All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 944: Successful assassination

"[Dedicated Strike]."

The sword of the night demon pierced into the back of the abyss sword demon, and then the black runes bloomed.

The Abyssal Sword Demon felt horrified. When Han Chen's sword of the Night Demon hit his back, he finally saw where Han Chen was hiding.

All his previous phantoms were fake, and his real body was hidden in his shadow.

He couldn't imagine that the other party had such a method, because this was his domain!

In his domain, it doesn't matter if he approached him silently until he was found within 50 meters, he could still use the ability hidden in the shadow in his domain, and he could not find it. Such methods are beyond his understanding.

He asked himself to be knowledgeable, but he had never seen such an ability.

When the Night Demon Sword bloomed, he suddenly felt a powerful penetrating power.

In the battle at the legendary level, almost every serious attack directly forced the upper limit, but the fierceness of this move exceeded his expectations.

Before reaching the upper limit of a person's defense, the damage is proportional. Sometimes 3000 points of damage can only hit 1500 points, weakening by 50%.

But if the damage line has been reached, the excess part is all real damage.

Maybe you can weaken all of them by 50% within 3000 points, but you can't weaken the parts beyond.

The sacrificial blow was originally a trick that relied on hitting damage that exceeded the limit and then caused real damage. Under the action of [Stacked Stars], the power of this trick was developed to the extreme.

If the original surrendered blow, part of the damage was offset by the defensive power of the Abyss Demon, then the second surrendered blow, all the power was transformed into real damage.


The Abyss Sword Demon's eyes were full of disbelief. He couldn't believe that he would die in this way, and he couldn't believe that an existence that hadn't surpassed the title level could actually cause such damage.

But reality will not change because of his disbelief.

A chain of black runes wrapped around his body, and then began to erupt.

He wanted to resist, he wanted to activate a semi-passive skill in his body to restore his vitality, but found that all his skills were already unusable, and he felt a moment of weakness from the heart.


The Withering Curse was activated, erasing the last vitality of the Abyssal Sword Demon.


Before the other abyssal demons had time to react, Han Chen used Gathering to slightly increase his income.

Then he put the two gleaming items that had fallen from the Abyss Sword Demon into his storage space without even looking.

"not good!"

The eyes of the remaining legendary demons showed horror.

Before appearing silently behind them, this kind of concealment ability is beyond their understanding, but what he didn't expect is that he could kill the Abyssal Sword Demon directly and kill a title within one move. The existence of grade, so that he has no power to resist.

The little demon who used his body to resist Han Chen's phantom had a look of humiliation in his eyes, and felt that his behavior seemed stupid.

What he desperately wanted to stop was not even counted as the opponent's clone.

What it intercepted was not the Seven Ghosts of the Shadows used by Han Chen's deity, but the Seven Shadows of the Shadows of Han Chen.

As a clone of supernatural powers, Han Chen's shadow clone possesses the ability to use most of his own skills.

It is precisely because of this that it has caused the illusion that Han Chen will use the Seven Shadows of Shadows twice, completely ignoring the skill cooling problem.

"He should be weak now, kill him quickly."

The Abyssal Mage, who used a dark curtain to protect everyone, reminded in an anxious tone, "He may have used a sacrifice just now, and his current power is only one-tenth of the peak."

He didn't understand what methods the assassin used, but he understood one thing, that is, if the assassin really has the ability to kill title-level demons under normal circumstances, then he doesn't need to hide his traces at all, as long as he is in the ice goddess Just rush over under the cover of.

With the strength of the Ice Goddess, is it not easy to send an assassin to them?

Therefore, no matter how this assassin can achieve a spike, his assassination just now will certainly not pay the slightest price.

This is also their best chance to kill the assassin.

The dwarf demon and a tall demon with 8 fingers in both hands like a sickle shot at the same time, besieging Han Chen from two different directions.

They also have an understanding of the skills on the side of God's Domain, and of course they also understand the basic skill of sacrificing one's life with a great reputation.

It would be too much to be able to kill the title level without sacrificing one's life.

Therefore, Han Chen is now in a period of weakness.

However, just when their attack was about to touch Han Chen's clothes corner, Han Chen's body suddenly disappeared in place, causing the two to almost collide.

In the next instant, Han Chen's figure appeared at a distance of 200 meters from the original place. In that position, Han Chen's left hand was holding a red dagger.

This dagger was engraved with some silver runes. With the appearance of Han Chen's figure, these silver runes gradually disappeared, obviously running out of power.

"Dark field, set your own rules."

A look of despair appeared in the eyes of the abyss demon mage. This was originally the domain of the abyss sword demon, but after the abyss of the sword demon fell, it became Han Chen's domain.

Originally it shouldn't be able to transmit here, but Han Chen has the ability to transmit, because he has taken over the rules of this area.

What made him even more unexpected was that, in addition to the power of the shadow, Han Chen turned out to be the darkness of the realm.

There are two powers in a field, even if they are two similar powers, it is very incredible.

He didn't expect that Han Chen would still have such power after using his life.

"Delivering a blow to cooperate with stealing, this trick is really not used for a long time."

Han Chen still has the remaining power to support the dark and shadow areas because he used [Steal] to steal the remaining defensive power in his body when killing the Abyssal Sword Demon.

Relying on the power he had just stolen, he supported the domain and activated the [Teleport] technique that he had prepared long ago.

After leaving the battlefield, Han Chen did not stop for a moment, but continued to launch the [Teleport] technique farther away to completely leave the range of the Abyss Legion.

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