All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 883: The madness of the ice goddess

Chapter VIII The Madness of the Ice Goddess

"It's still too tender after all."

Looking at Han Chen with a look of disappointment in the distance, the Lord of Blue Sky felt proud, "You can't even think that my soul will exist in the clone!"

In his opinion, Han Chen's method is already a good opportunity.

If he had the same means, he was confident that he would not lose to Han Chen.

The goal he chose was the goal they chose together from the beginning, and the one going to the direction of Han Chen was just an incarnation.

However, this avatar is not a real avatar, but can be used as a costly.

Under normal circumstances, some powerful clone skills can make the clone have the same combat power as the deity, but the duration and vulnerability are not at the same level.

The reason why Han Chen’s shadow clone is so famous is that it is specifically listed in the combat intelligence to guard against, because this clone can really be used as a cost-respect, whether it is "hp" or can manipulate equipment, or even use it. Skills and potions are both possible.

But he did the opposite, replacing the power of the clone with the deity.

For the creatures of God's Domain, the essence of life is the soul, and only the soul is the most important factor that determines the difference between the deity and the clone.

No matter how strong the clone is, even if it is Han Chen's shadow clone without a soul, it will be like water without a source, and it will dry up sooner or later.

And he just turned it around, letting his soul be in the body of a phantom incarnation.

Because of the phantom, under the vision of the eyes of the quicksand, he was directly "seen through". After all, it was a powerless phantom. How could there be any threat?

This is the real reason why the Eye of Quicksand has been concealed.

The Eye of Quicksand will judge the enemy that is truly threatening to the owner. The "main deity" of the Lord of the Blue Sky is not as threatening to Han Chen as a true epic level, and of course it will be filtered. And his clone is about power A real deity.

This is not a method prepared by the Lord of Blue Sky for Han Chen, but a method specially prepared for people with good eyes.

After the demise of the "clone", he just lost a few pieces of equipment, and the deity can begin to recover his strength.

After drinking two bottles of potion, his strength has almost recovered.

At this moment, the subordinates he had brought were besieging those rune suit squads, and the lord of the blue sky, who had recovered most of his power, was ready to do it.

This was his best opportunity. Han Chen was in "frustration" at this moment, and he couldn't predict that he would shoot again at this moment.

The distance is getting closer.

The Lord of Blue Sky gradually approached the rune suit team.

He has enough self-confidence, even if the opponent is really a legendary existence, if he only chooses to attack one person, he can also use special skills to subdue it.

Seeing that the Lord of Qingkong was about to succeed, a cold current radiated from the team to the surroundings.

"not good!"

There was a strong warning sign in the master of the blue sky, but it was too late.

The appearance of this cold air directly ice-sealed the surrounding area of ​​one thousand meters, and everything directly stopped within this range.

Even if it is as powerful as the lord of the blue sky, and can prevent himself from becoming an ice sculpture, there is no way to prevent his speed from declining.


The cyan radiance burst out from the body of the lord of the blue sky, letting his speed attenuation disappear.

He knew that under such an environment, if his speed was restricted, when Han Chen came to alert, it was probably his death date.

Although he looked down on Han Chen in his heart, he had to admit one thing, that is, Han Chen's current strength was enough to threaten the lives of most title-level powerhouses.

Just when the deceleration buff on his body disappeared, a chill appeared again.

"Who is it?"

Feeling the frost power on his body, the Lord of Blue Sky was full of anger.

After finally putting Han Chen together, he didn't expect to be conspired again.

An ethereal figure, wearing a snow-white sacrificial robe, appeared in the air.

When seeing this figure, the lord of the blue sky couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ice and Snow Goddess, how could you guess that I will appear here?"

His heart is full of coldness at the moment.

The ice goddess, this mad woman, in order to help the earth, gambled on everything she had, even the mad woman who destroyed the ice and snow mountain that she had painstakingly managed, appeared here at this moment.

The beautiful face of the ice goddess was cruelly happy: "Hahaha, the lord of the blue sky, this is a skill I created specifically to crack your speed, what do you think?"

"Specially to crack my speed?"

The Lord of Blue Sky was full of coldness, even with a hint of fear.

He has encountered countless methods of restraining speed in his life, but he has never felt fear, but the words of the goddess of ice and snow made him feel a trace of fear.

He didn't know where this fear came from, he only knew that he had to escape.

Cyan wings appeared behind him, he fanned his wings, and his speed suddenly increased.

It was just at this moment that a layer of frost suddenly appeared on his wings, causing his body to sink and fall directly to the ground.

"What is this again?" The Master of Blue Sky felt a little horrified.

He probably understood that this was not a means for speed, but a means for the Yu clan.

With the strength of the Ice Goddess, does she need an ordinary legendary level against the feather tribe? She simply used a method against herself!

"Ice and Snow Goddess, are you so confident in the earth?"

The lord of the blue sky put away his wings and shouted at the ice goddess, "You should understand that the earth has no future, even if the earth really defeats our coalition forces, what can we do? This style of behavior is destined to be destroyed. If you continue to be obsessed with enlightenment, destruction is your only ending."


The ice goddess laughed arrogantly, her noble and cold image was shattered in such laughter, "Destroy? Death? Ha ha, the lord of the blue sky, the lord of the blue sky, I have already destroyed my ice and snow mountain? If I don't care about my life anymore, what do you think is there that can make me scrupulous? I am in this realm of God, and I have nothing to miss."

The pupils of the Lord of Blue Sky shrank, and there was nothing left to miss?

He finally understood why the Ice and Snow Goddess wanted to destroy the Ice and Snow God Mountain. She was not loyal to the earth at all, because the best way to show loyalty was to take credit, not to destroy her own power and cut her arm.

She wants to make herself a careless person, so that she has no weaknesses.

A title level without any weakness, if it goes crazy, what kind of destructive power can it cause?

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