All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 935: Believe in me

The Ice and Snow Goddess saw Han Chen stop, but she didn't urge too much.

She is a very patient person, but she is also an impatient person.

She can endure countless years and hide her strength for tens of thousands of years, just to wait for a chance for revenge.

But she also doesn't like forbearance, because in these times, she is suffering all the time.

However, if it was for Han Chen, she could also waste some time.

The group of abyssal creatures exuding a nasty aura is about to catch up with the group of unequipped people, and then enjoy a good meal.

After all, it was just resurrected, and it was normal that all the equipment on his body was lost.

Without equipment, the overall strength of a human being will drop by a level.

But at this moment, a team of 19 people suddenly rushed to the side. This team was well-equipped, and everyone was wearing a full set of red equipment.

But this is not a reason to attract Han Chen's attention.

What can stop Han Chen from is the God Domain watch on the left hand of these people.

Wearing a Gods Domain watch on the left hand, this is the symbol of the people on earth, and looking at them, it should be Huaxia people in all likelihood.

This makes Han Chen feel a little strange, why did Huaxia people appear in the area captured by the devil?

"Haha, today is another bumper harvest."

"Brothers hurry up and don't waste time."

These Chinese people with the appearance of God's Domain on their hands moved quickly for 10 minutes. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, it only took less than 20 seconds to chase and kill the demons who were not equipped with God's Domain. All were cleaned up.

After the battle, they quickly put away the fallen items and equipment and cleaned the battlefield.

The people who were hunted down watched this scene dumbfounded, and for a while there was no time to react to what was going on, but when the eyes of the Chinese people were projected on them, their bodies were agitated.

"Thank you for saving lives." Although God's Domain rarely rescues strangers, they still reacted quickly and began to thank you.

After all, they are not sure whether these saviors will suddenly turn their faces and attack them suddenly.

The captain of this Huaxia team came to these rescued people: "It should be very hard for you to escape the chasing and killing of abyssal creatures here!"

A warrior with no equipment on his body and only an animal skin without any defensive power cried: "Yes! We failed in the war. We will face the chase of the abyssal creatures just after our resurrection, and I don’t know how. Thing, is the abyss invading again?"

Information on the earth is shared globally, and so is the Dianxing Temple.

But for ordinary people in God's Domain, from their perspective, if they lose their superiors and lose allegiance, how can they know what has changed in the outside world?

And Han Chen also watched this scene with interest. He felt that what happened before him seemed a bit beyond his expectations.

The goddess of ice and snow is also very interesting in her beautiful eyes.

A red-equipped Captain Huaxia said: "The snowy field has been destroyed, and this place has been occupied by God's Domain. If you don't want to become a beast that loses your mind, you can only travel a long distance to the direction of Dianxing Temple. Pure land is left."

The expressions of these newly rescued God's Domain people changed drastically, and the snowfield actually fell?

It was like the sky was falling for them, leaving them at a loss.

Although they have the intention to refute, the creatures in the abyss just now are the best evidence, leaving them no room for refutation and reminding them to respect this fact.

And to verify whether what they are saying is a lie, there are many methods in God's Domain, whether it is a truth crystal or a contract, it can be verified.

So there are not many lies in God's Domain.

The leader of the rescued Gods Domain squad smiled bitterly: "You see, we don’t even have equipment. Even if we go to a low-level field to play a few low-level equipment, it will not help us too much. How can we? Go to Dianxing Temple? Enemies on this road can solve us."

The captain of the Huaxia team showed a devilish smile: "Do you want to go? I can help you!"

The leader of the Snowfield team couldn't help but shivered: "What do we need to do? Wait a minute, first of all you must be able to prove that what you are saying is the truth."

The leader of the Huaxia team said: "Of course there is no problem. When we sign the contract, we will prove it to you in detail. Soon you will understand whether what we are saying is true or not, and the price you have to pay. Well······"

Next, under the gaze of the squad of people from God's Domain, he slowly said: "Tell us all the locations of the buried treasures you know, whether they can be determined or not, everything is required. There can be no omissions."

Han Chen, who was observing in secret, trembled a little.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

Then the two sides had a bargaining for a while. After 5 minutes, Huaxia’s team signed a contract with the team composed of God’s Domain people. Finally, the Huaxia Team used the teleportation scroll to take the God’s Domain people to the Dianxing Temple, and handed it over to themselves responsible for "acceptance." The teammates of the team were trained.

Just as the team was content to prepare for the next action, suddenly a black figure appeared in front of them.


The members of the squad immediately launched their vigilance, but when their God's Domain watch received a level of 77-level realm news, they instantly gave up all resistance.

Then their eyes fell on the God Domain watch in Han Chen's left hand, and then they thought of something, their eyes were full of excitement.

"It's Han Chen," the captain shouted excitedly.

"Big Brother Han's deity! Big Brother quickly give me an autograph." A female player approached Han Chen pretending to be a gold star, and then handed over the equipment in her hand, ready to let Han Chen directly put on her equipment signature.

"Big Brother Han actually appeared here?"

"We are not dreaming!"

Han Chen has become everyone’s idol. After recognizing his identity, everyone of course relaxed all their vigilance, and the ice goddess on the side looked at this small scene and suddenly felt something in her heart... ···envy.

In the eyes of those people, she saw respect and admiration, as well as awe, but there was no such humbleness of the inferior to the master or the weak to the strong.

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