All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 881: Tentative

Chapter 881: Tentative

The Lord of Blue Sky looked around the crowd for a week, and said solemnly: "Of course I know that this may be a trap. No, it must be a trap. With Han Chen's character, he will never let go of such an opportunity, as long as I am willing. In the past, he would have designed a sneak attack."

In his understanding of Han Chen, Han Chen would create opportunities even if he had no chance. What's more, was this a good opportunity for a sneak attack?

It can be said that even if you are not sure, there is no loss in trying.

Anyway, by his side, the home court advantage is Han Chen's side. Even if it fails, Han Chen has a very high chance of escape.

The sage of the Yu clan said in a puzzled way: "Then why does the ruler take risks?"

"Because Han Chen is no longer an opponent we can solve without taking any risks."

The Lord of the Blue Sky said, "Before we have always held the general trend steadily. No matter how the earth struggles, no matter how many local wars Han Chen wins, there is no way to turn the situation around. At that time, we can use the safest methods safely, even It doesn't matter if we sacrifice more than 10 times as long as we are safe.

"But it's different now.

"The growth rate of the earth is far beyond our imagination, and Han Chen’s strength improvement rate has also exceeded our expectations. We don’t know what other cards he has, but now we don’t have a 100% winning rate. If we still follow With the previous style of play, the chances of the earth turning defeat into victory will be slightly expanded."

After hearing the words of the Lord of Blue Sky, everyone was ashamed.

Worthy of being the lord of the blue sky, he faced the enemy's threat so early.

But their thinking is still stuck when the earth can be slaughtered by them.

Not that they are stupid, but because self-confidence is also a necessary quality to be strong.

Under such a situation, the earth has no hope of a comeback.

Even if Han Chen came up with something that allowed the suit knights to have combat power comparable to legendary rank, wouldn't they really have a solution?

It would be too small to underestimate the background of their top powers.

In the endless years of the past, they have accumulated countless experiences, accumulated countless backgrounds, and even experienced several destructions. After being resurrected, they were reborn on the ruins.

However, at this moment, did the Lord of Blue Sky regard the opponent as an opponent of this level?

Are they really too arrogant?

The lord of the blue sky ordered: "Choose a random group of enemy squads, and then order all the soldiers around to cover me with their lives. I will take the opportunity to intercept a set of suits and try to understand the secrets."


The saint of the Yu clan led the way.

It is easy to order soldiers to cover them.

As long as there is an order from the Legend, those soldiers will feel very honored to die for them, of course they have no other choice.

After all, death is not the most terrifying thing in God's Domain.

The attack targets they chose were completely randomly selected, so that Han Chen couldn't guess what their real target was.

After choosing the target, the lord of the blue sky did not go directly to the target, but went to another target, that direction was also a group of suit knights.

After choosing a new target, the lord of the blue sky flew straight over.

The Yu clan was originally a race that was good at flying and speed. The Lord of the Blue Sky was the best among them. Three title-level masters besieged the stars, and he was the one who survived two deaths.

Among them, the reason that the Lord of the Stars prioritizes the target is not his reason, but the most important reason is that even the Lord of the Stars is not sure of dealing with him.

The lord of the blue sky has already evolved the escape to the extreme.

Just after he changed the target, Han Chen also appeared in advance near the target he chose.

With the Eye of Quicksand, he can gain insight and opportunities.

Although I don't know why the Lord of Blue Sky wants to leave the team, since the opponent gave him such a chance, then he has no reason to let it go.

At this time, a team of 35 people was red-eyed, and continued to chase and kill the enemy's vitality.

What they didn't realize was that a blue figure was quickly approaching them.

For the existence of the title level, it is not impossible to break the space in the place where the space is blocked. It only needs to pay a certain price.

But while trying to break the space, it would be too embarrassing to hide the void elves' perception and detection of space.

The Lord of Blue Sky could only use a simple method to hide his breath, and then flew over.

"who is it?"

The figure of the lord of the blue sky suddenly appeared behind the squad. The dagger in his hand was like a poisonous snake, assassinating the priest who fell at the back.

The priest sensed the danger, but it was too late.

The Lord of Blue Sky is a title-level existence, and it is of course a matter of hand to deal with a person with only a king-level life level.

However, at this moment, a black figure appeared beside the Lord of Blue Sky.

"Han Chen, you are really prepared!"

The lord of the blue sky seemed to have expected Han Chen's appearance long ago, and he left his place in a flash and appeared a hundred meters away.

At the same time that his figure disappeared, the sword of the night demon fell on the spot where he just appeared.

As long as his speed is slow for an instant, the sword of the night demon will pierce his heart.

Han Chen said with a chuckle: "As expected to be the lord of the blue sky, the powerhouse with the highest speed in the original Tianzhu, but unfortunately, no! You are not the deity!"

Speaking of the last time, Han Chen's face changed slightly. After the sneak attack failed, he habitually opened the eyes of Quicksand, only to find that the Lord of Blue Sky in front of him had some problems.

The Lord of the Blue Sky itself is not a problem. Han Chen's inspection revealed that he was a genuine 88-level powerhouse with no discount.

The problem is his equipment.

Under close observation, Han Chen could clearly see all levels of equipment on the Master of Blue Sky. They were actually two pieces of 50 legendary equipment and three pieces of epic equipment.

The three pieces of epic equipment contained a strong aura. If you didn't look at it with the eyes of quicksand, you wouldn't see any problems with such equipment.

However, under close observation, such equipment has nothing to hide.

50-level legendary equipment, this level of equipment, unless it is a new legendary level without a foundation, it is simply misunderstood.

Even the top epic existences of the Holy Dragon Emperor and Cui Yu fleeting will be equipped with such equipment.

With the addition of three epic-level equipment that only looked good, it would be a bit shabby if such equipment appeared on the Lord of Blue Sky!

Therefore, no matter how strong the other party's breath is, Han Chen can directly determine that the other party is not the real master of the blue sky.

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