All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 992: How do you insist on three...

Chapter 992: How did you persist for three years?

Livita froze for a few seconds, and then slowly said, "I haven't thought about this problem."

"You are very honest, at least you didn't make up a reason to lie to me." Han Chen said with a smile, "but I can't trust you 100% just because of your honesty alone. There are people who are cautious enough. To live longer than ordinary people."

Han Chen's words made Livita's mind a little bit overwhelmed. She had never thought about such a problem in the past, but she couldn't say that the Glory Vatican was limited by the agreement, and could not attack the Star Federation at this time! How could they pin their hope of survival on the enemy?

Looking at Livita who was silent, Han Chen pointed to her God Domain watch and said, "Perhaps you can ask your superiors and see how they will answer this question."

Livita was dumbfounded for a moment, then nodded and followed Han Chen's instructions.

She is also very curious about this issue.

Ten seconds later, Livita got the answer from her superiors: "As long as we have enough power, then those who protect the people will be replaced by those heinous rulers. We will use our lives to protect every A citizen will die until he dies."

"Will you die? Haha..."

Han Chen chuckled, "Do you think the people really care about your life and death? What they care about is who can protect them, or what they really care about is the result that their safety is guaranteed, not who protects them. ’S faith is firmer."

Is belief important? Of course it is important.

But the reason why belief is important is that belief can give people motivation, can bring out the full power of a person or a group, and even burst out beyond the limit.

However, if you increase your strength tenfold, you can't do things, even if you have a firm belief, what is the point?

This fact is cruel and true.

Livita, unable to give the answer by herself, got a new answer from her superior.

"We have never given up working towards this goal."

Han Chen asked back: "Then why don't you think that those who already have such power don't think like you?"

Livita was choked again.

She wanted to use a lot of empty principles to refute Han Chen, but when she saw Han Chen's eyes, she couldn't say anything.

Under Han Chen's mental pressure, Livita also began to meditate.

Why does she determine that those who already possess these powers do not have the same idea as them? Of course it was because they didn't.

However, the reason they didn't do this was really because they didn't want to?

Han Chen continued to ask: "How can you be sure that after you have the power, you won't become the same people as the ruler class?"

After asking this question, Han Chen felt that this question was a little bit transcendence.

After all, Zulongxing’s cultural heritage and philosophical speculation were still a little tenderer than the earth, and they had never thought of these problems at all.

Livita struggled and said: "We are different from them. We have absolutely firm beliefs and we will not repeat their mistakes."

"That's weird."

Han Chen continued to say in a calm tone, “You want to protect the people, and you want to give them freedom. If you can’t have both, or only with the methods used by today’s rulers, you can protect everyone. Life, what would you do if you became the ruler?"

"There is no such if!"

Livita shouted.

"The reason you shouted this way is because you didn't dare to answer at all?" Han Chen looked at Livita with a playful look, mocking without disguise.

If Livita was a lever, even if she was a woman, Han Chen would kill her without thinking.

But now, she has begun to waver in her faith.

Of course, this is due to Han Chen's spiritual influence.

He has little influence on Livita, because he understands that the taboo with the greatest spiritual influence is not to directly change the other person's mind.

Pushing the boat smoothly is the core of spiritual influence.

Livita was lost.

She had never thought of such a problem in the past, but these problems of Han Chen hit her heart like a hammer.

"You have a very good idea, but your idea is still too ideal. If you want me to join, you'd better come up with something practical."

As a veteran keyboard man, or a former keyboard man, Han Chen has a wealth of experience in chatting with others online. Of course, when chatting with his colleagues, he often brags, as if his own views are the core of the world. , All decisions made by the upper level are stupid.

Of course, you can brag like this when bragging, whoever takes it seriously will lose.

The most indispensable thing people in today's world lack is their ambitions, and they have never lacked lofty ambitions, but if they lose their ability to act, they are just empty ideals, or fantasy.

It took another five minutes before Livita's God Domain watch continued to send information from her superiors.

"We will bring a bright future to our people, but such a plan cannot be easily leaked to an unknown person, let alone an unknown person, even if it is within us. Members, not everyone knows this plan."

However, after relaying what the superior had said, Livita felt even more confused.

Not every member is aware of the plan. Does such a plan really exist?

After hearing this narrative, Han Chen just chuckled: "For you, I am indeed a person of unknown origin. It is natural that you are unwilling to tell me such a plan. Then, before I leave. Just ask you a question!"

"Yes... what is it?"

Livita looked at Han Chen, as if looking at a demon.

It was this demon that destroyed what she had believed firmly in these years, and a few words of effort made her belief shaken.

This is something that only demons can do!

In her eyes, Han Chen's voice was already a whisper of the devil, but she did not have the power to resist.

Han Chen looked at the female assassin with a playful smile: "Your organization has not brainwashed its members. It only has a phantom goal, or a phantom ideal, and it didn't give you a detailed plan. I don’t even understand the meaning of my actions, so what is the basis for such an organization to persist for three years under official encirclement and suppression?"

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