All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 903: Cage

Chapter 903 The Cage

The earth can be mad at will, but the angel race cannot.

It doesn't even matter if the Dianxing Temple is messing around with the earth, because even if the Dianxing Temple is destroyed, the people inside will be regarded as idle members and gradually accepted and absorbed by the major forces after they are resurrected.

But the angel race itself is a cohesive race group, if such a mess, it will become the public enemy of the entire God's Domain.

Not Tianzhuyuan, but God's Domain!

However, there is nothing wrong with Remilia alone.

"It is true that the angel tribe cannot fight against all the forces for the sake of the earth, but a Tianzhuyuan in a mere pal, dare not fight with the angel tribe for me alone."

Remilia said with strong self-confidence, "After all, we are the leaders of the bright camp. Without us, do they want to be infiltrated and beaten by the dark camp?"

This is the confidence of the angel family.

Perhaps the angel race is not yet able to contend the entire God Realm, but it is still okay not to put a Tianzhuyuan in his eyes.

The battle between the light camp and the dark camp has existed since ancient times. This is not only the hostility caused by the restraint of attributes, but also the competition for their own living environment.

Darkness does not mean that it must be evil and depravity, but the living environment and behavior of the dark camp make it impossible for most intelligent beings to bear it.

Han Chen said, "Thank you very much, then."

Every Legend-level existence is an indispensable combat power. As a genius of the Angel Race, and even a candidate for the future successor of the Angel Race, Remilia is already close to the title level.

As long as she is given enough time, there is basically no problem for her to become a title level.

However, just when Han Chen was preparing to take Remilia to return to Tianzhuyuan, the space was blocked in their field of vision.

"What's the matter? Is the space blocked?"

Han Chen was a little surprised. The place where he was now was the territory of the Angel Race. Someone even arranged a blockade in the space where he returned. This surprised him very much.

"Is this blockade against the Angel Race or Tianzhuyuan?"

Han Chen opened the eyes of the Night Demon and began to penetrate the space.

He has become a real title level, perfectly controlling the power of shadow and darkness, and now the Eye of the Night Demon has reached a very terrifying point under the blessing of the domain.

The space in front of him is no longer an ordinary space, but full of overlaps and lines. It is a completely three-dimensional structure, and he himself observes everything from a third perspective.

Remilia also noticed the abnormality, her eyes burst with a holy light, and she observed everything in front of her.

From the perspective of the two of them, Tian Zhuyuan not far away seemed to be blocked by a huge cage, and nothing could pass through this spatial cage.

"This is a big space blockade!"

Remilia was shocked by what she saw in front of her, "It turned out that such a large area of ​​space was sealed, and the entire Tianzhuyuan was sealed up. Who is it? Who did this kind of thing? What do you want to do?"

She was really shocked, the method of space blockade was actually not high-end.

In a slightly more important battle, using a space blockade to prevent the opponent from escaping with a teleport scroll is a basic operation, but the larger the space blockade, the higher the cost.

If the entire Tianzhuyuan was sealed off like this, she would have never imagined it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

Han Chen's expression was also full of gloom: "The foundation of this space blockade formation is 24 Tianzhu Mountain!"

If he hadn't seen this scene with his own eyes, he would not believe it.

24 Tianzhu Mountain, this is the symbol of Tianzhuyuan, and it is also the basis for dividing the forces of the 24 Tianzhu. What I did not expect is that the current 24 Tianzhu has actually become the foundation of a huge space blockade formation, and the entire Tianzhuyuan is It became a huge cage.

What Han Chen left Tianzhuyuan was just a clone, but it had no effect.

However, what he cares more about is the meaning behind this matter.

Remilia said solemnly: "Impossible, how could God's Domain allow such a thing to happen?"

She didn't ask anyone who could do such a thing, she just questioned why God's Domain allowed such a thing to happen.

The rules of God’s Domain are very powerful. Even if the existence of Legendary Level can destroy the rules initially, it is only the respect and privileges of God’s Domain for Legendary existences, but also to make it easier for Legendary existences to go further. It does not mean that Legendary existence is justified. Really can arbitrarily provoke the rules of God's Domain.

To directly block the Tianzhuyuan, where the new civilization is integrated into God's Domain, to do such a thing is to provoke the bottom line of God's Domain.

After Han Chen pondered for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "Perhaps God Realm wants to see all this happen?"

Remilia exclaimed: "How come?"

Han Chen said: "Past experience can help us avoid many detours, but when encountering extremely special situations, many past experiences can only become our constraints. The reason God's Domain maintains the rules is because such rules can encourage the strong. But if the birth of the strong requires another form of cradle, then God’s Domain can also change the rules."

The rules of God's Domain are not static, just like the constitution of a country will not always be implemented in accordance with the constitution when the country was founded.

The rules of God's Domain are to cultivate the strong, and all the rules serve this goal. If something changes, this goal will be shifted, or something that can further promote the completion of this goal occurs. Then things change is not impossible.

Remilia also realized the unusualness of this incident: "Zulongxing, the fact that two new civilizations entered the God’s Domain together was originally unusual, and the unique civilization of Zulongxing has a real Civilization, can it be said that..."

"There is no point in unwarranted guessing."

Han Chen shook his head and said, "Space blockade means the prohibition of teleportation. It is not forbidden to go back directly across a long distance. I am going back. Do you want to keep up?"

Remilia nodded firmly: "Of course, it would be a shame if I could not witness the changes in God's Domain with my own eyes."


Just when the two were about to return to Tianzhuyuan at this speed, a hazy and holy figure intercepted the two on their way home.

Behind her stretched 12 pure white wings, and the holy breath would almost illuminate and purify all darkness.

Even Han Chen felt that his shadow incarnation would almost be purified by the aura attached to this holy light.

Remilia's eyes were filled with excitement, and she bowed her head and said, "Welcome to the Holy Lord."

The 12-winged angel, the Holy Lord in Remilia's mouth, said to Han Chen: "Before you go back, get me something."

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