All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 940: Assassination begins

The 940th chapter assassination begins

"What's wrong? Is there a trap?"

The Ice and Snow Goddess knew that Han Chen would never stop herself for no reason. Since he wanted to stop himself from doing it, there must be a special reason.

But, how she looked at it, she didn't see any traps!

Han Chen's expression was a bit solemn: "Do you remember what I mentioned to you last time, did Yue Sage want to destroy Tianzhu Mountain? This is Tianzhuyuan's last resort."

The ice goddess nodded: "Yes, as long as Tianzhu Mountain is destroyed, or even as long as the number of damages is large enough, external reinforcements will come immediately, so no matter how high the abyss invasion is, it cannot be. Opponents of all forces."

Because of this, she didn't feel surprised that the Abyss Sword Demon was protecting Tianzhu Mountain.

"This is what makes me strange. Why would Abyss dispatch an existence that has reached the title level to protect such a Tianzhu Mountain that is almost indestructible?"

Han Chen asked, "Could it be that the title level of the abyss side has already reached the point where the title level can be left idle and idle?"

Why in ancient wars, all generals with a little common sense knew the importance of grain and grass, but grain and grass were often hijacked or burned.

It's not that they refuse to take more defensive measures, but that they can't.

Because the more troops used for defense and the more troops used for escort, the fewer the main battle force.

And in the process of delivering food, there is also consumption.

This is why, the tactic of stealing a home has been able to succeed repeatedly.

If you have too much defense against your home, then you will have fewer troops out to fight. If things go on like this, you will eventually run out of resources and perish.

"Tianzhu Mountain was originally an indestructible thing. Even if you consider that Tianzhuyuan will send a large number of troops or a peerless power to destroy Tianzhu Mountain, it will take a certain amount of time, so a more reasonable approach should be Keep a small number of people on guard, wait until the enemy comes, and then dispatch troops, because they have plenty of time to prepare."

Han Chen continued, "But they are sending the title-level demon here now, they are telling you clearly, come and assassinate me!"

The Ice and Snow Goddess is not stupid either, she quickly understood what Han Chen meant: "You mean, there is probably a trap here?"

Han Chen nodded: "Yes, although I don't know what the trap prepared by the other party is, but the trap that can use the title and existence as the bait, the prey they want to catch must be larger than this bait."

The ice goddess smiled and said: "Why don't you suspect that I was deliberate?"

Without Han Chen's discovery, they have a certain possibility of directly falling into the trap, so the ice goddess has the possibility of rebellion.

Han Chen said: "Even if you are on the enemy's side, then you cannot break out at this time, because the benefits you can reap are far less than the help to me."

The Ice Goddess helped Han Chen destroy the Temple of Mist and kill the Lord of the Blue Sky. This has been a great help to Han Chen, and the greater help is to change the influence of the original situation in Tianzhu.

If it hadn't been for the action of the Ice Goddess, Tianzhuyuan might have formed a true alliance under the joint hands of the Lord of Blue Sky and the Lord of the Sky.

That kind of situation would hurt Han Chen even more.

So no matter what the Ice and Snow Goddess would do, she couldn't break out at this time.

The ice goddess said: "You are right, but do you want to give up this assassination? Or are you going to take a risk?"

"Of course it's a risk."

Han Chen said without hesitation, "Destroying Tianzhu Mountain is an imperative thing. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must go up. Instead of waiting until the future when we act with Yue Sage, we will be wiped out. Why not try it now."

Being able to use title and existence as bait, then the existence behind the abyss, the object he wants to catch, must be a prey bigger than the title-level existence.

For example, Moon Sage.

The ice goddess smiled and said, "That's good."

After finishing talking, she rushed out without hesitation.

It's not that she doesn't understand those corners, nor is she bad at those conspiracies, after all, after living for so many years, she has accumulated rich experience.

However, she didn't like it.

After she destroyed her ice and snow mountain, she was determined to act rashly, regardless of future changes, regardless of the pros and cons of the overall situation, and everything for herself.

If Han Chen decides to give up the assassination, then she will give up too.

Being reckless does not mean doing something meaningless. On the contrary, the purpose of her recklessness is to do meaningful things.

However, since Han Chen decided to do it, she didn't have to think so much.

Let Han Chen consider all those conspiracies and twists and turns! She didn't want to think about these things she didn't like anymore.

Han Chen was speechless when he saw the ice and snow goddess rushing out regardless.

Although he knew that the Ice and Snow Goddess had changed a lot during this time, such a big change still made him feel incredible.

However, since the Ice and Snow Goddess had already shot, he couldn't do nothing.


A strong sword aura burst into the Abyss Sword Demon's eyes, and with a wave of his arm, two sharp sword auras slashed towards the white figure that suddenly appeared.

When letting him see the people who came, he was also cold in his heart: "Ice and Snow Goddess, why are you here? Shouldn't you be dealing with Tianzhuyuan? That is the ridiculous Wisdom Life Alliance again?"

Regarding the Smart Life Alliance, the abyss is of course very clear.

After all, under the banner of protecting their sense of freedom, they called on all lives to unite and fight against the existence of the abyss. Of course, the abyss must understand them.

However, what he didn't expect was that a few days ago, it was reported that he wanted to assassinate a certain legendary ice goddess in the domain of storm, and now he was going to assassinate him in turn!

Is this crazy woman going to provoke people on both sides together?

However, he also understood that he was not an opponent of the Goddess of Ice and Snow, so he greeted the men nearby: "Come with me, don't be timid, otherwise, you won't even have a chance to resurrect."

Because his whereabouts were fixed, he certainly had to consider the possibility of being assassinated, so he also arranged a lot of men to protect himself nearby.

Originally, he had full confidence in his own strength, but what he didn't expect was that he actually came in handy now.

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