All Heavens: Share your talents with countless me

Chapter 285: The fusion of void and anti-void, the framework of the universe-level celestial compute

Compared to the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, Zhi Xin respected Chu Yang more.

In her eyes, this is a supreme god in the known universe, comparable to Queen Kesha.

Of course, even if she knew that Chu Yang was stronger than Kesha, she would only treat Chu Yang on the same level as Kesha at most.

After all, Kesha is her king, the leader who led the female angels out of the dark ages!

"How long will it take for the void controller to be put into use?" Chu Yang asked straight to the point.

Zhixin thought for a while and then said: "It will be completed in the next few days. Reina left technical support before leaving. The final result will be better than expected."

"Actually, the first-generation version has already been built, but Xiao Lun and I upgraded it. After creating the second-generation version, we combined with Lena's technical support to try to make a breakthrough in the third-generation version."

Chu Yang's eyes lit up. In the original plot, Zhi Xin and Ge Xiaolun only took twenty-four hours to create the "Xiong Core".

Now that it has been delayed for so long, he naturally knows that the results must be extraordinary, but he did not expect that he would directly upgrade multiple versions!

Doesn't this mean that the final result will directly skip the "hero core" stage and reach the "world" level that can be called a low-end version of a large clock?

"Let's talk about energy..." Chu Yang was thoughtful.

Zhi Xin said softly: "We used void energy as the energy source in the first-generation version, and the second-generation version uses anti-void energy as the energy source."

"The final version will combine the two, but it will not be able to fuse the two energies. This technical problem will not be overcome in a short time."

"But in addition, you can also use your thoughts as energy to create thought weapons, which are no less than god-killing weapons!"

"On the battlefield, Xiao Lun alone can arm an entire company of soldiers!"

Chu Yang nodded, slightly disappointed.

Zhixin has a secondary biological engine, also known as a void engine, which can call upon void energy, so the first generation version uses void energy as its energy source.

As Ge Xiaolun learned and mastered more and more knowledge, he opened the genetic lock, and when he completely controlled his own power, he could also wield the anti-void energy like an arm.

The combination of the two will ensure a steady supply of energy under any circumstances.

"Create two program pills and leave one for me. I will try to fuse the void and anti-void energy."

Hearing Chu Yang's words, Zhi Xin frowned, "Mr. Chu Yang, can you use void energy and anti-void energy?"

If Chu Yang couldn't use these two energies, even if he took the program pill, the "little clock" would have no effect in his hands.

Chu Yang smiled and said, "I have my own way of doing this!"

The "base" of the Kamigawa gene chain is the power of the galaxy. When this gene chain is extended into the ultimate gene and Chu Yang fuses it, he will naturally have anti-void power.

As for void power?

In the known universe, the only ones who possess complete void technology are Karl and Kesa.

The two have different development directions in the void field. It is obviously Kesha's scientific research result, that is, the sub-biological engine is more suitable for the "small clock".

Only Yan and Zhixin have installed the sub-biological engine, but the scientific research data is retained in the sacred knowledge treasure house.

When Chu Yang gets these data from Yan and integrates them into the "little clock", he will naturally be able to master the power of the void.

Fusion of void and anti-void is difficult to achieve with the existing technology in the super-god world, but Chu Yang can find another way.

Saitama's body is the best compatibility. As long as the two powers are fused in his body and then extracted, this technical problem will be overcome.

Chu Yang waved his hand gently, and thousands of genetic reagents fell on the ground, "Program Pill turned around and asked Qilin to bring it to me. This is the first batch of super genes."

"I mixed in some special substances and some genes of the galactic power."

"Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the growth of the super soldiers created. As they continue to develop their own genes, their genetic strength will also increase."

"They will have anti-void power. Since Karl has created some void warriors and is trying to open the door to ultimate fear, our anti-void warriors will become the nightmare of the void!"

Zhi Xin's expression was moved, and her beautiful eyes were full of fiery color.

She can't wait to get a bottle of genetic reagent back to experiment and figure out the principle.

Whether it is the fusion product of multiple super genes, large-scale mixing of anti-void forces, or unlimited growth, these are technologies that do not yet exist in the known universe.

At this moment, Zhi Xin forgot everything, leaving only the scholar's thirst for knowledge about unknown technology.

