All Heavens Shocked: I have a plug-in recycling template

Chapter 17: A+ grade? No, it has S grade potential!

【drop! The data has been collected and the first round of testing is completed. Will the second round of testing be started after the break? 】

"No need, this is my best result." Lin Huan said.

【drop! Okay, at the request of the candidates, this round of strength test has ended. Now please start the second one: speed test! 】

Lin Huan followed the 4D illusory arrow to the speed test area.

This place was very different from what he had imagined. There were no testing instruments such as treadmills. It seemed to be just an empty place.

But the moment he stepped into the testing area, the entire environment in the testing area changed drastically.

Lin Huan was a little surprised at first, but soon realized that this was probably 4D holographic projection technology and not real.

After a few seconds, the originally empty area turned into a virgin forest.

A fierce and terrifying Tyrannosaurus rex rushed straight towards Lin Huan.

"Oh! Isn't this too real?"

Lin Huan was really shocked now. He didn't expect that the college could create something like this to stimulate the candidates' potential. It was really amazing!

Lin Huan did not hesitate, followed the prompts, turned around and started running.

At the same time, the ground in the speed test area also began to move. It turned out that this was a very large treadmill.

In Lin Huan's sight, he was actually in the primeval forest, with the ferocious predator Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him.

Even with his current physical fitness, he is still vulnerable to the overlord of this ancient world.

Therefore, although we know it is fake, under the influence of 4D holographic projection, the authenticity of this pursuit is really not low.

Lin Huan could even hear the rough breathing of the Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him.

This kind of stimulation really stimulated his potential and made him stand out!

"Whoosh!" Lin Huan even ran out of afterimages.

His speed test data also suddenly increased from 5m/s at the beginning to the peak state later - 12.8m/s.


Five minutes later, Lin Huan's condition still showed no signs of deterioration.

With his current physique, he can support him to maintain his peak condition for a long time.

Finally, the test time was over, and Lin Huan stopped.

The holographic image slowly dissipated, and a mechanical beep sounded.

[After testing, your speed has greatly exceeded the qualifying line. You are really a potential candidate. Okay, next, please take the last test: the actual combat test! 】

[Test requirements: The system will send out a combat bionic that is equal to your strength. Please try your best to defeat him. Your performance in the battle will determine your score in the last test. 】

"The last item is really not that easy." Lin Huan took a deep breath and encouraged himself secretly.

He is now half a warrior with peak physical skills. There is no way he could lose to a bionic man who only knows how to fight according to procedures!

[The bionic man has been activated! Please have fun fighting! 】

The mechanical sound fell, and a ring suddenly appeared in front of Lin Huan.

An android who was no different from a normal person was standing there. After seeing Lin Huan, the android even raised his fingers provocatively.

Lin Huan gave him a middle finger and then jumped onto the ring.

At this time, the android continued to provoke according to the program: "Are you my opponent? You don't look good at all."

After hearing this, Lin Huan also mocked back very well.

But don't think too much. It's not that Lin Huan can't control his emotions, but trash talking is also a very important part of the battle.

Lin Huan believed that the program would not let the androids provoke him for no reason. Maybe talking trash would also be an important scoring point.

So, Lin Huan replied: "You are just a piece of iron. Why are you so arrogant? Believe it or not, I will turn you into scrap metal later and then send the scrap metal to be used as a toilet?"

"You... are looking for a fight!" The android showed a humane look of anger, and then rushed towards Lin Huan, his movements were no different from those of ordinary people.

"It's not slow!" Lin Huan murmured, then stepped on a specific position, avoiding the android's attack like a phantom, and hit him on the waist with an elbow.


"Ah!" The android let out a humanized cry.

But Lin Huan would not hold back. He had no intention of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. If he wanted to be tested, he would have to use all his strength!

For a moment, Lin Huan took advantage of his illness to kill him, and beat the android who lost his center of gravity.

Although the process may not be so handsome, the result is good after all. At the end of the battle, Lin Huan is victorious!

【drop! The android has lost its ability to resist, the third test has ended, and the score is being assessed... Complete! 】

[Dear candidate, you are very outstanding. Now let us announce your three assessment results - strength test: 100 points! Speed ​​test: 100 points! Practical test: 98 points! 】

"I want to complain!" Lin Huan raised his hand towards the big screen in front of him.

Because the mechanical sound comes from there.

[Okay, dear candidate, do you have any objections to the scoring of this test? 】

"I completely defeated that bionic man. Why is my score only 98 points? Where did the remaining two points go?" Lin Huan said.

【drop! Collecting specific information...Collection completed! The points deduction points are on display, please take a closer look. 】

Lin Huan immediately started browsing.


[Deduction point ①: Failed to take the initiative by using trash talk before the fight, allowing the bionic man to launch the attack first. ]

[Deduction point ②: The attack method was too crude, and did not give the enemy the greatest and most efficient damage in the shortest time. ]

"Well, your scoring is really strict." Lin Huan had never expected that this duel would require him to launch a surprise attack.

Can he sneak attack a bionic man?

It's too cheap, Lin Huan would rather not lose these two points.

As for the attack method, Lin Huan really has no choice.

After all, he was just a coder before he crossed over, lacking exercise on weekdays, and lacking getting along and playing with peers.

It is already very difficult to defeat the bionic man in one breath.

How else do you want him to perform?

"My problem is solved, you continue." Lin Huan said.

[Okay, according to the final rating, your potential is - "A+", and the score has been synchronized to the college's official website. Dear candidate, thank you for using this combat power test room this time, and I wish you a bright future. ]

"Bye, goodbye." Lin Huan waved to the big screen, and then he walked out of the combat power test room slowly.

Shortly after he left, the combat power test room artificial intelligence, which was originally just a manual program, suddenly lit up again!

[S-level potential candidates have been found, and their information has been automatically hidden by the system. Information is being packaged... Sending... Address: Dragon Group, Dragon Country...]

At this moment, the screen shows Lin Huan's personal identity information, ranging from going to school and moving to quarrels with classmates. There are thousands of pages of information about Lin Huan.

It's hard to imagine how this was done?


[Author's digression]: Please ask for silver bills, please ask for silver bills, please ask for silver bills, please ask for silver bills.

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