All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 850: Unexpected enemy

Chapter 850 The Unexpected Enemy

The Dragonborn Legion faces the Undead Legion, although it is not a one-sided war, but there will be no big waves.

The Undead Legion is dominated by vampires and people with vampire blood, plus the power of [Life Set], can maximize the characteristics of vampires' resilience.

The biggest feature of such a corps is the survivability of the battlefield.

The characteristics of vampires allow them to have high-speed mobility and strong resilience. Even if they are injured, they can easily recover. Even if their health drops below 50%, they can still maintain their combat effectiveness in a heyday.

With this kind of power, they only need to think about offense. Offensive and continuous offense do not need to think about defense at all.

Even if it is facing a stronger opponent than them, they are not afraid, even if it is three times the damage in exchange for the other side's minor injury, it is completely worth it for them.

Because their speed is fast enough, they can rely on their strong resilience to escape when their health drops below 50%, and then change teammates.

When teammates were also injured, they had almost recovered with their strong resilience, and then rotated to themselves again.

It doesn’t matter even if you encounter tricky enemies who are good at one-hit kills. [Life Set] has a special effect that allows them to suffer fatal damage [Lock Blood], giving them a chance to escape, or letting teammates Able to rescue them in time.

It is precisely because of the power of the life suit that the Undead Legion can become the core army of the blood desert. Even if it is a stronger army than the Undead Legion, it dare not easily smash its edge, because it will constantly be under such "bloodletting" tactics. The land caused casualties and the loss outweighed the gain.

However, such an army has a nemesis, that is, the Dragonborn Legion.

The Dragonborn Legion can give people powerful strength, armor, resistance, and even speed. At the level below the legendary level, it is basically an open existence. If it is not for the existence of the Dragon Hunter Legion, the Dragon Clan can even rely on Continuously develop the Dragonborn and become the master of God's Domain.

When faced with the Dragonborn Legion, the Undead Legion's tactics of replacing wounds with wounds did not play much role.

After all, in Legion combat, individual soldiers can dodge, but Legion cannot dodge.

Therefore, the Dragonborn Legion only needs to constantly swing their swords. As long as they charge forward and swing their swords, they can always hit the enemy. They don’t need to worry about defense issues, because the Undead Legion can’t do anything decent to them. s damage.

If the undead legion's confidence to exchange injuries is their strong resilience, then the dragonborn legion's confidence to exchange injuries is their powerful attribute.

In addition, the dragon bloodline can improve the life level effect, so that the life level of the dragonborn legion is generally higher than that of the ordinary legion.

As a result, a unilateral sling was caused.

Although the Undead Legion can quickly change the front row when the front row is injured, let the back row top, and the front row people retreat to heal their injuries, but the initiative on the battlefield is not in their hands.

Under the crush of almost all tanks of the Dragonborn Legion, as long as the Undead Legion makes a mistake, it is prone to regional attrition.

Under such battles, retreat was born in their hearts.

"We should retreat!"

"Such an opponent is simply against us, we are not the opponent's opponent."

"Why haven't you issued an order?"

Just as they nervously waited for the order to retreat, they suddenly received an order: "At all costs, hold back the Dragonborn Legion. We will decapitate the enemy. Success or failure depends on this!"

Such an order has caused grievances in many people's hearts, but they know that they don't have much choice at all.

If they obey the order and their soul information is still there, they can still recover their strength quickly when they are resurrected, and they will be dispatched by the upper level.

But if they violate the order and their soul information is erased, they will only end up living in the wild area.

Even if they are resurrected in a place where no one is there, they will lose the equipment of their whole body. It is very difficult to start from scratch, and it is easy to become the prey for others to gain experience.

Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied they are, they must obey the order.

"Hold the Dragonborn Legion!"

"We will be able to behead successfully."

"Blood desert, invincible!"

With no other choice, they can only pin their hope of victory on the strong, hoping that the high-level strong can successfully complete the beheading operation.

As long as the war is won, their losses can be made up. If the war fails, their resurrection cycle will be much longer.

Even if they are resurrected, the trauma of their souls is difficult to make up.

Only people whose souls exist in God’s Domain have a limit on the number of resurrections. Although there is no fixed number, soul exhaustion is a problem that every life that has not become eternal cannot escape. Even the existence of myths cannot escape such problems. .

When the Undead Legion contained the Dragonborn Legion at all costs, the Lord of Huangsha rushed to Han Chen's direction with the core team.

At this time, the Yellow Sand Legion also took action. They did not fight side by side with the Undead Legion, nor did they go around behind the Dragonborn Legion to carry out front and rear pincers. Instead, they maintained a very dense sharp cone formation, like a chisel , Want to open up the formation of the Dragonborn Legion.

The defense of the Dragonborn Legion is notorious, and it is very naive to use this formation to open up the Dragonborn Legion's camp.

However, they understand that they bear a great responsibility: "Protect the Lord of the Yellow Sands!"

The principal of the blood desert saw the formation of the Huangsha Legion, gritted his teeth and said: "What do you mean to risk your life? Even if the undead legion is ruined, you may not die!"

The formation of the Huangsha Army is not a battle formation at all, but a rescue formation.

They have full confidence in the victory of the Lord of the Yellow Sands, but worry that the Lord of the Yellow Sands will be surrounded by the Dragonborn Legion and then fall into desperation.

Therefore, they would rather give up supporting the undead army of their allies, but also to ensure the safety of the Lord of the Yellow Sands.

After all, the life of an ally is considered life to them?

The safety of the Lord of the Yellow Sands is more than anything else for them.

At the sacrifice of the Undead Legion, the core team of the Lord of Yellow Sands came to Han Chen’s team, and then smiled: "Han Chen, for the sake of you being a character, I will give you a last word. opportunity."

Han Chen smiled and said: "There are a lot of people who want to assassinate me, and I have gone into the dead a lot, but I still get good results, but people who want to kill me, whoever appears in front of me, Are all dead."

"Humph! Even when death is imminent, you dare to be tough!"

A cold snort came from the Lord of Yellow Sand, and then a powerful breath burst out.

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