All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 942: New insights

Chapter 942: New Insights

When the ice goddess finished speaking, a faint fear suddenly appeared in the heart of the abyss sword demon.

He also knew this trick to stack spells.

For example, if two fireballs are stacked on top of each other, plus some special changes, it can become a brand new spell, but this trick is usually used for spell research.

For example, Wu Yuan once cast [Lava Python], which is a combination of Fire Snake Dance and Rock Control, but the cost of stacking the two spells on top of each other is definitely more than the [Lava Python] spell. Exercising its own consumption.

Because when someone created the spell of Lava Python, the unnecessary spell structure was completely eliminated.

So this trick is generally used to create new spells, use different levels of spells to fuse high-level spells, and then optimize the structure, which forms a brand new spell.

Spell stacking may not be of little use to those who lack skills, but for the upper class, it can really only be used for research.

However, 1,000 times the freezing technique!

What is this concept?

Even the most common ice-sealing technique, the real damage to people is only 10 points, after multiplying by one thousand, all enemies can be killed in seconds.

What's more, when spells are stacked, some special changes often occur.

"No, it's impossible."

Seeing the cold air in the hands of the Ice Goddess, the Abyssal Sword Demon couldn't help but wave a long blade air, trying to disperse the mist.

He didn't know whether the words of the goddess of ice and snow were true or false, but the strong threat that was conveyed from the cold air was so real.

But his sword energy just passed half the distance, and suddenly disappeared.

Then, the cold broke out.

"This is the first time I have used the 1,000-fold freeze technique!"

The voice of the goddess of ice and snow was like the sound of heaven, in the ears of these abyss demons, it seemed to be colder than any Jiuyou Hanbing.

The cold air spread silently, freezing everything around.

"not good!"

An abyss demon mage holding a wand, stretched out the wand and pointed forward. A black magic circle appeared under his feet, and a dark scene appeared where the wand in his hand pointed.

Endless darkness appeared from his side, protecting him and the legendary existences such as the Abyss Sword Demon under the black curtain.

The continuous spread of Frozen Technique froze everything.

The Abyss Legion all became silent, and the Legion of tens of thousands lost all their voices.

Between heaven and earth, everything is quiet.

"It's a pity, I still can't control it well."

The voice of the ice goddess carried some complaints, "The original ice-bound power should erupt from the enemy's side, so that it can cause enough damage to the monomer and at the same time kill the collective. It is a pity that the ice-bound power is too powerful. Many, I can’t control it.”

1000 times the ice seal technique, this is an attempt that only lunatics will do.

As her voice fell, the frozen world seemed to have a wave of ripples, which was broken by her voice, and then the whole world began to crack.

Those Abyssal Legions that were frozen, turned into powder in this way.

But the fly in the ointment was that the black curtain was lifted, and the Abyssal Sword Demon and the legendary demons around him appeared in front of the Ice Goddess intact.

After all, the location of the explosion of Frozen Technique was still far away from them.

But even so, the abyss demon mage used up all his power.

The Abyss Sword Demon Jiejie smiled and said: "I really didn't expect that Tianzhuyuan would have so many strong people, or do Tianzhuyuan's strong people like to hide their strength? But the one just now, should be. The harm to yourself is not small, right!"

It did not immediately attack the Ice Goddess, not because he wanted to use nonsense to miss this opportunity, but because he did not dare to approach the Ice Goddess.

Although the effect of the Frozen Technique has passed, the impact is still there.

As if you can really hurt yourself with a sword, spells can also hurt the caster. The core of the explosion of Frozen Spell just now is the location of the Ice Goddess.

Although the Mage of the Ice and Snow System is very powerful against the power of the ice, but this power also has certain limits.

In the attack just now, even the Frozen Goddess was hurt to a certain extent.

The reason why the Abyssal Sword Demon didn't take advantage of this good opportunity to attack was because the Ice and Snow Goddess also anticipated one of these situations and prepared for herself.

The substantive cold air lingers around the ice goddess, protecting her safety.

Anyone who wants to get close to these chills will be hurt by ice and snow, plus the slowing effect.

These effects are not fatal or irresistible to the Abyssal Sword Demon. It can completely break through the past, and then use a slightly weaker state to cause damage to the Ice Goddess.

However, the ice goddess surpassed the existence of the title level.

If it wasn't for the Frost Goddess to have such a powerful force relying on divine tools, then this Abyssal Sword Demon was ready to escape the first time the Frost Goddess appeared.

After all, to fight against such an existence, no matter how much sacrifice you make, the opponent is invincible.

Now the situation of the two of them is in a stalemate. Taking advantage of the time of protection from the cold, the ice goddess is recovering her body as quickly as possible to relieve the influence of the ice.

But the Abyssal Sword Demon is waiting for more reinforcements to arrive.

He knew that even if he had sacrificed a huge sacrifice and defeated the Goddess of Ice and Snow, it was almost impossible to leave such a powerful existence.

So he had already started asking for help, asking for help from his superiors.

He believed that the above would never let go of such an opportunity to kill the ice goddess.

When the ice goddess was fighting, Han Chen watched the whole process.

Han Chen was shocked when he saw the one thousand times ice sealing technique of the Goddess of Ice and Snow.

If it weren't for even the Ice Goddess herself could not completely control the 1000 times the power of the Frozen Art, then the battle would have come to an end in one move.

He didn't know how the Ice and Snow Goddess did this kind of thing, but he didn't need to know either.

Because he is an assassin, not a mage.

However, when the Ice and Snow Goddess developed the prototype of such a move, Han Chen suddenly had a new idea for the improvement of his own strength.

He thought of a basic skill [Stacking Stars] of the Night Demon Sword.

This was the first skill that Han Chen awakened when the Night Demon Sword broke through the seal. Han Chen always regarded [Stacking Stars] as a skill that sealed him the strongest, and then released it.

But just now, he had a new understanding of this trick.

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