All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 931: Shokai vassal clothes

Chapter 931 The Chamber of Commerce Surrender


After the Lord of Tiangong revealed the nature of this scroll, the entire Chamber of Commerce headquarters became audible.

Mythical equipment design?

Does this kind of thing really exist?

A dwarf refiner shouted: "It's impossible. Even legendary equipment does not have a design drawing. Every legendary equipment needs to be comprehended and built by itself, at most it can follow the predecessors. It’s impossible to have a design drawing without taking some detours."

Everyone agreed, the legendary equipment had no design drawings, not to mention the mythical equipment.

However, the eyes of the mage who questioned the Lord of Heavenly Work flashed an excited look: "Really?"

Everyone looked at him with puzzled eyes, did he think that this kind of thing might really be impossible?

There is no design drawing for myth-level equipment!

Because myth-level equipment is unique and each piece is unique, the advent of a myth-level equipment means that it is impossible to produce exactly the same myth-level equipment.

Therefore, even if there is a complete forging process of myth level equipment, it is impossible to forge exactly the same myth level equipment.

This is similar to the legendary suit.

Therefore, if it is the forging process of myth-level equipment, there is still a certain degree of credibility.

But, the design drawing?

Are you kidding me?

Is this questioning their IQ and common sense?

The dwarf refiner shouted: "Are you crazy? You are also a refiner, and you should know that there is no such thing."

Although the others did not dare to speak, their eyes supported the dwarf refiner.

"The Lord of Heaven, it seems that you have been famous for too long, and you have lost yourself in too much praise. Now you have forgotten even this basic common sense."

The dwarf refiner still yelled reluctantly, "Even if you are handed over to you a myth-level equipment refining process, can you really repeat forging to create the same myth-level equipment? With this kind of blueprint, can you really refine it? Hahaha······"

The Lord of Heaven said coldly: "What if this piece of equipment has never been built?"


The dwarf refiner felt a little bad.

If you haven't built it?

Are you kidding me?

The Lord of Heaven: "Although the elves are not good at building equipment, the elves are the closest existence to the truth of magic. If they fully record their understanding of the rules and analyze the nature of the materials and refining spells, Then, when you hand it over to the refining device, use the refining method to forge the equipment, and you can create mythical equipment.

The dwarf refiner was already dumbfounded.

He didn't know if the words of the Lord of Heavenly Work were true or false, but seeing the seriousness of the Lord of Heaven just now, a strong anxiety emerged in his heart.

The old mage glanced at the dwarf refiner with pity in his eyes: "I know you are uncomfortable because you have been crushed by the Lord of Heaven, but this is not the reason for your self-confidence. The elves are the only ones who can Before refining the equipment, determine the race that can refine myth-level equipment."

The dwarf refiner was pale and sat on the ground.

The Lord of Heaven and the Old Master are the authority of the Chamber of Commerce Refining Equipment. If they agree together, there is nothing wrong with them.

The Moon Sage looked at the dwarf refiner with a smile: "If you are willing to show me your surrender, I can design a set of legendary suit blueprints for you. It's just an incomplete version, can you? It's up to you to create a legendary suit."


The dwarf refiner immediately knelt to the ground, "I am willing to surrender Lord Yue Sage."

Sage Yue looked at the old mage with a smile: "If your contribution is large enough, I can also give you the same reward."

The three most powerful refining masters in the Chamber of Commerce have all surrendered to the Moon Sage. Of course, it is fair employment in name, but there is a 1,000-year period. The reaction caused by this incident is a chain reaction.

The three refining masters followed countless refining apprentices, and formed a huge group based on them, plus some people who could only follow the trend, and soon gathered more than 40% of the chamber of commerce.

In order to be able to please Yue Sage, the three major refining masters have spared no effort to use their influence, and even made countless future promises, and continue to win over the remaining members of the Chamber of Commerce.

The remaining senior executives of the Chamber of Commerce looked at each other, and their eyes revealed bitterness.

More than 40% of the Chamber of Commerce's power has been hollowed out. In addition to the three refiners and their own team, they can also use future benefits as promises to win over at least 20% of the people.

If it continues to operate, most of the power of the Chamber of Commerce will be "hired" by them.

At this difficult moment of the abyss invasion, if the Chamber of Commerce has become a mess of sand in this way, what ability does it have to maintain its neutral position?

The weak are not eligible for neutrality.

Yue Sage continued: "I originally didn't want to interfere with the major forces of Tianzhuyuan, but the scale of this abyssal invasion is extraordinary, and it has cut off our way of seeking help from the outside world, and everything can only be done by ourselves. If we can’t unite, it’s only a matter of time before we are defeated."

A senior member of the Chamber of Commerce was a little skeptical: "But, why should the Moon Sage choose Star Palace?"

Yue Sage looked like a matter of course: "If other forces can be twisted into a rope, I can also choose them. After all, they have more legions, but since they can't do it, I can only choose the most powerful one in Tianzhuyuan. One side has the power, and now only Dianxing Temple has the ability to solve the crisis."

The executives of the Chamber of Commerce bowed their heads in shame.

They had already given up the Dianxing Temple, but they didn't expect that the situation of Tianzhuyuan would undergo such a dramatic change in an instant.

For them, it was like the biggest slap in the face.

Yue sage said: "Tianzhu originally needed to be a unified whole to have the power to fight the abyss. After I and Dianxing Palace joined forces, all forces that are unwilling to surrender will be squeezed out by us on the edge. , The next step is to see how you deal with the abyss demon."

Her words are simply a blatant threat.

The invasion of abyssal demons, including the process of transforming intelligent life into abyssal creatures, is a subtle process that takes a long time.

Therefore, when the abyss invades, it is absolutely impossible to directly gnaw the hardest bones, otherwise, if their teeth are broken, they will have no chance to eat the next meat.

Under such circumstances, the entire Chamber of Commerce has no choice but to surrender.

"When we fight back the abyss, we will withdraw." This is the thinking of most of their senior leaders.

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