"Uh..." Chu Yang said with some worry: "Xiao Lun, it's up to you to arrange this batch of super genes. Stop Zhi Xin, but don't let her use them for research!"

Zhi Xin came back to her senses, looking a little embarrassed and her pretty face was slightly red.

Ge Xiaolun laughed. He and Zhi Xin were both teachers and friends, and he and Zhao Xin were brothers by fate, so they had a very harmonious relationship with each other. It was rare to see Zhi Xin like this.

Seeing this cheerful atmosphere, Chu Yang also smiled and walked around the training base again. He didn't say goodbye to everyone until night fell.


Fierce Sun Star, Royal Palace, Great Hall.

Reina, dressed in a dragon robe, sat on the throne, showing her majesty. Below her were all the civil and military officials headed by Pan Zhen.

But compared to yesterday, Pan Zhen seemed to have aged a lot overnight. Instead of wearing his general armor, he put on a large cloak.

Behind him, stood the four heavenly guardians with different expressions at this time.

Xuan Tianji's expression was ugly, as if he was suppressing his emotions. In the court yesterday, Reina won the support of most people, gained control of the Tiandao Tower, and officially took over all the power of Lieyang Civilization.

This will mean that Pan Zhen's era as regent is completely over.

At the same time, it also means that the future Lieyang civilization will follow Lena's will and embark on a path to a new era, but it is full of risks and the future is uncertain.

Xuan Tianji is a loyal supporter of Pan Zhen. Although he is also loyal to Lieyang, he is more inclined to Pan Zhen and does not even take Reina in his eyes.

So Reina was in power, which made him quite unhappy.

Xuan Crocodile Heavenly Protector Xuan Kun and Holy Dragon Heavenly Protector Li Xingba had calm expressions on their faces. They were relatively senior. Although they were also worried about Lieyang's future, they were also pleased with the growth of the new king.

On the other hand, Chifeng Tianhu Wuzhao always had a faint smile on her face. She was the only one among the four Tianhu who supported Reina from beginning to end.

The two grew up together, and they are good sisters who talk about everything. Naturally, they are happy to see Reina rise.

"Hey, so many people? It seems you have reached the final conclusion!"

Chu Yang's voice suddenly sounded, and then his figure appeared in the hall.

Many Lieyang people were immediately alert. The power of the Tiandao Tower enveloped the entire Lieyang Star. Anyone who could appear here without any warning must have extraordinary strength.

"Don't be nervous, this is the Lord God of Earth, Chu Yang!"

Reina spoke softly, a little less jumpy than before, and more calm and majestic.

She looked at Chu Yang and said softly: "On behalf of Lieyang Civilization, I announce the formal cooperation with Earth!"

"You can connect with Tiandao Tower at any time, and I will pass all the data you want to you."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Excited! Then let's talk about the specific matters of Lieyang immigration!"

After a slight pause, Chu Yang looked around and continued: "What do you think of Mars in the Milky Way?"

Those present were all high-level officials from Lieyang, who had very high authority in the Tiandao Tower. They immediately searched for all the information about Mars and began to discuss it in low voices.

What surprised Chu Yang was that it was Pan Zhen who was the first to say: "I support immigration to Mars!"

Apart from the Earth, Mars is the most suitable planet for immigrants from the Sun Star. There is no doubt about this.

Pan Zhen is not stupid enough to still pursue the idea of ​​​​Earth, so he has already had ideas about Mars.

It's just that Mars is adjacent to the earth, and he was afraid that Chu Yang would interfere with it, so he didn't take any action.

Reina smiled slightly and said: "Like General Pan, I also think Mars is very good. I wonder if you, dear friends, have any objections?"

After Reina officially took over the power, even if Pan Zhen had a grudge, he had to support and assist Lieyang for the sake of her future.

No matter what choice Reina made, he could only follow closely.

King Lieyang and the general had unanimous opinions. Even if others objected, they could not change the outcome. Naturally, no one would feel uncomfortable.

Chu Yang nodded and said: "In that case, this matter has been initially finalized. It is best for Lieyang Star to start preparations now and immigrate as soon as possible."

"The Earth will cooperate with you in transforming Mars. At the same time, General Dukao and I have formulated a Gemini plan."

"I won't go into details about the specific content of the plan. In the future, both Reina and General Pan Zhen can join the team that implements the plan."

