All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 994: Time to disappear

Chapter 994: Time of Disappearance

Han Chen didn't expect that his own investigation would come to such a result.

The so-called rebel groups are actually more like extreme sports enthusiasts.

Their true goal has never been a rebellion, and even they have no specific goals at all, and the purpose of the organization is just a flag.

Talking to them about their ideals in life and their future ambitions is simply useless.

Because they don't really care.

What they don't want is freedom, nor are they fighters fighting for freedom. They are just dissatisfied with their past lives, and when they have the strength, they vent their dissatisfaction.

Thinking of this, Han Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Just when he felt that there might be no gain this time, he suddenly received a message from God's Domain Watch: [Xia Mengsi broke through. 】

"Xia Mengsi? How could she break through so quickly?"

Han Chen pondered for a moment, and then ordered Lao Huai, "You are here to protect my body. I will go to God's Domain. If there is danger, please call me directly. Don't deal with it yourself whether you can handle it or not."

Old Huai said: "Don't worry! Master."

After giving orders to Lao Huai, Han Chen entered the realm of God.

After receiving Han Chen's call, the earthly team immediately assembled in Jagged City and decided to hold the first celebration banquet here.

After all, they would not miss the chance to get along with Han Chen.

In less than three minutes, the members of the earthly squad were all there, but Chen Dong did not come.

He said that he still has things to do, but everyone in the team knows that he just feels that if he often participates in such gatherings, it will affect the members of the team.

If they asked to return to the team, he might not help but agree.

In the small courtyard on the second floor of the worldly shop, the team members gathered together. As soon as Wu Yuan met, she began to complain: "You haven't seen you for five months. You haven't heard anything for such a long time?"

Although she knew that Han Chen was doing very important things, the nature of a woman still made her a little dissatisfied.

Han Chen was taken aback: "Has it been 5 months since the outside world?"

He also did not expect that for him, even a day's time has passed, five months have passed in the outside world.

Wu Yuan was also surprised: "How long do you think it has been?"

"I thought it was only one day." Han Chen smiled bitterly, "I don't know what has happened in the past few months. Did any major event happen?"

Thinking of this, Han Chen was also in awe of the tide of space.

Unexpectedly, it was only a short journey for him, but 5 months have passed in the outside world. What happens if he enters the tide of space again?

Only one day passed?

Everyone in the earthly team was surprised.

What kind of place is that? Is the flow of time different from the outside world?

Wu Yuan is even more weird: "It's fine if you don't feel the change of time, doesn't Lao Huai also notice the change of time?"

Wu Yuan's words reminded Han Chen: "Yes! Lao Huai has always been in Zulongxing!"

If he doesn't know that 5 months have passed in the field, it can be understood that the time flow rate in the space tide is somewhat different from the outside world, but why does Lao Huai have such an illusion?

Is it because of Zulongxing?


Han Chen quickly rejected this speculation, because his clone had been in Zulong star for a long time, but during this period of time, he did not notice any difference in the time flow between Zulong star and the earth.

Thinking of this, Han Chen only felt a bit cold in his back.

So where did this five-month time difference come from?

The members of the earthly team also noticed the weird atmosphere. Han Chen's time has disappeared for 5 months without knowing it? What exactly happened?

At this time, Han Chen suddenly thought of one thing, that is, when Lao Huai pulled himself away from the tide of space, his position also changed.

This is just a trivial detail. Han Chen thought that something went wrong during his separation, or that a reaction force occurred.

At the spatial level, there is no force interaction, but Han Chen would not be surprised if this kind of thing really happened.

But looking back now, if Lao Huai's time has also passed five months, then this point in time is the only possibility.

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Han Chen grudgingly smiled: "It's no use thinking about these things now. Let me tell me what happened in the past few months!"

Wu Yuan said: "Nothing happened. After the Lord of the Stars showed invincible strength, he cooperated with Yue Sage to frighten him and unified the Tianzhuyuan, um, two-thirds! Just a month ago, the brand new The army has been reorganized and is now attacking the area controlled by the abyss."

The greatest confidence of those humanoid beings is the deep-sea deep-sea suit, but now the deep-sea suit is directly exploded, which makes them immediately lose the will to resist.

Even the deep sea suit can be destroyed, can they resist this kind of power?

Therefore, with the invincible power of the Lord of the Stars and the persuasion of the Moon Sage, Tianzhuyuan unified according to the way of Dianxing Temple and the hope of the earth.

Those forces that did not know how to advance or retreat have expressed their surrender, at least that they will definitely be loyal to the Dianxing Palace after the end of the Abyss Invasion, and for a long time after it ends.

As for more requirements, don't force it.

Now that everyone's strength has been twisted together, it is time to launch a counterattack against the abyss and a full-scale operation.

Deng Qinghui reported: "The Legion of Dianxing Temple has been victorious every day, but the catch is that the Ice and Snow Goddess killed the Lord of the Blood Desert and the Lord of the Sky, as well as more than a dozen legendary existences, which caused a great deal to the Alliance. Troubled, but fortunately, the ice goddess said that she would also deal with the abyss and play a more important role than the people she killed, so no one cares about her."

Hearing what the ice goddess did, Han Chen also had a headache.

Even at this time, directly attacking one's allies, such an approach is a big taboo of the military, and only the mad woman, the Frozen Goddess, can do such a thing.

But the goddess of ice and snow was right, and those people were not as useful as her alone.

After all, the reason why Tianzhuyuan's situation has begun to improve is that the ice and snow goddess and Han Chen killed a total of 7 title-level existences, and the abyss demon's top combat power suddenly lost more than half.

This kind of credit, even if it is somewhat willful, others have to pinch their noses to endure it.

Wang Zhicheng was silent for a few seconds, with a solemn expression on his face: "There is another important thing, I don't know how to say it."

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