All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 865: Ice Goddess

Chapter 865 Ice and Snow Goddess

The entire Tianzhuyuan knew that Han Chen was a lunatic.

If you are not a lunatic, why should you offend so many forces at the same time?

But the most terrifying thing is that this is still a clever madman, a powerful madman, a madman who is very good at killing people and wars.

When Huaxia invaded the snowy field, the entire Tianzhuyuan realized: Han Chen is really crazy!

The battle this time was not as fast as the last time, but lasted for three days. During these three days of war, a large number of snowfields fell and a large number of snowfield soldiers were massacred.

Because of the existence of Han Chen, no legendary existence dared to appear in front of Han Chen. Because there was no legendary existence to participate in the battle, the entire snowy field hardly had much resistance. If it were not because the earth had too few soldiers, Both killing and hunting take time, and it doesn't take much time to capture the snowy field.

The blood race was able to capture the blood desert almost simultaneously at the same time when China destroyed the core army of the blood desert, but the earth couldn't do it, not because the earth was too weak, but just because the number was not enough.

Three days later, Huaxia's army finally came to the ice temple in the snowfield.

Han Chen stood at the forefront of all the legions and shouted: "Han Chen again, if you want to kill me, you can come and try now, but if you want to kill me, then you must Be prepared to be killed!"

Being blocked by Han Chen shouting like this, the people in the Snow Temple in the Snowfield were all annoyed.

But... they dare not shout.

At this moment, a figure that was extremely clean-up suddenly appeared at the door of the Ice and Snow Temple, and then floated in the direction of Han Chen.

After seeing this figure, the people in the snowfield were full of tension.

"She is······"

"Ice and Snow Goddess, why is she here?"

"She was originally born in a snowy field. After she became a title level, she set up her own business. Is she thinking of the old love of the snowy landlord and is coming to help us retreat?"

The snowfield is now facing the disaster of extinction, but none of the major forces in Tianzhuyuan offered a helping hand at this time. They just watched the snowfield collapse, and they were even fighting within the sphere of influence of the Dianxing Temple. Search benefits.

In such a desperate atmosphere, any straw will be regarded by them as hope for life-saving.

Of course, some people saw the unusual: "Are you stupid? If you really want to retreat, why does the ice goddess come alone? Even the lord of the snowfield has fallen, and the ice goddess appears in Korea. In front of the Killing Star Chen, are you not afraid of being killed directly?"

"Ice and Snow Goddess, such an approach is simply looking for death!"

"Oh! Why did she do such a thing? Isn't this putting her life in the hands of the enemy?"

Watching the ice and snow goddess go to the enemy line alone and come to Han Chen's body, everyone in the snow field was disappointed.

Since the Frozen Goddess did this, it meant that she had no plans to fight at all.

And seeing the arrival of the Ice and Snow Goddess, Han Chen was not embarrassed to do something to a person who went to the meeting alone: ​​"There is no enmity between the Ice and Snow Goddess and the earth. When the earth is in trouble, the Ice and Snow Goddess did not fall into trouble, or tried to share a piece of the pie. Knowing that the ice and snow goddess came here, what is it so expensive to do?"

When he mentioned this, he was also telling the Frozen Goddess that he was not malicious.

Although his murderous nature is very heavy, he is also a person with a clear grievance, and he will not let anyone who has an enemy with him, but he does not want to give birth to too many branches if he has little to do with him.

However, since he was famous, the Ice and Snow Goddess dared to come alone, so naturally he had no plans to fight.

The ice goddess looked at Han Chen up and down, as if she wanted to confirm something, and then said: "Everyone who enters God's Domain will get an innate talent. I have read your information. In your battle information, your innate talent It should be stealing."

Han Chen did not deny: "Yes, my talent is indeed stolen."

The stolen talent helped him a lot in the early stage, but later because of the battle route, he didn't use it often.

However, this does not mean that he has given up this skill. On the contrary, his stealing has undergone new changes after his bloodline became Darkborn, and he has become one of his killer features.

This assassin's skill, even when facing the Lord of the Yellow Sands, he was not willing to use it, just to produce a better effect in the face of more severe danger.

The ice goddess said: "Your talent is not stealing, but [Innate Awakening]. Your stealing should only be an incidental ability."

Han Chen had some killing intent in his eyes: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

In fact, at his level, what his innate talent is is not very important anymore, and he doesn't need to hide too much.

Because her real trump card now is her own wisdom and strength, although she is standing on the shoulders of giants, but he has already walked out of his own line.

The ice and snow goddess said: "Don’t be surprised, because my talent is the same as yours, and it is also congenital awakening. It’s a pity that my congenital awakening inheritance is not very strong, and it limits my future, making it difficult for me to break it. I set the upper limit."

The talent of the ice goddess is also congenital awakening?

Han Chen was a little surprised, this was indeed something he didn't expect.

But this is not surprising. Although the talent for innate awakening is rare, one civilization may not be able to appear, but what if there are many civilizations? Some can still appear.

The growth history of each legendary existence is a legend. They are the protagonists of their own world. The Ice Goddess is also a person who is talented to awaken innately, and it is not a big deal.

Han Chen said: "You probably didn't come here for this matter, you want to communicate with me! In order to remove your suspicion of delaying time, it is better to explain your intentions as soon as possible."

The ice and snow goddess' intention is unknown, although it is generally not malicious to come here alone, but it does not rule out the possibility of her committing a risk.

If it is really to delay Han Chen to kill Han Chen, it is not impossible.

The ice and snow goddess said: "I came here to discuss a cooperation with you. If you don't have extra energy to digest everything here after you hit the snowfield, I can help you take care of it, and the benefits go to you."

Han Chen pondered for two seconds, and said, "I want to know the reason you did this. There is an unwritten rule in Tianzhu, that is, apart from the three major commercial forces without its own army, no forces can cross. The territory planned by Tianzhu Mountain, those who exceed it, gather in groups to attack."

The ice goddess smiled and said, "Would you take this rule in your eyes?"

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