All Heavens Shocked: I have a plug-in recycling template

Chapter 37: Long Xiaoruo feels that he is ready [1st update]

At this time, Long Xiaoruo also found something wrong.

What was the sound of "pa pa pa pa"?


Uh... forget it.

It doesn't sound like it.

She admitted that although she was a little nervous, she was not stupid.

This was obviously a gang fight in TV or movies.

"Do you want to go and see it?" Long Xiaoruo's heart itched.

She had never seen a real gang fight.

Although she had been in the Dragon Group since she was a child, her stingy brother had never let her touch hot weapons.

He said that hot weapons were too dangerous, and if she used them, it would definitely cause danger, and it would cause danger to others.

"Humph!" Long Xiaoruo snorted, and finally decided to take a look secretly.

After all, the church was her temporary place to stay, and the two stupid pastors in it were respectful to her.

She should go in and take a look.

"Yes! That's it." Long Xiaoruo found a reason for herself.

Then, she jumped towards the third-rate church.

"Master Gou, why is there a woman passing by?"

"How should I know? I'll listen to Brother Huan."

"Long Xiaoruo, I hope you don't cause me trouble, otherwise I won't be polite." Lin Huan glanced at Long Xiaoruo's profile.

At this angle, this distance.

If nothing unexpected happens, as long as Lin Huan pulls the trigger, Long Xiaoruo will definitely die.

Lin Huan had bad thoughts, but Long Xiaoruo didn't know anything yet, just curiously peeping at the battle between the two sides of the church.

"Wow, the fight is so intense!" Long Xiaoruo's beautiful eyes turned smartly, and her eyes followed the movement of the guns from time to time.

She had wanted to play with this kind of thing for a long time, and now it seems that she can do it.

At this moment, a bullet was reflected in her direction.

"Oh my God!" Long Xiaoruo was so scared that she quickly dodged.

Fortunately, she also has an inhuman physique, and her reaction speed and speed are several times that of ordinary people, otherwise she might be disfigured.

"Someone! There's someone over there at the window!"

"Don't let her run away!"

The Black Tiger Gang found Long Xiaoruo's trail and sent a small group of people to chase after her.

"What a little bitch!"

"Little sister, you are so brave that you dare to offend our Black Tiger Gang. Now you don't have to leave. You belong to me today!"

"You belong to me!" Long Xiaoruo cursed.

It would be fine if her brother was there, but if she was alone, there would be nothing that could restrain her.

The Black Tiger Gang members were stunned by the scolding.

This little bitch looks quite quiet, but why does she scold people like a dancer in a nightclub?

But Long Xiaoruo didn't give them time to think.

She immediately took action, so fast that those people were knocked down before they could even react.




Long Xiaoruo added a few more punches, and those people suddenly became bloody and fainted.

"Fuck, this girl is so ruthless?" Lin Huan smacked his lips slightly.

She wasn't so scary when she was arguing with him at that time?

As expected, women's hearts are like needles in the sea, and you can't underestimate every woman.

Especially a beautiful girl like Long Xiaoruo who looks big-breasted and brainless.

Lin Huan couldn't help but be wary of Long Xiaoruo in his heart.

You can't be soft-handed, after all, the reincarnation rating is much more important than a girl.

Over at the Black Tiger Gang, the captain asked vigilantly: Why haven't you come back yet? "

"I don't know, I think I heard them shouting something about little bitches, could it be that they are..."

"Damn it! You're messing around at this time, I'll castrate those grandsons when they come back!"

"Yeah, you have to bring the boss with you anyway, right?"

"Well, there is a future, ignore them, keep fighting! "

Another round of fierce gunfire.

On Lin Huan's side, the members of the Crocodile Gang could no longer sit still.

Their brothers were trapped in the church and were shot at, but they could only watch secretly and could not do anything!

At this time, Lin Huan could no longer hold back.

But his intuition told him that there must be something fishy here.

As a former coder, Lin Huan had written at least 8,000 plots.

Street gunfights and gang fights, the more favorable the situation seems, the more murderous intent is hidden, and it must not be easily exposed!

Just when the situation was in a tense state, Long Xiaoruo, who had knocked down several members of the Black Tiger Gang, had already picked up their weapons and ammunition.

"Aim and shoot, it doesn't seem difficult."

Playing with the gun in his hand, Long Xiaoruo's self-confidence slowly "floated".

After changing his position, Long Xiaoruo looked through the window, aimed, and then pulled the trigger.

"Bang! "

A gunshot was heard, and Long Xiaoruo missed the target.

But the bullet luckily shot through the chandelier.

At this time, the Black Tiger Gang had the upper hand, and several people rushed in.

At this moment, the huge chandelier just fell down.



Several unlucky members of the Black Tiger Gang were hit hard, and they fell to the ground with blood on their heads.

"Yeah! I'm so awesome!"

Long Xiaoruo jumped up excitedly.

At this time, the priest hiding under the church table heard Long Xiaoruo's voice and shouted excitedly: "It's the goddess who is back! It's the goddess Athena who is back!"

"You remembered it wrong, it was said to be the moon goddess, it's..."

"You're talking nonsense! You remembered it wrong."

"Nonsense, that's what those foreigners wrote in their books, if you don't believe it, look."


"Why haven't you taken it down yet?" At this moment, three or four hundred meters away from the church.

A man dressed in fancy clothes was looking at the battle with a telescope.

If Lin Huan was here, he would definitely recognize this person's identity.

ID——【Ye Tiandi】.

Real name in the reincarnation world: Ye Xuan (changed by himself, real name Ye Xiaoming)

"Not coming yet? Why not! Where is the boss of the Crocodile Gang?"

Ye Xuan was so angry that he smashed the telescope.

Almost two hours have passed, and the movement here has long alarmed other forces in Shanghai.

If the Crocodile Gang cannot be taken down, the rear of their Black Tiger Gang may be captured by some quick-eyed gang.

While Ye Xuan was angry, he suddenly found a familiar figure near the church.

This made him quickly pick up the half-broken telescope: "Who is it? Who is it? Let me see... Long Xiaoruo? It's her!"

Ye Xuan was a little surprised at first, but soon he thought of something.

At that time, he remembered that Long Xiaoruo seemed to be very close to Huan Lin, the bastard, and the two seemed very close.

So the relationship between the two of them must be very good.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect there would be a surprise today, Huan Lin, whether you come or not, you would never think that this would happen, right? Your sister died, I wonder if you will go crazy?"

For a while, Ye Xuan laughed obscenely.


[Author's digression]: [Thanks to the book friend "Yizhimiao" for 35 gold tickets and 10 silver tickets, the first place = big brother = motivation. ]

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[Regarding the update, the author will update more if he has time on weekends! To repay the handsome guys and beautiful girls who voted for me. ]

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