All Heavens Shocked: I have a plug-in recycling template

Chapter 73: Shocking the World, Chinese Heavenly God Lin Huan

When the nominal owner of the fleet, the colonel, verbally agreed to sacrifice the warship to Lin Huan, the conditions for recovery had been met.

However, Lin Huan was not satisfied. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the colonel was rolled back into his palm by his internal force: "Just one? You are not sincere enough."

"Sincere?" The colonel was confused.

The warship he was on was the most advanced in the fleet!

It was built with funding from their father, the White Eagle Country.

Isn't sacrifice just sacrificing the best things to the gods?

They are willing to sacrifice the best warships, isn't this sincere enough?

And why does this god speak the Chinese language?

Are these two not the gods of Fuso, but the gods of China, otherwise why would they protect China?

At this moment, the fleet colonel's heart was full of question marks.

Could it be that the gods would still want those incomplete sacrifices?

Unfortunately, time does not allow him to think slowly now.

So, the colonel could only bite the bullet and guess Lin Huan's thoughts.

"Great God... I... am willing to give you all the warships."

"Very good." Lin Huan showed a satisfied look.

He meant to take them all!

This little Fuso is very promising.

Of course, he meant the next life.

Because today they are probably going to feed the fish in the sea.

"Recycle!" Lin Huan thought, and the warship under his feet was suddenly collected into the recycling template space.


In an instant, all the Fuso invaders, including the Fuso officers, fell into the sea.

Lin Huan took his sister and ran towards other warships without leaving any traces on the water.




There is no need to touch the recycled items personally. As long as they are within a certain range (ten meters), Lin Huan can collect his own things into the recycling template space.

In this way, one Fuso warship after another fell into his hands.

These amazing "miracles" naturally could not be hidden from anyone, and soon fell into the eyes of all forces.

Warlords, people of the underworld, ordinary people, and foreign journalists in the concession.

A large number of crazy journalists were not even afraid of danger, and rushed to the seaside in order to take the clearest photos!

Some people also carried the old black and white tape cameras to shoot the amazing miracles caused by Lin Huan.

And these will still be the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world in the next few hundred years!

After just a quarter of an hour, all the Fuso warships on the sea disappeared.

Some non-commissioned officers on some warships in the rear fell into the sea without knowing what happened.

One by one, they either shouted that the monster was causing trouble or shouted for their father to save their lives.

But at this time, the only one who could save them was the god of death.

For these invaders, going to hell is the best relief!

"It's amazing, Lin Huanhuan, you don't have a space ability, right?" Long Xiaoruo hugged Lin Huan tightly, with a strong curiosity and pleading in her eyes.

It seemed that if Lin Huan didn't tell her, she would cry immediately.

"Shh, this is a secret, but I'll tell you later."

"No, tell me, how long will the friendship last?"

"Three to five years at most, a few months at least."

"No, no, it's been too long, Lin Huanhuan, don't you love me anymore?"

"Love, but secrets are secrets."

"No! No, no, no! No..."

Long Xiaoruo kept making a fuss, but Lin Huan just wouldn't let go.

Until he got impatient, he threatened Long Xiaoruo: "Long Xiaoruo, be quiet! Otherwise, I'll throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Okay, come on."

Long Xiaoruo let go of her arms that were holding Lin Huan.

For a moment, she fell down.


Lin Huan had no choice but to flip her hands and hold Princess Long Xiaoruo steady again.

At this moment, Lin Huan knew without even looking that this girl's eyes were definitely cunning, and she was really a clinging little fox!

After a while, Lin Huan and Long Xiaoruo returned to the dock.

After the matter was done, it was not appropriate to stay here for long.

Lin Huan continued to hold his sister, and disappeared on the dock again in a blink of an eye.

Not long after, Lin Huan and Long Xiaoruo returned to the Crocodile Gang.

At this moment, a huge welcome party had been set up here.

The situation at the dock had already spread throughout the Crocodile Gang.

Their Brother Huan used his magic to take away all the warships of Fuso Country with his own strength!

This miracle that was enough to shock the world really existed!

Their Brother Huan was undoubtedly a god descending to the earth!

"Brother Huan is invincible! Brother Huan will win! Brother Huan has boundless magic power!"

One person shouted, and the others immediately followed suit.

"Enough! You are all yelling nonsense!" Erlu kicked the Crocodile Gang members who were howling blindly one by one.

"Fuck you! Our Crocodile Gang is not a cult, go back and do what you should do?" Dog Lord also scolded.

Then, the welcome party went on normally.

This afternoon was destined to be not so dull.

The news of Lin Huan's miracle had naturally reached the Marshal's Mansion long ago. Since the threat from Fusang was gone, there was no need to be nervous anymore.

They quickly ordered the army to withdraw and the people to withdraw in an orderly manner.

Shanghai soon resumed normal operations.

But compared to the stability before, Shanghai is now full of a "goddess" craze.

I don't know how many big shots are trying their best to see Lin Huan.

But they are destined to be wishful thinking. After all, even Zhang Dashuai himself hasn't been alone with Lin Huan for a few days.

How could he allow others to occupy his time?


At the same time, the miracle was also a hot topic in the concession.

Among them, the group of foreign students Andy was the most excited!

The reason why they were willing to come to China from afar was because they were attracted by Chinese Kung Fu.

But in the past, many White Eagle people didn't believe in the existence of Chinese Kung Fu. Now they want to see who is wrong?

After all, even the legendary gods have appeared.

Who dares to question the existence of Chinese Kung Fu?


Time flies, and it is three days later.

The news of the Chinese God of Heaven not only spread throughout the country, but also fell into the eyes of some major foreign forces.

The reason why they didn't let their people know was, firstly, to avoid people making trouble and triggering a wave of yearning for China.

Secondly, they actually had their own little thoughts.

The fewer people who knew about this, the better it would be for them.

After their detailed investigation, the appearance of the Chinese Tianshen was absolutely true!

After all, the Japanese fleet that attacked China really disappeared out of thin air!

The surviving soldiers on the fleet can testify to this.

Although there are not many Fuso soldiers left at all...


[Author's digression]: Please give me silver bills, please give me silver bills, please give me silver bills!

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