, so many doors of space cost a lot, and the important places of blood desert are forbidden to transmit. Therefore, the place where we appear should also be unimportant. Considering the time required to travel to important places, we don’t need to be so hurry.

As long as the number of space gates is reduced by half, the cost we need to bear will be much reduced. Compared with the marching time, even if the transmission time is extended to one minute, the impact will be small. "

His consideration is very reasonable. In his opinion, even if the earth has void elves, if you want to fight long-term, you still need to consider the saving of materials.

The place Han Chen refers to is a certain distance from the core area of ​​the blood desert. The marching time will take at least two hours. In this case, the transmission time can be saved by half a minute, which means much faster than the speed of not marching. the value of.

Apart from other things, a bottle of accelerated potion for each mage can also shorten the marching time by more than 10 minutes, but the cost is much lower than the cost of the space gate.

Han Chen didn't put on the posture of "I am the boss, you must listen to me", because such an attitude can easily lead to the renunciation of his subordinates, but he did not have much explanation.

"I know what you think."

Han Chen said, "But for us, the cost of opening the space gate is far lower than you think, and the time for us to rest our troops and march is shorter than you expected."

Wenren stopped talking, not because he believed Han Chen's words, but because since the boss said so, he shouldn't refute as a subordinate.

It is his duty to make suggestions, but he has no real decision-making power.

Han Chen said: "The transmission time is scheduled for 3 minutes, and the countdown will be sent to everyone's communicator. Let's transmit it first to solve the threat over there."

Wen Renda was taken aback: "There is an ambush over there? If there is an ambush, why should we go there?"

Han Chen smiled slightly: "They will pretend that there is none."

Of course there was an ambush on the other side, because he had long passed the news that he was going to attack the target through a special channel, and it was the Dragonborn Legion.

This is simply a godsend for the enemy, a chance to bury the Dragonborn Legion.

There are many elite legions in Dianxing Temple, but the Dragonborn Legion is very special. If the Dragonborn Legion is ruined, this is also a good opportunity for the enemy.

Therefore, they will pretend not to know that the earth will launch this surprise attack, and wait for all the troops on the earth to be transmitted, and the dragonborn legion will also be transmitted, before sealing off the space, so that the dragonborn legion can be buried in one fell swoop.

"Prepare, send!"

Han Chen gave an order, and then took a few people to the predetermined location.

After arriving at the predetermined location, Han Chen gave an order: "Kill all the lives that can be seen around you, and leave nothing alive."


Everyone immediately began to divide the work.

Wu Yuan established the gate of space, Han Chen escorted him, and the rest of the people began to "kill their mouths" and kill all the lives they saw.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of miles away from them.

A summoner opened his eyes: "My summoned beast was killed."

"My summoned beast is too."

"My summoned beast is too."

One by one, the summoners began to report on the killing of their summoned beasts and the time when they were killed. This is the most direct and effective means of field investigation, and it is also the most unpredictable.

A feminine man in a tuxedo smiled grimly: "It's naive to want to use bait to lure us into action. Han Chen's cleverness will become the source of ruining the elite of China."

Then, he bowed his head and said respectfully and respectfully somewhere behind him: "Lord of the Yellow Sands, I will ask the adults to take action next."

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