All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 976: Starfield

"The deep sea suit has a great advantage, that is, when attacking, the distance will lose meaning, but sometimes the advantages can also become weaknesses."

The Lord of the Stars explained it calmly, and didn't know who the explanation was for.

"So the way to crack this trick is actually very simple, that is, don't be afraid, as long as you take a step forward in the direction of the attack, you can crack it."

Looking at the Lord of Stars who was holding the barrel of the trident, the Lord of the Deep Sea shouted in panic: "You, you actually took advantage of the characteristics of the Deep Sea Suit to narrow the distance."

Even if he has rich combat experience, this way of fighting is beyond his common sense.

The attack must hit, which looks like a very handsome skill.

However, sometimes the strengths can turn into weaknesses.

In front of the lord of stars who had already knocked on the door of the myth level, the so-called attack must hit, in fact, it directly processed and compressed the entire area.

No matter how amazing and shocking the magic, after being uncovered, the original fun will be lost.

The ancillary skills of the deep sea suit became pale after being exposed by the Lord of Stars.

Seeing the Lord of the Stars approaching the Lord of the Deep Sea, the Lord of Blood Desert and the Lord of the Sky couldn't help backing a few steps, and a panic expression appeared on their faces.

The reason they dare to face the Lord of the Stars is because of the power of the Deep Sea Suit.

They believed that even if they knocked on the door of the myth realm, the Lord of the Stars would not be the opponent of the Lord of the Deep in the Deep Sea Suit.

Because the power of the deep sea suit and the power of the legion are complementary.

With their help, the power of the deep sea suit can be maximized.

However, even though it was only a trick to dodge, the image of Deep Sea Suit Invincible has already appeared indelible, and the image in people's hearts has become less mysterious and powerful.

"Unexpectedly, dare to get close to me?"

The eyes of the lord of the deep sea showed humiliation and coldness. The last lord of the deep sea, after wearing the deep sea suit, can easily defeat the enemy, and then use a high attitude to spare the enemy’s life and increase his prestige. To the supremacy.

But changing to him made the deep sea suit have an indelible stain.

Even if he really wins this battle, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Moreover, the deterrent power of the deep sea suit against Tianzhuyuan will drop to a lot.

Fortunately, there are certain weaknesses in the means of cracking. Fortunately, the Lord of the Stars is a mage, a mage who is not good at close combat, so he has a chance to wash his shame!


The Lord of the Deep Sea raised the shield in his left hand and smashed it towards the Lord of Stars.

"[Shield Strike]!"

Shield strike is a very common skill of shield fighters, which can have a stun effect when it causes a certain amount of damage to the enemy.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the onlookers showed unbearable or sarcasm.

No matter when a mage is approached by a soldier, there is usually no end to it.

Unless the gap between the two sides has reached the point where the distance can be ignored, otherwise, when the distance between the two sides disappears, it is time for the life of the wizard to end.

Although the lecturer generally has a lot of countermeasures, no matter how many countermeasures there are, they will not have much effect on people of the same status.

The Lord of the Deep Sea exists as a title level, he has experienced countless battles in his life, and has accumulated enough experience in countering spells.

What's more, he has a deep sea suit on his body.

"The deep sea suit also has a very powerful effect, that is, it absorbs power in advance, and then uses equal consumption to offset the enemy's spell attacks. No matter what means you use later, in front of the deep sea suit, it is all useless. ."

The Lord of the Deep Sea was very confident in his move, but the shield in his hand did not fall.

An illusory silver figure, I don’t know when it has already appeared behind the Lord of the Deep. He holds a chain of intertwined stars in his hand, shining with silver light, wrapped around the left arm of the Lord of the Deep To stop his attack.

"[Blood Shadow Strike]!"

The Lord of Blood Desert suddenly drew his sword, and a sword assassinated this illusory figure.

He has never seen this skill, but he understands that for an existence like the Lord of the Stars, he is probably no longer satisfied with the ultimate power of the skill, but has created his own skill.

Since this illusory figure can prevent the attack, he will destroy this figure.

He doesn't need to worry that this figure will have the ability to be immune to physical attacks, because when his attack falls, everything, whether it is real or illusory, will be shattered by his sword.

Whether it exists or not, it will perish under his sword.

Just when his attack was about to hit, he suddenly felt the scene around him changed, and the surrounding environment turned into a starry sky.

He is very familiar with such a scene.

This is the star realm of the Lord of the Stars.

After all, facing several title-level existences, even the Lord of the Stars had to use his best to deal with it, so he opened up his domain.

A sea of ​​blood erupted from the Lord of the Blood Desert, and countless creatures wailed in the sea of ​​learning. This was the realm of the Lord of the Blood Desert, the realm of the blood sea.

Last time, his domain was directly destroyed by the Lord of Stars, but this time...

He has the lord of the deep sea.

The deep sea suit, as the suit best at legion warfare, has a huge improvement in the domain, and can bring the deep sea domain of the master of the deep sea to the extreme.

When the blue ocean appeared in the starry sky, he felt more at ease.

But when he was about to continue his actions, he suddenly realized that he could not move.

Strands of bright starlight are connected together, as if silver silk threads are intertwined into a silver curtain, and as if turned into a river of stars.

In the river of intertwined stars, the Lord of the Blood Desert only felt that his whole body was entangled with silver threads, like a spider web, unable to make any movements.

"This, what is this?"

The Lord of Blood Desert is terrified, and the realm alone can limit him and limit the existence of a title level. How terrible is the true strength of the Lord of Stars?

With such terrible strength, why would he stay in a small place like Tianzhuyuan?

"You, you are, no, impossible, you, you..."

The Lord of the Deep Sea only felt that he couldn't even speak. He didn't expect that the Lord of Stars, who had originally thought that he had just knocked on the door of the myth realm, would have reached such a realm.

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