All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 848: Dragon Hunter Legion Annihilated

Chapter 848 Dragon Hunter Legion Destroyed

When Huaxia's legion launched a charge, these **** legion members suddenly felt a breathtaking force. They didn't know what it was, but they instinctively felt fear.

"It's just a 45-level legion, kill them!"

With this idea, they launched a counterattack.

At this time, a large amount of flames fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the dragon hunter army, igniting the place into a sea of ​​fire.

"It's the Flowing Fire Corps!"

The Floating Fire Legion is the strongest attack power of the Mage Corps, and it is also the most daunting armored legion. If they are put in peacetime, they are not without a way to deal with it, but they are just an auxiliary of the Dragon Hunter Legion, facing the Floating Fire Legion , There are not many means.

At this time, a large number of Titan Legion and the Knights of China launched a charge in the sea of ​​fire.

"Crazy, they are crazy."

"Don't they know that even their own spells will hurt their own people?"

"Just to reduce the fighting time? They just work so hard?"

Although they have also experienced many battles, the cost after their deaths is not entirely borne by the above, so they are also a little bit reluctant. Of course, they are doing their best to protect themselves under the premise of fulfilling the orders explained above.

However, the soldiers of China had no such concerns.

They are fighting for their hometown, for their family, for the belief in their hearts, and there can never be any withdrawal.

Under the charge of Huaxia's warriors at all costs, the Summoner Legion and the Mages were quickly approached, followed by a massacre.

At such a close distance, even if there is a level difference, it is still the result of being slaughtered. What's more, all of China's legions are suit legions!

At the sacrifice of these summoners and wizards, the Dragon Hunter Legion finally had a chance to evacuate. They ran away desperately and did not look back in the process of escaping.

This is an opportunity that their comrades fight for them, and they must not miss it.

Even if it is considered from the perspective of the overall situation, they must save their lives, because they are the guarantee of effective damage to the Dragonborn Legion, and they are the most valuable existence.

However, on the way they retreated, a large number of tree people suddenly appeared.

"The Treant Legion is a legion of druid blood!"

"Quickly report to the higher level and ask for support."

"Why is there a druid army here?"

Although the Treant Legion is not as strong as the Titans, it is also a model of thick skin. What's more important is that as long as it has enough money, then the Treant's crowded tactics are almost endless.

Moreover, although the tree people are not strong against spells, they are immune to most of the special effects that have effects on flesh and blood life. Such an ability is simply Tianke for archers.

However, their request for help is destined to be fruitless.

Under the obstacle of the Druid Legion, the Chinese Legion behind them quickly solved the mage and summoners who were blocking the way, and then caught up with these dragon hunters.

Next, there was a massacre.

Looking at the massacre below, Wenren felt that his fingertips were a little cold.

For those legions, China’s legions always appear where they shouldn’t be. This is because their methods are good enough to have such a miraculous effect.

But from his point of view, this is simply a rule-level crush.

Is there a problem with the strategy of the Blood Desert Army? No, there is no problem at all.

Perfectly put every legion that restrains the enemy on the correct ambush path. Their command has been perfect, and China has no idea how many grades they have crushed.

However, they lost at the level of rules.

"Is the power of the void elves so strong?"

Wen Ren Duan smiled bitterly. Obviously he attributed the credit to the power of the void elves, "I have only heard of the name of the void elves in the past, but I did not expect that the power of the void elves is even more terrifying than I thought. The great power will also get the void elves at all costs."

The ability to create such a large-scale spatial distortion in a place where the space is blocked, so that the opponent can use it to deal with the dragon hunters of the dragonborn legion, facing the strength of restraining the dragon hunter legion, causing the dragon hunter legion to be wiped out. As a result, such spatial ability is simply terrifying.

Even for such an opponent, a big power can change all strategic deployments.

Wu Yuan was about to explain something, but saw Han Chen shook her head gently, so she had to shut up.

What just happened, of course, could not be done by the Void Elf itself, but there is no need to clarify this wonderful misunderstanding.

Wen Renjuan is unlikely to betray right now, but after all he hasn't completely surrendered, Han Chen still has to be wary of him.

"Next, Blood Desert should assassinate us!"

Han Chen muttered to himself, looking at the sacred mountain of blood desert not far away.

Huaxia’s legion has already won the legion battle. The next step is the battle between the dragonborn legion and the undead legion. If the blood indifference does not do anything, then even if China retreats, the blood desert is still the loser.

In an elite legion not far away, the principal of the **** desert looked ugly: "Unexpectedly, we underestimated Han Chen. They actually have such a method. Now it seems that we can only retreat to the dangerous place. Hope Han Chen can be younger and more vigorous and dare to assassinate us!"

In this war, their biggest goal was Han Chen, but what they didn't expect was that they were the one who lost in the Legion War.

After losing the legion battle, how did they fight Han Chen?

Moreover, Wen Renjuan next to Han Chen has also established a reputation in the past three years. Although his strength is not outstanding, his life-saving ability is outstanding. In the case of losing the legionary battle, they hardly won. Possibility.

The Lord of Huangsha gave him a faint glance and said: "Don't worry, the Undead Legion is difficult to deal with the Dragonborn Legion, but it will not be defeated in a short time. If we can kill Han Chen within this time. , The outcome of this war is ours."

The person in charge of Xuemo persuaded: "Master of the Yellow Sands, of course I know your strength is strong, but Han Chen has a special method that can make the existence below the legendary level hurt the legendary level, if they sacrifice like this at any cost Warriors, even adults..."

His words are over here, and there is no need to say anything later.

If the Lord of the Yellow Sands could be replaced, it would be worthwhile for China to bury all the legions here, so the Lord of the Yellow Sands was not worth the risk at all.

The Lord of Huangsha shook his head and said, "Don't worry, that method is useless to me."

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