All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 892: The Fall of the Lord of Yellow Sands

Chapter 892: The Fall of the Lord of Yellow Sand

After hearing such news, Han Chen was also full of shock.

The news really caught him off guard.

He suddenly remembered the reminder from the Lord of Stars. Could it be that he had anticipated the current situation? No, if he had expected such a situation long ago, why didn't he stop the war directly?

Oh! He can't stop it.

The chaos of Tianzhuyuan was originally the general trend, and could not be reversed by the Lord of the Stars alone.

Even if the Lord of the Stars said this matter, no one would believe it.

They would only think that this was a lie made up by the Lord of the Stars to protect themselves.

Even Han Chen couldn't believe it after receiving such news.

"Remilia, the invasion of God's Domain does not cause disaster in an instant, I am now..."

Although the invasion of the abyss is important, for Han Chen, if the disaster of the destruction of the earth cannot be rid of, then what is the difference between the source of the destruction?

Moreover, the invasion of the abyss is a long-term process. The most important thing for him now is to improve his strength and the overall strength of the earth.

If the strength is not enough, any threat can destroy them.

Therefore, he explained his intentions to Remilia according to the original idea.

After listening to Han Chen’s words, Remilia said: "After the confirmation of the invasion of the abyss, I think we and the dark camp should also have a truce, and you can send your shadow clone over. In this case, even on the earth. If there is anything, it is not unprepared."

Since it is to ask others, it is the basic politeness for the deity to go there in person.

Especially in the face of such ancient races, even if they themselves don't care about understanding this kind of thing, you must maintain a basic respect for them.

But now that Remirina had proposed to let Han Chen's clone pass, it didn't matter if Han Chen used the shadow incarnation.

So Han Chen is not hypocritical: "Okay, I will let the clone pass right away."

The information of the soul suit is very important to him.

If he regards the soul suit as a battle against the abyss, and the abyss demon has mastered the means to deal with the soul suit, it would be embarrassing.

After dispatching the clone, Han Chen returned to the Lost City.

The Eye of Quicksand has been returned by him, but Zhang Qing is in a period of weakness because of the stolen power, and it takes seven days to recover.

After seeing Zhang Qing, Han Chen went to Li Long and Li Guangzheng again, and also called Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan looked at Han Chen's expression a little bit wrong: "Did something important happen again? Don't those top forces still give up? Want to send a large number of troops to die?"

For her, the ordinary army is dying in front of today's earth.

Han Chen smiled bitterly: "It's not to die, but I'm afraid I can't fight."

Li Guangzheng was startled: "What does this mean? Are they going to negotiate a peace?"

Han Chen shook his head: "It's not that they want to negotiate a peace, but something big may happen."

Just when he was about to tell the story of the invasion of the abyss, his God Domain watch suddenly came to communicate, not just him, but also Li Long, Li Guangzheng and Wu Yuan.

Everyone looked down, their faces were solemn.

This is the communication of Dianxingdian.

After clicking on the message, Li Guang's face changed: "Impossible, the invasion of God's Domain has happened. The first target of the invasion is the desert, and the Lord of the Yellow Sands has fallen."

The news from Dianxing Palace surprised everyone.

The news of the abyss invasion has been confirmed, and the action speed of the abyss demons exceeded everyone's expectations. They attacked the desert directly with lightning speed, and created the Lord of the Yellow Sands in a very short time. The fall.

Such news shocked the entire Tianzhuyuan, and of course, it shocked everyone present here.

They did not expect that the abyss invasion had just ended, after a large number of abyss demons fell on this piece of land, and a large number of abyss channels were destroyed, they even launched another attack.

Moreover, the Lord of Yellow Sand has fallen.

The Lord of the Yellow Sands is also considered the best in the title-level existence. In the last battle of the abyss invasion, he unexpectedly killed several name-level demons, and his Yellow Sand Shield is even more famous throughout. Tianzhuyuan, defense power is the strongest among the title level.

However, this kind of existence has fallen directly!

Such news simply gave Tian Zhuyuan a head start.

Li Guangzheng took a deep breath: "This time the Abyssal Invasion is definitely not trivial. They are definitely premeditated, otherwise it is impossible to be so aggressive. If we can't make a timely response, then the entire Tianzhuyuan may be affected. Facing the disaster of extinction."

Abyssal invasion is not uncommon, but successive invasions are very rare.

Not long after the last invasion of God’s Domain ended, the major forces of Tianzhuyuan began to compete for you and me, and caused several names and ranks to fall in this war.

Unexpectedly, the invasion of God's Domain will come again at this time.

However, Li Long sneered at Li Guangzheng: "Is your sense of responsibility too great? Our own crisis in China has not been resolved until now? When do we need to worry about the safety of Tianzhuyuan? "

Li Guangzheng was startled, then smiled bitterly: "I worry too much."

The main reason is that he has become accustomed to the thinking of uniting all forces that can be united when facing foreign enemies. For example, when facing the threat of foreign enemies, China must be united. When facing the invasion of God’s Domain, he also hopes that the whole The earth unites as one.

Now Tianzhuyuan is facing threats, and he habitually substitutes the earth into China.

As a member of Tianzhuyuan, the earth certainly has the obligation to face the common enemy of intelligent life.

Li Longdao: "I don't know how terrible the abyssal creatures are, but the most serious consequence they can cause is to lose their minds and turn into monsters without wisdom. But for me, if the Chinese civilization is not there So, does the remaining people still have wisdom, and what's the point?"

His idea is simple, only the earth where China is present is the earth, and only Tianzhuyuan where China is present is Tianzhuyuan.

If Huaxia’s civilization is not there, then even if the entire Tianzhu was destroyed, or even the entire God’s Domain, what does it have to do with him?

This idea coincides somewhat with Han Chen.

"I have the same idea."

Han Chen smiled and said, "I have never thought of being the savior of any mankind. I just want to protect my home. If my home is gone and civilization is gone, why should I be responsible?"

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