All Heavens Shocked: I have a plug-in recycling template

Chapter 83: Martial Arts Academy Opening Ceremony, who can show off more?

"If it's really that cruel, then I can only kill my brother-in-law first, Xiaoruo, who will you help then?"

"Lin Huanhuan!" Long Xiaoruo shouted angrily.

"Hahaha, just kidding, don't be angry, don't be angry."

"Hit you! Hit..."

After a painless fight, the sky finally brightened.

After washing and having breakfast, as soon as they went out, they saw the Crocodile Gang and others who had been waiting outside for a long time.

Everyone went to Shanghai Beach Martial Arts Academy with ease.

The Crocodile Gang led the way, and the effect was outstanding!

In just a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the school gate.

Although something happened yesterday, the enrollment process was not interrupted.

After a day of selection, more than a thousand qualified candidates have been officially admitted to the Martial Arts Academy.

Now, they are going through the various procedures required for admission.

Of course, this also includes the allocation of classes and dormitories, etc.

The new students at the school gate are still undergoing tests. According to the estimation of the scale of the entire college, the enrollment period is limited to seven days. After seven days, the enrollment will be officially ended.

Seeing Lin Huan coming, the examiners and candidates all bowed and saluted.

Lin Huan also nodded slightly in response.

Just then, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

"Hahahaha! Your college is doing well."

The whole audience immediately exclaimed, and everyone looked up at the sky.

This figure really descended from a thousand feet high.

Could it be another immortal who came to the world?

Finally, Zhang Dawei slowly landed on the high platform.

"Please sit down, this immortal, please sit down too."

Zhang Dashuai, who had been staying near Lin Huan, was stunned at first, but then reacted and welcomed him with double joy.

He was lucky to meet an immortal in his life.

I didn't expect another one to come now. It's really a great honor for the ancestors!

With the "appearance" in public, Zhang Dawei naturally received countless awe-inspiring eyes.

He had been used to such occasions for a long time, but only this time, his system suddenly moved!

The [World Sublimation Progress], which had not increased for a long time, suddenly increased by 0.5% just now!


[Assisted World Sublimation System]

As the name suggests, as long as he helps the world to speed up the development speed and process, Zhang Dawei can get the reward given by the system.

There are two types of rewards, one is to issue martial arts secrets, and the other is simply system initiation, using cheats to improve skills.

Relying on the system plug-in, even Zhang Dawei, who didn't even know a few traditional Chinese characters at the beginning, rose very quickly!

Now, he has grown to the peak of martial arts in this world.

After so many years, the system has indeed helped him a lot.

But in some sense, he has also been restricted by the system.

Now, it is almost impossible for Zhang Dawei, who has reached the realm of martial arts grandmaster, to continue to improve.

Because he has mastered a part of the most powerful power of heaven and earth in this world, but even so, he is still a step away from breaking the void.

The missing part of the power has become a gap, making it impossible for him to successfully escape from this world no matter what.

After trying many ways to no avail, Zhang Dawei was bound here and completely became a machine for brushing tasks.

Constantly completing tasks and cultivating talents in order to gain system initiation and cheating.

However, this progress has become slower and slower as his strength has increased, so that Zhang Dawei has now started to slack off.

Anyway, there is no difference between a few decades and one or two hundred years. With his current strength, it is not a problem to live another three or four hundred years...

But now, the sudden increase in the progress of world sublimation makes it difficult for Zhang Dawei to suppress the joy in his heart.

[World sublimation progress: 92.7%]

For a moment, Zhang Dawei could not help but focus his eyes on Lin Huan.

The next moment, Zhang Dawei teleported directly to Lin Huan's side, and while paying attention to Lin Huan's attitude, he examined the people not far away.

At this moment, Zhang Dawei, who "appeared" in public again, received the system prompt sound as he wished.

[Congratulations to the host...]

"0.1%!" Zhang Dawei could hardly hide the joy on his face.

This method really works!

But why didn't he respond when he appeared before?

Did he find the wrong way before?

For a moment, Zhang Dawei, who was eager to ascend, couldn't sit still and said to Lin Huan: "Brother, can you help me?"

"Hmm?" Lin Huan couldn't help but look at this guy in confusion.

What's going on?

Why did his luck value suddenly drop a lot just now?

After all, he hadn't planned to calculate this replica fellow.

Lin Huan couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in his heart: "What help?"

"God, let's have a sparring match!"

"What?" Lin Huan couldn't help but show a look of doubt.

His current combat power is only 160 at most, but Zhang Dawei's is at least 800!

And this is a conservative estimate based on the existing information.

In terms of his real combat power, it may exceed the second level...

Fighting with him, isn't Lin Huan asking for trouble?

But before Lin Huan could refuse, Zhang Dawei controlled the power of heaven and earth to condense an invisible giant hand and threw Lin Huan into the air.

Lin Huan: "Fuck! o_O???"

Long Xiaoruo: "ヾ(???)?? Lin Huanhuan!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Huan stood in the sky in a daze.

Zhang Dawei looked at him apologetically opposite him: "Don't be nervous, we are all fellow villagers, just think of it as accompanying me to play a play, and I will pay you, OK?"

"What else can I say?" Lin Huan looked at Zhang Dawei helplessly.

This has come in front of everyone, and I have to fight.

Otherwise, going up and down again, but doing nothing in the end, wouldn't it be a monkey for people to watch?

"Tell me, how to fight?" Lin Huan asked.

"Fight as much as you can! The more exaggerated the better, the rest depends on me."


"Sword!" With the blessing of powerful skills, Lin Huan's voice was like thunder.

In an instant, his appearance attracted everyone's attention.

The next moment, a fancy ancient alloy long sword appeared in his hand, which of course was taken out from the template space.


With the blessing of internal force, a clear and melodious sword sound followed.

However, outsiders don't know that it is very effective for pretending.

Obviously, those who don't know the truth are indeed shocked by this move.

Sword Immortal!

It turns out that Brother Huan, who is famous in Shanghai, is the legendary Sword Immortal!

Looking at the commotion below, Zhang Dawei couldn't help but admire him.

This fellow is really good at pretending.

But he is not bad either, so let's see who is more impressive?

"Kill! God! Spear——"

Zhang Dawei made an exaggerated gesture with his arms.

Then, the pseudo-thunder condensed by the power of heaven and earth "sizzled" and condensed into a more fancy thunder spear.

For a moment, Lin Huan and Zhang Dawei stared at each other.

Without saying a word, the two of them understood each other's thoughts.

"Fuck, you're really good."

"You're still the same?"


[Author's digression]: Please give me some money, please give me some money, please give me some money!

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