All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 853: There were 9 legends...

Chapter VIII, 9 legends once besieged me

For Li Long, neither the lord of the snowfield nor the polar ice wolf paid much attention.

Regardless of the identity of the Dragonborn, Li Long learned from the information they received that he had become a legend three years ago, but until now, the level is only 61, and Han Chen's level has reached. At level 75, even Wu Yuan, who is not exposed to mountains and water, has reached level 72.

Becoming a legendary existence and possessing such a poor upgrade speed is synonymous with weakness in their eyes. Even a lion must fight a rabbit with all their strength, but how serious is it to face an ant?

The Polar Ice Wolf’s skill [Tear] was activated. It felt that it was serious enough. After all, it was launched with all its strength. [Tear]. Even if it is a legendary level above 80, it must avoid it in front of its tear. Its edge.

After all, after killing this ant, it still has people to kill.

When the polar ice wolf started tearing, it suddenly found that the person in front of him had disappeared. It had not had time to feel puzzled, and suddenly felt a pain in its abdomen, then lowered its head to look at its waist, but its back was missing.

"How, how is it possible?"

The polar ice wolf finds it incredible. Why is it so? Why is it that he is only a 61-level ant, but he can exert such power?

Li Long put away his spear, the diamond-shaped tip of the spear gleamed with cold light, shining brightly in the sunlight.

His eyes turned silvery white, silvery white without any emotion.

"The dragon maiden is actually a dragon maiden."

The lord of the snowfield exclaimed, "You dare to let the dragon pulse mage appear here, aren't you afraid that the dragons are making trouble for you? Are you not enough enemies on earth?"

The reason why he didn’t guess that Li Long is a dragon maiden is because he has never exposed more than one dragon descendant’s combat power. The only time he showed an extraordinary power, the people he met were also Han Chen said nothing, even the soul information was erased.

However, if a dragon maiden dared to appear in such a grand manner, would he be dead?

Or do they think that the earth has not provoke enough enemies?

Li Long did not respond to his words, but looked at the lord of the snowfield with cold and unsentimental eyes: "Give you a chance to say the last words. It is also possible to beg for mercy."

The lord of the snowfield felt a little frustrated. He was the lord of the snowfield, but he was regarded as a top-level existence in Tianzhuyuan, yet he was so underestimated?

He thought that if he could kill his pet by taking advantage of a sneak attack, he would be eligible to fight himself?

A person who has only been a Dragon Maiden for three years, even if he has some talent, what qualifications and confidence does he have to scream in front of him? What qualifications do they have to dare to show off in front of him?

"Since you are sincerely looking for death, then do well to accept a more painful price than death!"

The lord of the snowy field took out a silver sharp knife, the silver blade refracted dazzling light, "I will let you understand that death is just the beginning!"

As he said, his figure turned into a phantom, and in the next instant, he appeared beside Li Long, and then, a white blade of air swept across, like a long silver river.

Han Chen didn't pay attention to the movement here. Li Long is not the kind of person who can do it. On the contrary, he is much better than Han Chen in terms of tolerance.

So, since he says he can solve it, let him solve it.

He has only one thing to do, and that is to provide them with a fair duel environment.

He cast his gaze on the remaining legendary ranks: "The Lord of the Yellow Sands, three swordsmen, an assassin, two wizards, and an archer. Last time, nine legendary ranks came to kill me. Now they only have One is alive, are you ready to end up with them?"

With the addition of the Lord of the Snowfield, there are a total of nine opponents.

Without a summoner and priest, the profession of a summoner is rarely seen in the realm of God, especially those players who have been severely beaten, many have abandoned the original summoner profession, and the priest is often cut in the back row in the early days. , It is difficult to grow up.

Of course, the bright camp has the most sacrifices, but most of them are under the control of the angel race.

Because the angels had their own things to do this time, they couldn't directly send troops to assist Han Chen, but to help Han Chen resolve some worries, it was considered to have fulfilled the obligations of friends.

In God's Domain, one can count as a friend without stabs in the back, and can use his influence to help Han Chen when there is no way to find time. This action has proved that the Angel Race among the major forces in the God's Domain can be regarded as a comparison of morals Gao exists.

The lord of the snowfield has Li Long to solve it, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

The golden spear in the hands of the Lord of the Yellow Sands bloomed with dazzling spear lights: "Don't compare me with those ants!"

To compare him with those who didn't even reach level 80, even in order to go to this world, suppressed his level to the point that the passage can accommodate, this humiliated him even more than insulting him face to face.

There is only one way for the strong to wash away their shame, and that is to use blood.

Use the enemy's blood.

As he said, he stabbed in Han Chen's direction with a shot.

This gun seems to be able to penetrate everything, even if it is just locked by this gun, there is a feeling that it is inevitable.

When he fired the gun, the archer behind him kept aiming, but did not draw it. It was not because he was not sure of the hit, but because he had to wait for Han Chen to dodge and block Han Chen's dodge route.

If the archer is in an auxiliary position in a team battle, it will be an auxiliary second only to the sacrifice.

Han Chen took a step forward, not evasive, not even a block, and just let his body be pierced by the long spear of the Lord of Yellow Sand.


The Lord of Huangsha didn't have any pride in his eyes, his pupils shrank urgently, and Han Chen was well-known. He didn't think Han Chen would make such a move to find death.

If Han Chen really did this, how could two peerless existences of the title level join forces to deal with him and spend such a high price?

When his spear pierced Han Chen's chest, a strong suction came, making his spear immovable.

At the same time, a black figure quietly appeared behind the Lord of Yellow Sands, and the black long sword pierced towards the back of the Lord of Yellow Sands like a poisonous snake.

The eyes of the Lord of Yellow Sand moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth showed a mocking expression unnaturally.

Sure enough, is it because of the poor skills? Can the small methods used to deal with the weak in this way be used in his hands?

The golden armor on his body suddenly burst into a strong brilliance when Han Chen's sword of the Night Demon stabbed.

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