All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Chapter 35: Substituting one thing for another, sneak attack

Not long after, the examiner of the first assessment, Nara Shikaku, came and gave each person a paper with ten questions, each worth ten points.

Only after answering six questions correctly can you advance to the next round of assessment.

"No cheating is allowed in the assessment. Ten points will be deducted for each discovery. Leave the venue directly after five times. Now start answering the questions!"

Nara Shikaku didn't pretend to be a fool. He announced the rules and started the assessment.

It's just that his eyes were mostly on Chen Tian, ​​and he was too lazy to look at anyone else.

The purpose of this assessment was intelligence collection, and it happened that Chen Tian was next to the chunin who had been arranged to come in.

As long as he copied down his answer, he would pass, so Chen Tian was not in a hurry to do anything, but looked at the others with interest.

"No. 45 cheats once, ten points will be deducted!"

"No. 107 cheated three times, ten points will be deducted!"

"No. 233 cheated five times and left the field with his teammates!"

The examiner's voice kept ringing, and Chen Tian shook his head repeatedly. Isn't it a joke to take the Chunin Exam at this level!

And it was only now that Chen Tian discovered that the others were in groups of three, and it seemed that he was the only one in a group!

"Damn it Minato, you didn't tell me such a thing, just wait for me!"

After scolding fiercely in his heart, he calmed down in front of him.

Seeing Chentian doing nothing, Nara Shikaku was also a little confused.

He had heard Chen Tian's name many times. He didn't believe that this kind of test could be difficult for Chen Tian.

But half of the assessment time has passed, why doesn't he still take action?

After thinking about it for a moment, Nara Shikaku really couldn't figure out what method Chen Tian would use.

"Huh? You've finally finished writing!"

At this moment, the chuunin next to Chentian filled the test paper with correct answers.

Looking at this chuunin, Chentian smiled, his smile a little perverted.

The next moment, he stretched out and placed his left hand on the test paper on the table. The fingertips of his right hand accidentally touched the chuunin's test paper.


In an instant, Chen Tian's white test paper appeared on the chunin's table, and the other party's test paper fell into his hands.

No one except Nara Shikaku noticed this scene, and even the other examiners couldn't tell.

Only the examiner who was arranged to come in looked confused and somewhat doubtful about life.

I did come in to ask you to copy my answers, but you didn’t even let me pass my paper?

Do you know how tiring it is to write such a paper?

Nara Shikaku, the only one who knew what was going on, had his mouth twitching. If he hadn't seen Minato use this jutsu before, he would definitely not know what was going on.

We are testing intelligence gathering capabilities, not stealing things!

Looking at the densely packed test papers in his hands, Chen Tian smiled proudly, casually changed his name and put them down.

I feel contempt for other people in my heart. You guys have worked so hard to copy, it’s really too low!

Before, he just used his own original ninjutsu to carry the space with him.

He put his left hand on his own test paper and put it in. His right hand accidentally touched the other person's test paper and put it away in the same way.

Then it is released at the moment it is put away. As long as the time is controlled well, no one can see it.

Just like now, even the original owner of the paper is confused.

After finishing the trick, Chen Tian lay down on the table and began to sleep, not bothering to look at the other people's winking and anxious expressions.

Half an hour later, the first assessment ended, and nearly two hundred people were eliminated because of cheating.

This resulted in the number of more than 500 ninjas who originally participated in the assessment being reduced to just over 300.

This is not the final number yet. After the examiners read the test papers, those who scored less than 60 points will be eliminated.

According to Chen Tian's estimation, it would be good if there were only a hundred people left.

But these had nothing to do with him. It would be best if all these people were eliminated, so he left the examination room swaggeringly.

But he didn't see that in an unknown Xiao Ninja village after he left, a man of fourteen or fifteen years old with several hideous scars on his face stared at him and followed him out of the examination room. "

I really don’t know the name of this Ninja Village Morning Sky, because he is too young.

Even the ninja who leads the team is just a chuunin, so no one cares about them at all.

After leaving the examination room, Chen Tian wandered around alone.

After walking and stopping along the way, we arrived at the No. 4 training ground before we knew it. Here is the beginning of his journey as a ninja.

Perhaps it was because of the Chunin Examination that for the first time, Metkai was not here.

Bored, Chen Tian was about to leave, but the moment he turned around, a ferocious fire dragon came flying from behind.

"Earth Escape—Earth Flow Wall!"


"Water Release - Big Explosive Water Wave!"

After blocking the fire dragon, Chen Tian released the ninjutsu as quickly as possible without even looking at it.

It wasn't until the waterfall-like water rushed out that he had time to observe who was attacking him.

At this sight, Chen Tian understood clearly that it was actually the people from the money exchange who came to Konoha.

There was a three-petaled white flower on the man's right sleeve, which Jiraiya told him was the symbol of the gold exchange.

Chen Tian still remembered that this man with a face full of scars was one of the people who took the Chunin Exam before.

"Okay, okay!" Angrily laughing, Chen Tian's voice was filled with murderous intent: "You dare to come to Konoha, then you don't have to leave!"

"Fire Release—Fire Dragon Bullet!"

"Water Escape—Water Dragon Bullet!"

Suddenly, two dragons, one water and one fire, circled and flew towards each other.

Chentian himself used a teleportation technique to temporarily disappear from the enemy's sight, and the Raikiri on his right hand quietly appeared, and he galloped away.

Seeing Chen Tian's reaction so quickly, the visitor immediately released the earth flow wall and started to defend.

However, under the impact of the two dragons of water and fire, the earth flow wall only lasted for a second before breaking.

But this second gave him room to dodge, allowing him to use the teleportation technique to escape.

But the next second, Chen Tian's figure suddenly appeared, and his blue right hand stabbed hard into the visitor's chest.


Smoke rose, and the man's body suddenly disappeared. It was just a shadow clone that died.

And this person had already appeared behind Chen Tian, ​​stabbing Chen Tian with the kunai in his hand.

"Thunder Escape-Earth Walk!"

Chen Tian was already prepared, and the seal he had made in advance was immediately released.

A bolt of thunder flashed, and the person behind him stopped instantly. Chen Tian flicked his right hand, and Lei Qie cut the person's nose mercilessly.

The next moment, the man's body was separated, and he could no longer die.

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