"To put it simply, the Gemini Project is to allow the Earth and Lieyang to form an offensive and defensive alliance. They will watch each other in the galaxy and become each other's protective barrier when facing external enemies!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent instantly.

Pan Zhen's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face.

He really didn't expect that when Chu Yang was completely dominant, he would not be unreasonable and unforgiving, but would instead make certain concessions.

Helping Lieyang transform Mars will undoubtedly greatly speed up their immigration progress and reduce the risk of Lieyang collapsing at any time.

The Gemini Project gave Lie Yang a great advantage.

After all, the earth has Chu Yang, the supreme god of the known universe, so rather than watching each other, it is better to say that the Lieyang civilization has been protected by Chu Yang.

Of course, from Chu Yang's perspective, Earth is the one taking advantage.

This plan is enough to completely bind Lieyang to the earth. If the earth really faces any crisis in the future, Lieyang will bear the brunt and become a shield in front of the earth.

All of this is Chu Yang's plan for the future...

He will not stay on Earth forever, and will even temporarily leave the main universe one day. By that time, the effects of these arrangements will be reflected.

"My dear friends, what do you think?" Reina looked down at the people below with a half-smile.

The Gemini Project also exceeded her expectations.

But this was more like a slap in the face to those who opposed her.

Yesterday in the court, those opposing voices were just saying that Chu Yang was ambitious and tried to make the earth annex Lieyang.

Another thing is that Chu Yang took advantage of others' danger and forced Lieyang to commit the crime, which is no different from taking something by force.

But now it seems that although Lieyang paid for their scientific research results, the rewards they received were worth every penny!

When no one responded, Reina said again: "I have decided to join the Gemini Project on behalf of Lieyang. General Pan Zhen, what about you?"

Pan Zhen took a deep breath and bowed slightly, "I second the proposal!"

At this moment, he completely let go of his grudge and chose to support Reina wholeheartedly.

Although Lieyang's future is still full of unknowns, at least it has a vague vision of a bright future.

"Okay! If that's the case, then please ask Mr. Chu Yang to move to Tiandao Tower!"

Reina stood up. Although transmitting data only required one thought from the two of them, this was a milestone step taken by Lieyang, and there was always a sense of ceremony.

Chu Yang smiled and nodded, following Reina towards the Tiandao Tower.

On the top of the Tiandao Tower, Chu Yang and Reina stood side by side, looking down.

Reina whispered: "Instructor, thank you..."

Chu Yang waved his hands and said: "Everyone gets what they need. Besides, you fought for the earth, so I can reciprocate your kindness."

He has received all the data on continuous stellar drive and solar fusion technology.

Combined with the "little clock" that Ge Xiaolun and Zhi Xin are about to complete, some data from the sacred knowledge treasure house, some valuable technologies from the Deno galaxy, plus the gains from this trip to the blazing sun.

The cosmic-level computer that Chu Yang had envisioned before seems to have begun to take shape!

Once successful, the technology tree of the Soul Palace will climb to the top in one fell swoop!

"What are your plans next?"

Chu Yang looked at Reina and asked with a smile: "You are still a member of the Xiongbing Company. Do you want to participate in the war between the earth and the devil?"

Reina thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I know the instructor wants to train troops. If I join in, the pressure on the Xiongbing Company will be greatly reduced."

"Presumably you won't let Sun Wukong participate. I'd better stay in Lieyang Star and arrange the immigration as soon as possible!"

Having said this, she hesitated for a moment before tentatively asking: "Instructor, you said before that the reason why Lieyang Star is in such a predicament is because someone is doing something secretly?"

Chu Yang nodded and said: "That's right! They are Karl's people!"

Now that everyone has completed the deal and reached an alliance, there is no need for Chu Yang to hide it anymore.

Reina's pupils suddenly shrank. She thought about many possibilities, and even suspected that Lieyang had a mole, but she never thought that this matter was actually related to Karl!

Now Karl is at the cusp of the storm, hiding in the dark nebula and not daring to show his head. In the Shadow World, although there is no evidence, all major civilizations know that the void warriors are absolutely inseparable from Karl.

After making such a big noise, Carl actually still has the intention to cause trouble for Lieyang?

What does this guy want to do?

Suddenly remembering the time when Carl and Morgana controlled her to destroy Kesha, Rena's heart moved, she frowned and asked: "He... is for the Tiandao Tower?"

"Or rather..."

"For me?" (End of Chapter)

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