


Countless calls sounded on this battlefield, and countless children were heartbroken at this moment.

Especially Sachi, who was kneeling on the execution platform. If it weren't for saving him, Whitebeard would never have come to Marin Fanduo, and naturally he wouldn't have died here.

Although his life itself is coming to an end.

At that moment, the long knife in Chen Tian's hand fell, and Whitebeard's last ray of vitality disappeared.

This great pirate who had traversed the sea for decades and was regarded as a legend by countless people, Whitebeard, finally ended his splendid life at this moment.

"The host has obtained 800,000 points, and the current total points are 1.13 million!"

After killing Whitebeard, the voice of the system also sounded in Chen Tian's mind.

Previously, he had used all his strength to use Cold Spirit Bone Fire to kill many ordinary pirates and navy soldiers, and now that he had killed Whitebeard, his points had increased significantly.

"Now that I've taken care of all these guys, I'll probably be able to win two million-level lottery draws!"

As soon as he turned his head, Chen Tian focused on Blackbeard Tiqi and others, and then walked towards Blackbeard and others with a long knife. He didn't need to worry about other things at all.

Because at this moment, the battlefield of Marineland was in a mess, all the cannons and pacifists were destroyed, and even the navy headquarters was bombed into craters.

Whether it was on the ice or on the land filled with Marin, there were corpses everywhere at this moment. Several admirals of the navy were breathing heavily and their bodies were covered with blood.

Garp, who had blocked the most light magic, fainted immediately at this moment, but his life breath was still there. If he was rescued in time, there should be no problem.

The most miserable people were Akainu and Marco. These two people had been imprisoned by Lux before the light magic fell, and they had no strength to resist at all.

Fortunately, Marco was quite lucky and was not directly hit by light magic, otherwise it would not be as simple as being injured.

But Akainu did not have such good luck. Under the special care of Lux, he was in the core area of ​​light magic.

After Lux was summoned, she saw Akainu desperately attacking Chentian at the first sight. Even beautiful girls are cautious!

Since you dare to attack the people I care about, I will kill you directly!

Looking at the tragic situation below, Lux frowned, and then said softly to Chen Tian: "The clearance is over, and the rest is not my responsibility."

Although Lux had never seen scenes more tragic than this, she was kind-hearted and still felt a little uncomfortable every time she saw such a scene.

Especially this time, the tragedy was caused by her own hands, but she had no regrets. Who made the two sides enemies?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a lot of points! A total of 1.3 million!"

At this time, Chen Tian had killed everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates, but the people in the Blackbeard Pirates were really not very good.

Together, so many people could barely provide more points than Whitebeard alone.

"There are more than 2.4 million points in total. The million-level lottery can be held twice. I should be able to draw a lot of good things! I should be even stronger by then."

Chen Tian heard the system prompt and thought to himself.

"Get ready to leave here. This war is over. Leave them one last gift!"

After finishing his words, Chentian put the long sword back into its scabbard, and then assumed a special posture. This posture is the gesture of drawing the sword and slashing in kendo, which is the so-called Iai Slash.

Armed domineering energy instantly wrapped around Chang Dao Day, and Leng Ling Gu Huo was not to be outdone at all. Illusory white flowers emerged between heaven and earth. These flowers were in bud, but no one knew what was conceived inside. what exactly is it.

I can just feel the cold murderous intent faintly exuded by these flowers.

"Damn Chentian!! Cough cough"

A strong crisis arose in Warring States' heart. He wanted to stand up, but the serious injuries caused to him by the light magic just now made him cough up a few mouthfuls of blood without standing up, and his face turned pale.

Well, his face is like that of a golden Buddha, no one can tell even if he is pale.

And at this moment, he also discovered something, that is, the chrysanthemums blooming around Sakaski were much denser than other places. I don't know if it was intentional by Chen Tian.

Not to mention that Sakaski had been seriously injured under the attacks of light magic just now, and he was still in the confinement of Lux. If he withstood Chentian's attack again, he would probably die.

But the problem is, as far as the current situation of the admirals is concerned, no one can help Sakaski. Even Sengoku and the others are having a hard time walking.

After three breaths, those illusory flowers became more solid, and traces of white flames emerged from the petals.

A violent and huge aura enveloped the entire Malinfando in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tian took a deep breath, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He slashed the knife forward with the force of thunder, and the low voice in his mouth was like a muffled thunder: "Mystery - — Iai Slash — the flowers fall!”

The white flowers are in full bloom, but this is the time when murderous intent is at its peak.

The moment these flowers bloomed, they also collapsed. Endless cold spirit bone fire and sword energy burst out from the flowers, impacting everything around them wantonly.

Blood appeared along with the blooming of flowers. Be it pirates or navy, under the baptism of sword energy and cold spiritual bone fire, they all fell down one after another like wheat being cut.

Especially Sakaski, who was surrounded by countless flowers. The cold spirit bone fire and sword energy rushed through his body crazily. The severe pain was like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives, but he gritted his teeth tightly and did not make any sound. A hint of scream.

Sakaski, one of the three generals, is indeed an iron-blooded soldier, and even facing death cannot affect his firm will.

If it hadn't been for being restrained by Leng Lingguhuo before, even Chen Tian would have had a hard time getting rid of his entanglement.

But there is no such thing as if in this world, and it is already the end of Akainu at this moment.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for getting a lot of points!"

After hearing this system prompt, Chen Tiancai put away the long sword again, and then whispered to himself: "Sure enough, the higher the strength, the more points you will get. That attack just now should have killed Akainu, so that's why it happened." With so much improvement, all the other minions put together probably won’t have as many points as Akainu alone.”

At this moment, a special pirate ship approached Marinefando. The conspicuous pirate flag can easily tell the power it represents.

Astonishingly, it was one of the Four Emperors who came to rule the new world, the red-haired Shanks.

"Oh my god, are we in hell?"

Looking at the scene of Marin Fanduo at this moment, even the naturally optimistic Xiangkes couldn't help but frown. There were corpses everywhere, the blood-stained ice and land, and collapsed houses.

Who could have imagined that the Navy Headquarters, which had gathered powerful combat capabilities, would become like this.

"Whitebeard and the others can't do this. Shanks, look over there...!"

When Beckman saw Chen Tian and others standing with their swords put away at a glance, he immediately said in a deep voice: "It's Chen Tian and the members of the All Worlds Pirates. They are indeed here. In this case, this is like the end of Marin Fandu, I think it must be their handiwork. I knew that the Bankai Pirates were very powerful before, but I didn’t expect that they could be so strong!"

Without any obstruction, the Dreyfus docked, and then the red-haired pirates stepped onto the place that was already stained red with blood.

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