All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 915: Newcomer to Zulong

Han Chen had no choice but to accept Yue Sage’s concerns.

He has full confidence in himself. He believes that even if his clone becomes an independent individual, it will not harm his own body. This is because he has a deep understanding of his own character and character. There will be no worries in this regard.

But from the perspective of Yue Sage, knowing others and not knowing her heart, she would not pin her hopes on Han Chen's character and confidence.

Even if she believed in Han Chen, she believed in Han Chen's IQ and strength.

After all, in her long years, she has experienced and seen countless geniuses.

But the vast majority of geniuses can only obtain the name of a genius in their lifetime, and they have died on the way before they become strong.

There are many people who can create miracles in history, but miracles are still called miracles because most people who try to create miracles have become dead bones.

Even if he can keep his soul in the realm of God, but the increase in strength is just a delusion when his potential declines.

Therefore, Yue Sage is not willing to bear the consequences of the birth of Han Chen, a genius who may give birth to independent consciousness. If two Han Chen confront each other, no matter who wins or loses, it is the result that she does not want to see.

Tianzhuyuan has enough enemies, she is not willing to continue to increase.

So when helping Han Chen to make a growing avatar, Han Chen’s Night Demon clone could not even maintain a human form, as long as it met a master, it could not deceive.

This restriction made Han Chen even more upset.

But he knew that if he wanted to use this method to enter the Zulongxing survey, he could not do without the help of the Moon Sage at present. Only her research on natural magic and the exploration of the field of myth could meet his requirements.

"I'm here to investigate, I'm here to investigate." Han Chen could only comfort himself with these words.

At the same time, he also wondered if Yue Sage had encountered similar things before, or suffered a loss in this regard, so that she would be so cautious about this kind of thing. Otherwise, as a title-level existence, why should she be right? Is a 20-level clone so restricted?

After arriving at Zulongxing, Han Chen in the state of night demon came to a lair that could only accommodate level 25 monsters, and then walked out swaggeringly.

There were also some monsters who wanted to stop Han Chen, but Han Chen showed a little aura, and those bold monsters immediately knelt to the ground, looking trembling.

Han Chen didn't care about these monsters either, but left here directly.

The place he came was the eternal **** of Zulong star, a remote area.

In Zulongxing, the Eternal God Dynasty occupies the most expansive and fertile continent, has the most abundant capital, and the richest mineral resources, but it has always been at a disadvantage in the war with the glorious Holy See.

That is, with the barrier of the sea, the Eternal God Dynasty will not be defeated.

There is no way. The Eternal Gods retain "humanity", so something must be sacrificed. When it comes to the efficiency of the people's production and utilization of resources, they cannot keep up with the glorious Holy See.

Moreover, although the soldiers of Zulongxing absolutely obey the order, if they want to achieve death, they can still hold the weapons in their hands in the face of thousands of horses on the battlefield. It still needs a long period of training and training. The glorious Vatican is different. As long as the priest of the Glory Vatican passes by, even if it is a slave, he will desperately pick up the sword in his hand and burst out 120% of his power.

Therefore, even if the Eternal God Dynasty and the Star Federation combined, it is not enough for the glorious Holy See.

According to the information originally obtained, Han Chen walked out of the monster lair and then came to a village in the Eternal God Dynasty.

On earth, although monsters are completely suppressed, this does not mean that humans can run rampant in a corner of the world, even if you can deal with all monsters, but when you have to enter the realm of God, still Need to worry about the monster's sneak attack.

Therefore, the earth is still in the form of a gathering place.

But the eternal gods are different, they really don't worry about the monster's sneak attack.

As long as the creatures in the gods are slightly changed, they will usher in the encirclement and suppression of the army, and then incur a disaster. The people in these villages still maintain the original system, carrying out agricultural production and animal husbandry, but the objects of production and breeding have changed. Become a specialty of God's Domain.

Those creatures of God's Domain are not stupid either, knowing that as long as they don't move ordinary people, nothing will happen, so a weird peace is formed.

"This is joking about the lives of civilians!"

Han Chen could only shake his head and sigh, because not all creatures in God's Domain have IQs. Remedial work in the army can only help civilians get revenge, but there is no way to guarantee their lives.

However, the practice that is regarded as a waste of human life on earth is already accustomed to the eternal gods.

The difference in cultural differences makes them feel that this should be taken for granted.

After arriving at the periphery of the village, Han Chen's eyes were shocked tightly.

It is not the first time that he has obtained the intelligence of the Eternal Gods. He thinks that he has a deep understanding of them before coming over, but not everything can be described with words and images, and he can see it with his own eyes. His soul was still shocked by the sight of

A group of dirty people checked the herbs in the field face-free and put some ripe and harvestable herbs into the storage space.

Such behavior is rare and common on the earth, but in the eternal gods, it hits the soul directly.

What kind of scene is this!

These people who are planting are full of dust, and the clothes have not been washed for how long, unless it is a big gap, there is not even a patch, the face is full of mud, and whether it is clothes or mud, They are both new and old.

Where is this farmer, this is a beggar!

Even farmers will wash themselves, but depending on their appearance, washing and bathing is simply unnecessary.

[Any resources of Zulongxing are used under unified deployment. Taking into account people’s health, people of different levels can take a bath between 10 days and a month. However, after the arrival of God’s Domain, people find that they don’t Need to worry about parasites and bacteria, so all water resources are saved. 】

When he first saw this piece of information, Han Chen just felt that their control of resources was simply frantic, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he discovered what was hidden behind this piece of information.

This is not madness, this is simply inhumane!

This is just the beginning.

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