All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 863: Moon Sage's Choice

Chapter 863: Moon Sage's Choice

Not only the Yu clan, but the Tianzhuyuan clan also had a peaceful mind after learning what Han Chen had done.

The reason why they have to deal with the earth is first for some benefits, and the second is that the potential of the earth is too great, and they want to solve this threat in advance.

But what if the earth is strong now?

It's like a country that wants to prevent a small country from launching a war with weapons of mass destruction. If the other party really has weapons of mass destruction, do they dare to start a war?

Therefore, there are many forces that want to reconcile with the earth.

However, their request was rejected by Han Chen.

"I don't know what is good or bad."

"We must teach them a lesson."

"Join hands against them."

"Can't let the earth grow up."

"They are so arrogant now, what will they become after a period of growth?"

As a result, those forces that had offended the earth are now more determined to deal with the earth.

Of course there are exceptions, and that is the city of clouds.

In the Cloud City, Yue Sage received a letter from Han Chen.

[We have a saying in China, called Shengmi En Dou Miqiu, if you give food to a hungry person, he will be grateful to you, and he will also be grateful to you for the help to those who are in need, but if you help someone for a long time, but When he needs help again, if he stops helping him, he will hate you instead.

Han Chen asked himself that he is not a good person, even if he is a good person to help him, he has a certain degree of caution, but he is definitely not a person who rises up and fights his enemies. Yue Sage has always been kind to our earth and has no grievances towards the lover below. It helped a lot, and Han Chen was grateful.

If it is the trend of righteousness, it is inevitable that the weapons will meet each other. If you can't afford the swordsman, Han Chen will remember the kindness of the Moon Sage. 】

Sage Yue read this letter and fell into deep thought.

Han Chen's meaning is very obvious. There is actually no hatred between her and the earth, but some help. He is not willing to be the kind of person who will avenge revenge.

Although he is wary of people who help him, such as Dianxing Temple, that is the basic condition for survival in God's Domain. If Dianxing Temple is really plotting wrong, Han Chen can't put the earth's future into crisis because of his trust.

What Han Chen can do is that as long as Dianxing Palace does not betray the earth, China will not betray Dianxing Palace.

The same is true for the Cloud City. In the last meeting, the reason why Moon Sage showed the intention of being hostile to the earth was not her own intention, but a choice that the owner of the Cloud City must make, plus She really didn't like Han Chen, thinking that Han Chen's behavior was self-defeating behavior.

However, Han Chen's performance exceeded everyone's expectations.

In just three years, Han Chen was able to grow to such an extent, and the speed of such growth shocked the entire God's Domain.

Now, if you continue to be an enemy of Han Chen, even if it is the City of Clouds, you have to weigh it up.

At this time, a man wearing white armor and white wings knelt in front of Sage Yue: "Sage Yue, Han Chen’s approach is simply a mitigation strategy. He just wants to use this method. , To prevent Master Yue from taking action, adults must not be confused by Han Chen's words."


Sage Yue seems to be thinking something.

The man in the white armor saw that the Moon Sage was moved, so he drove the railroad while it was hot: "Sir Moon Sage, Han Chen will definitely be a disaster in the future. If it is not resolved early, it will inevitably endanger the entire Tianzhuyuan. In the middle of the plan, then the entire Tianzhuyuan will be in danger! Sage Yue, please think twice!"

After coming here, I don’t know how long, the sage Yue suddenly said: “I heard that Han Chen has rejected the reconciliation requests of many forces? Want them to hand over all the subordinates who invaded the earth?”

The white armor said in a sincere tone: "Yes, Han Chen's behavior is simply a manifestation of wolf ambition. If he can't stop his wolf ambition in time, the entire Tianzhuyuan will be in danger!"

Then there was a long silence.

Seeing that the sage of the moon did not speak, the man in the white armor did not dare to say any more.

If he really angered the Sage Yue, he would definitely not have good fruit.

I don't know how long it took before the sage Yue slowly said: "It is wolf ambition to refuse the reconciliation of other forces. Finding me to reconcile is a slow strategy. You are really good at talking!"

The man in the white armor said: "Sage Yue is of course different from the others."

What he was referring to, of course, was the strength of the Moon Sage.

Even if the Lord of the Stars rises, no one still thinks that he can threaten the position of the Moon Sage Tianzhuyuan as the number one powerhouse.

Sage Yue sighed: "You don't know anything at all."

The man in the white armor said: "Everything his subordinates do is for the sake of adults."

Sage Yue shook his head and said: "Does anyone really think about others in God's Domain?"

The white man in armor immediately shut up.

To express loyalty, just say it once.

If you continue to speak, you are questioning Yue Sage's IQ.

Sage Yue's eyes seemed to contain a lot of things, she said with a melancholy expression: "Do you really think he will destroy Tianzhuyuan?"

The white armored man said: "This is certain. If he is just to make meritorious deeds, then why should he refuse the reconciliation request of so many forces?"

Sage Yue said softly: "It seems that this is also very good."

The man in the white armor felt a little dumbfounded. What did he hear just now?

Master Yue Sage actually said, this is also very good?

is this real?

Is this the idea of ​​Sage Moon?

Yue sage suddenly said to the man: "Let's go!"

The man in the white armor was a little dazed: "Where to go?"

Sage Yue said: "Whoever asked you to say these things to me, go wherever you go."

The man in the white armor was scared to death. He slammed his head a few times and begged for mercy: "Sage Yue, I am loyal to you! Everything I do is for the sake of the clouds. The future of the city! The loyalty of the subordinates can be learned, and there is absolutely no double heart."

Sage Yue just gave an indifferent order: "Within fifteen minutes, if you still stay in the city of clouds, I will kill you directly."

The white armor man felt a blank in his mind. He knew that since the Moon Sage had ordered, there was absolutely no room for anyone to object.

And Yue Sage ignored his despair, just looked into the distance for himself: "Tianzhuyuan, are you going to make waves again?"

By Han Chen's side, Wen Renjuan was a little puzzled by Han Chen's behavior: "Master, why did you provoke them to such an extent?"

There was a trace of unwillingness in Han Chen's eyes: "Because, I have no choice."

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