All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 962: The true goal of the abyss

There are many unexpected factors in this miraculous victory, but no matter how many unexpected factors there are, there is no way to change a fact.

The performance of the Abyss Demon was too wasteful.

In fact, it can mobilize 6 title-level existences to encircle the Ice Goddess and Han Chen, plus hundreds of thousands of elite Abyssal Legions, and more than 20 ordinary Legendary-level existences. Such a lineup cannot be linked to the weak in any way. Already worthy of two people.

Judging from the results, they are too wasteful.

The legendary demon fell in half, and none of the title-level existences can go back alive, even if there are coincidence factors, and Han Chen’s accidental breakthrough, but anyway, if it’s because of this kind of thing Failure, the abyss is too useless.

The Master of Stars said: "Before the last invasion of the abyss was about to end, it was the Lord of the Yellow Sands that showed the strength of the title-level peak, and designed to kill a title-level demon, which eventually triggered a chain reaction. It feels too strange, but now it seems that there are some problems."

Yue Sage nodded: "Regardless of whether these two abyssal invasions are combined, it cannot prove that the abyssal invasion of Tianzhuyuan's investment is extraordinary. If you just want to hit us by surprise, then there is no need at all. Sacrificing so many legends, demons, and the Abyss Legion, this sacrifice is too big compared to the entire strategy, and there is no need at all."

The sudden appearance of this abyss invasion really caught Tian Zhuyuan by surprise.

But even so, the loss of Tianzhuyuan is the existence of two title ranks, plus a dozen ordinary legendary ranks, strong or weak.

But the last time the Abyss Invasion ended, the title level existence that died in the hands of the Moon Sage alone was already as high as 4. As a result, the investment and the result were not proportional.

The same is true even when calculating the impact of Han Chen during this period.

What's more, the construction of the abyss channel itself also requires costs, whether it is destroyed or constructed, it is a great burden for the abyss.

The Lord of the Stars said: "Perhaps we are thinking about one thing wrong, maybe the abyss has been plotting one thing, for this thing, they are willing to pay countless prices, even if the title level exists, and the thing itself, Maybe it exceeds the value of Tianzhuyuan as a whole."

If only thinking from the matter of the abyss invasion of Tianzhuyuan itself, then even if the abyss invasion is successful, the entire Tianzhuyuan will be turned into scorched earth, but the loss of the abyss is also huge.

When the abyss transforms abyss creatures and abyss demons, it takes a long time to get rewards.

If too much force is lost here, even if the future returns can be greater than the present, it will be a loss-making business for them now.

And the impact is not just a loss.

The abyss can invade the realm of God, and the realm of God can also invade the abyss.

If the abyss loses too much power here, then the various forces in God's Domain will not let go of this opportunity to invade the abyss, and then use this opportunity to weaken their old opponent.

Considering this factor, then the behavior of the abyss is even more puzzling.

Is it really worth the sacrifice?

Yuexian also felt that this matter was a bit strange: "But for them, what is something bigger than interest, or what kind of interest is there, and it seems that they have invested so much sacrifice, but it is basically If there is no return, should we continue to invest?"

The Lord of the Stars said: "In any case, we can't let go of this opportunity, because no matter what their scheme is, we can't let go of this opportunity to weaken the enemy."

Now that the high-levels of the abyss have just suffered heavy losses, it is their chance to fight back.

No matter what your purpose is, as long as you are weakened to a certain extent, there is still room for us to fight back.

Weakening opponents and strengthening ourselves in war have always been the most effective strategic means.

Yue sage said: "Then prepare to send troops! At the same time, you must be prepared to guard against the deep sea, because if the abyss invasion ends in this way, it may be a disaster for us, but you will definitely be in disaster. Before, we solved this opponent."

The abyss invasion is over, which means that the barrier of Tianzhuyuan is broken.

In this case, forces outside of Tianzhuyuan will take advantage of the vacancy, and the current Dianxing Temple does not have the ability to deal with external crises.

Therefore, before the arrival of the enemies from the outside world, the Dianxing Temple will first solve the deep sea and those enemies behind the deep sea.

The Lord of the Stars said: "It seems that Han Chen has given enough credit for this war, and asked Yue Sage to destroy Tianzhu Mountain at a slower speed."

Sage Yue nodded: "I understand that it takes time to destroy Tianzhu Mountain, and I also need to rest."

Although she didn't like politics, holding such a good card given to her by the Elves, it was a little cheaper for nothing, but it didn't mean that she really didn't understand people's hearts.

She just didn't want to understand.

Since Deep Sea's performance is unsatisfactory, don't blame her for inaction.

As long as she slows down the speed of destroying Tianzhu Mountain, it will be a disaster for the deep sea and a good news for the earth.

The Lord of the Stars said: "I just don't know that Han Chen is going to Zulongxing's clone, it's not good!"

The complexion of the Lord of the Stars suddenly changed.

Yue Sage asked in doubt: "Did you think of something?"

The Lord of the Stars also showed a solemn expression: "Don't you suspect that the Abyss Demon will build one of the channels in the real world? That's why Han Chen was allowed to use his clone to investigate?"

Sage Yue nodded: "There is indeed a guess."

The Lord of the Stars said earnestly: "Because we are in the Tianzhuyuan, so we consider all issues with Tianzhuyuan as the center, and subconsciously believe that the abyss demon builds the abyss channel in reality for the purpose of concealment. Everything is to prepare for the attack on Tianzhu Garden."


Yuexian couldn't help but took a breath, "You mean, maybe everything we see is true, but the guess is the opposite?"

When she was okay, she was indeed centered on Tianzhuyuan, just as Han Chen would always focus on the earth or Huaxia when thinking about problems. This is an inevitable problem.

But if you jump out of this circle, many things will be solved.

The Master of Stars said: "Yes, Han Chen's guess is that the real channel is preparing for the invasion of God's Domain, but what if the goal of the Abyss Demon at the beginning is reality?"

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