All Heavens Shocked: I have a plug-in recycling template

Chapter 40: The matter has come to an end [1st update]

After all, even if he didn't say it, Long Xiaoruo would probably tell the Dragon Group about what she encountered in the [Kung Fu] world.

It's better to be frank. You can't keep playing the game of playing the pig and eating the tiger, right?

If you play the role of a pig too much, you will really become a pig.

"Lin Huan, Lin Huan, Lin Huan~"

Long Xiaoruo's voice is as clear as a lark, repeating in Lin Huan's ear.

"Are you a repeater?" Lin Huan looked at her and said, "You owe me a favor. How do you think you should repay me?"

"Of course I will repay you with my body! I will repay you with myself, isn't it good?" Long Xiaoruo patted the pair of "Ao Ran" in front of her, causing them to tremble slightly.

Lin Huan took a peek and said, "I'm not interested. Forget it. It's useless to ask you. Then I'll pay you 100,000 reincarnation points. Remember to transfer it to my account after the reincarnation. You won't default on it, right?"

Long Xiaoruo shook Lin Huan's arm with a sad expression: "(???????)?"

"You actually rejected the offer of a beautiful woman like me who is smart, cute, and beautiful like a fairy? Are you still a man?"

Long Xiaoruo pouted, obviously not liking Lin Huan's perfunctory attitude.

In his heart, he was only worth 100,000 reincarnation points!

Lin Huan ignored her coquetry. He had not forgotten what this girl had done to the members of the Black Tiger Gang before.

That steady, accurate, ruthless, and cold scene was completely different from now.

Back to the Crocodile Gang, Erlu and the others stood together with an apologetic look on their faces, asking for punishment: "Brother Huan, I'm sorry! We... let that bastard escape! Please punish us!"

"No, we won a great victory today, remember to take over the Black Tiger Gang's territory, all right, the matter is settled, go back to the gang to rest!"

Just then, a noise suddenly came from the church that had been razed to the ground, attracting everyone's attention.

Then, the sound of a group of people coughing came out.

A group of dark people immediately crawled out of the cellar.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Cough cough cough..."

"Fuck you! Which bastard dropped the bomb? Don't let me catch him, or I'll cut off his dick!"

"Brother~you're not dead!"

"Brother-~it's so scary, I almost died!"

"Great! The Black Tiger Gang's bastards, this time they really lost both the wife and the army, hahahaha!" One person shouted happily.

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

"Miss, you have contributed the most to this matter! Otherwise, no one would have known that the Black Tiger Gang's bastards would actually use bombs," At this time, Yang Shi and other people in the martial arts world came to Lin Huan and Long Xiaoruo respectfully.

Their eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Just now, when Long Xiaoruo was pushed out by the shock wave of the explosion, they saw this scene with their own eyes!

This shocked them and made it difficult to control their emotions.

If it weren't for Lin Huan, the boss who had the right to speak, they would probably kneel down and shout that the master would accept them as disciples.

"I'm in a good mood today, go back and eat and drink as much as you want! You... go back too." Lin Huan said lightly, and at the same time glanced meaningfully at Yang Shi and others, warning them not to make trouble.

Seeing this, they quickly retracted their sight, but the excitement and excitement in their hearts did not diminish at all.

This must be the legendary top master!

Otherwise, how could this girl withstand the impact of the explosion?

That must be the body-protecting qi of the legendary top master!

Lin Huan, who was so close to this girl, must be a powerful and top-notch expert. They really made a mistake!

As for the conversation between Lin Huan and Yang Shi and others, Gou Ye and others could not understand it at all.

After all, the situation was critical just now, and only Yang Shi and other warriors might have noticed the whole process. As for Gou Ye and Er Lu and others, they closed their eyes in shock, so they were all confused at the moment.

The girl just now was obviously turned into ashes in the explosion, but why is she standing here intact now?

However, seeing Lin Huan's attitude, they did not dare to ask anything, for fear of angering Lin Huan, a mysterious adult.

Let's just let this become a beach legend.

"Don't leave!"

Just when everyone was about to leave, a scolding suddenly came from the cellar.

Everyone looked over and found that it was the two priests.

"Goddess~ Goddess Athena~"

"You must not leave~ What's the point of us living if you leave? The church is gone, how can we worship you?"

The two priests lost everything and were no longer afraid. They ran towards Zhong Xiaoruo.

"What are you doing! Do you want to die?"

Erlu stopped them and pointed his gun at their heads.

"No, no, no, big brother, don't get me wrong. We have no ill intentions. We are just looking for our goddess."

"There is no goddess here. If you don't leave, I will kill you!"

"Wait, big brother, it was these two priests who told us that there is a cellar. Ask them first and don't rush to kill them."

One person still had a sense of chivalry and came out to dissuade them.

"Do you know these two?" Lin Huan was also curious.

"Just two stupid liars, but they are not bad people." Long Xiaoruo couldn't help but recall his experience in the past few days.

Although the two stupid scammers may have discovered the terrifying power of the bolt she deduced, so they planned to package her as the goddess Athena and deceive foreigners to make money.

But no matter what, she stayed in the church for several days for free.

And the two stupid pastors were indeed extremely respectful to her, and they were also good people among the scammers.

After hearing this, Lin Huan snapped his fingers casually.

Several gold bricks appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground with a clang, and the two pastors' eyes almost popped out.


This must be the miracle mentioned in the Bible!

For a moment, the two men knelt down in front of Lin Huan: "Oh~ Great God of Wealth, we are your loyal believers. For our sincerity, please give us more gold!"

"Hmm?" Lin Huan's eyes condensed, and a priest immediately changed his words: "No, no, no, we don't want gold, no."

"Oh~ I understand, you are warning us that we have recognized the wrong god, you must be the great Zeus! Please give us more..."

"You are stupid after reading the foreign Bible! Do you want to die? Go! Go, go, go..."

The priest quickly slapped the stupid brother beside him to wake him up, then wrapped the gold brick with clothes and dragged him away.

"Interesting two guys." Lin Huan couldn't help but smile.

"Lin Huanhuan, is it okay for you to show your supernatural powers in front of these ordinary people?" Long Xiaoruo looked worried.

"Don't use repetition when calling my name, it's disgusting."


[Author's digression]: Please ask for silver bills, please ask for silver bills, please ask for silver bills.

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