All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 874: The secret weapon?

After listening to Han Chen's words, Pangda's eyes also shined brightly.

Although he still likes the original earth, he also knows that the original earth will never return.

However, even if it is going to the heavens and all realms, the earth should not become the fused party!

Pangda gave Han Chen some equipment and some suits.

Of course, what he gave to Han Chen was not all, but he recently refined.

The equipment he refined earlier was already at Han Chen's.

Han Chen said to Li Guangzheng: "Master Commander, I hope you can select some elite 50-level suit legion members who can skillfully use the [Flow Fire Suit] with 1,200 members, [Knight Suit] with 900 members, and [Life Suit]. 1500 people, [Patron saint suit] 1200 people, [Eternal night suit] 600 people, [Glory suit] 1200 people, [Undead suit] 1500 people, [Forest suit] 1200 people, [Frost and snow suit] 1200 people, all required Elite."

Li Guangzheng took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

With that, he said to the Southern Legion Commander: "If all the elites are level 50, then the number of elites in the Northern Legion may not be enough. You need your help, especially the members who are good at using [Flame Set]."

He didn't ask Han Chen why he wanted these elites, because he felt that if Han Chen felt that what he said was better than nothing, he would definitely explain it.

But if you want to achieve unexpected results, it's better to hide it with your own people.

Although Han Chen's secret actions before, got the attention of interested people, didn't they finally relax?

It's because Han Chen even concealed himself from him, so who knows Han Chen's secret weapon?

In fact, apart from Han Chen, even Wu Yuan doesn't know what Han Chen's preparations are.

The frankness between husband and wife is the frankness in private matters. It is related to this kind of national survival war. All personal feelings must be left behind, and Wu Yuan also understands it.

Li Guangzheng moved quickly, and within ten minutes he had gathered all the personnel Han Chen needed.

After all the personnel were assembled, Han Chen pointed to the neatly arranged equipment on the ground, and said to Li Guangzheng: "Let them change into new equipment. By the way, select some alternate members. The alternate only needs 10 of the full members. The% quantity is enough, and it doesn’t matter if it is not reached, because it will not affect the overall situation."

Li Guangzheng nodded and said: "Understood."

Although I don't know what Han Chen is going to do, since it was Han Chen's request, then he can only support it with all his strength.

Then, these selected soldiers put on new equipment.

When changing equipment, they exclaimed: "Purple epic suit!"

"Really a purple epic suit!"

"A 30% bonus for all attributes, is this true?"

Unbelievable expressions appeared on everyone's face. The suits they had been wearing were red king-level suits, sometimes with purple epic-level equipment.

But the purple epic suit can only be seen on the enemy.

Only those old top forces will have the purple epic suit army.

But even for such a corps, the number is definitely not too much, rarely more than 100,000.

However, they are now able to wear a purple epic suit?

Li Guangzheng was a little surprised, but at the same time he was disappointed: "Although the purple epic suits are powerful, it is still not enough to rely on these suits to reverse the battle!"

Originally, he had some expectations for Han Chen's secret weapons, but after seeing these equipment, he couldn't help but feel some loss in his heart.

The earth also has purple suits, and he understands the power of purple suits.

Although the power of the purple suit is indeed extraordinary, it would be too naive if you want to rely on more than 10,000 purple suits to reverse the situation.

Although the earth’s rune technology is also good, it still lacks some accumulation compared with the rune of God’s Domain.

He is full of confidence in the potential of the earth, but the potential is not the current strength after all.

Under such circumstances, he still inevitably suffered some loss.

Li Long looked at these equipment, his eyes widened: "You, these equipment, is it?"

The corners of Han Chen’s mouth curled up: “When others thought I made this secret weapon, only Pangda and the two masters knew what these secret weapons were. But in fact, I was the only one who knew the details of these secret weapons, even if they were The three rune masters do not know the true colors of these weapons."

Li Guangzheng was a little confused, and the other army commanders were also at a loss.

What are they talking about?

Is there anything special about these purple epic suits?

In other words, these are all top runes?

But is this possible?

Pangda was a little surprised: "Didn't I just burn the runes according to the boss's request? I personally painted one-third of these runes, and the rest are the credit of the two masters, they and mine. The work is the same! This is an ordinary rune!"

Of course, what he calls ordinary is different from what others understand.

Han Chen said: "Runes are ordinary runes, but the materials I gave you are not ordinary ones."

Pangda scratched his head: "Isn't the material dragon blood? I have already analyzed it."

"Dragon blood? Where is dragon blood so terrible?"

Li Long's eyes flickered, "I thought I had brought back so many dragonborn behemoths from the wild continent, as well as the food for the dragonborn behemoths, which is worthy of my identity as a dragon maiden, but now it seems , Han Chen, you should become a Dragon Maiden."

"Haha, I don't have this blessing!"

Han Chen smiled carelessly, "Next, prepare to surprise them!"

As he said, his expression began to change to a serious look: "All members of the Rune Suit Legion were ordered, and everyone was divided into three hundred groups, each with 35 people, and they were allocated according to the variety of suits."

The number of all suits is an integral multiple of 300. This is of course not a coincidence, but because Han Chen originally matched them in such a ratio.

The quality of Huaxia's soldiers is very high. Although there is no prior assignment, only this order has allowed them to immediately group temporarily.

After 15 seconds, the grouping is complete.

Han Chen said: "Next, everyone will fully turn on the God's Domain Watch. Your group numbers are one to three hundred. You will directly connect with my God's Domain watch. Each group of people will be directed by me directly. During the battle, I will direct you."


All 10,500 soldiers gave a military salute.

The mission of a soldier is to obey orders, and Han Chen's reputation has spread throughout the earth, and no one will feel unconvinced if he obeys his command.

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