All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 207 The Warlord of Torch City

207. Warlord of Torch City

"Hahahaha!!" Chunyuyan laughed loudly. He patted Lin Huo's shoulder vigorously, causing him to stagger for a while, "If that's the case, then it's easy to say."

Lin Huo slapped his hand away very unhappily, "What can I say? Although we won this time, we exposed too many things, and more than half of Iron Hammer Town was destroyed! If Lu Weiwei sends troops over again, what will we do?" withstand?"

"Actually, you know the answer, but you just don't want to say it, because you feel uncomfortable when you say it." Chunyuyan lit another cigarette and smoked. He looked at Linhuo, and handed over the bag of Dazhonghua in his hand, "Come on root?"

Lin Huo pushed the cigarette away in disgust, "I am a mage! No smoking!"

"Hehe, that's so boring." Chunyuyan put away the cigarette, took a big puff with the cigarette in his mouth, and then exhaled the smoke into the sky, but he didn't have any intention of talking.

Lin Huo waited for half a minute before he sighed heavily and said, "Let's vigorously build the three villages on the other side of Xingfu Village... Move the people there and build Iron Hammer Town into a fortress. If you do this, I have completely become your vassal."

Chunyuyan didn't answer the question, but instead asked, "What's your adjutant's name? I think his temperament should be a very typical soldier."

"His name is Jin Shan. He used to be an officer of GDI. He went to a serious military academy. After his team was broken up, he wandered around and was rescued by me. He has been following me since then." Lin Huo replied.

"No wonder he looks down on people. It turns out that he is from GDI. He has a sense of superiority." Chun Yuyan said: "Let him take charge of all our military affairs, including training, combat, etc. There are not enough manpower at present. , let Drago be his adjutant and bodyguard."

"Drago? That mercenary? Do you know that I sent him there before?" Lin Huo glanced at Chunyuyan.

"I don't know, but since he doesn't say it, I don't care."

Lin Huo frowned, "Who gave you confidence in your style of acting?"

"Intuition for being a cop."

"I'll say it again, where do you look like a policeman?"

"Now you see it." Chunyuyan looked back at Lin Huo's gloomy expression, and said with a smile, "I can tell you the answer, but you may not like to hear this answer."

"Say it."

Chunyuyan took a drag on his cigarette, and his eyes became deep, "I seem to have given you many choices, but in fact your best choice will always be the one I want. And I'm not afraid of you making other choices. "

After speaking, he stood up, patted Lin Huo on the shoulder and said, "Let's make arrangements for the people first. Next, I still have a lot of things to discuss with you."

Then he threw away the cigarette butt and walked away, and his voice could be heard from a distance, "Go, Yiyi! Dad will take you to drive a tank! The one that can transform!"

"Okay~~~" Yiyi exclaimed excitedly.

Lin Huo looked at Chunyuyan's back, shook his head after a long time, and said to Jin Shan: "You heard it too, and you will continue to be in charge of all military affairs in the future. Let's integrate the forces in our hands first, and then how to build Arm the perimeter of Iron Hammer Town and come up with a plan."

"Yes!" Jin Shan didn't say much, and immediately stood at attention and saluted.


In the Nod Far East theater, the third east area is in the northeast direction. 200 kilometers west of Ruin City, Torch City.

This is a medium-sized urban agglomeration with Torch City as the core and eleven towns around it, with a total population of nearly 400,000. It can be said that in the entire East Third District, apart from the central city of Guangshan, which is now in chaos, it is one of the largest cities.

The city is orderly. Although there are no magnificent high-rise buildings, the residential area, commercial area, and industry are clearly distinguished. The streets are not crowded, but they are full of people, showing the vitality of the city.

This city seems to have recovered to the level of a county-level city before the outbreak of the war. In such an end-time world, such a city, just like her name, is a torch that illuminates the surroundings.

Although human beings are good at destroying themselves, they are also good at saving themselves from destruction.

However, unlike the city before the war, there are patrols with live ammunition walking around the city all the time, barbed wire fences pulled up outside the city, and concrete forts and sentry towers that can be seen everywhere around the city, and even deployed on the top of some buildings. Quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns and Gait machine guns.

All this reminds people that this is an end-time, an end-time full of wars.

In the center of Torch City, there is a building with only two floors but a large area. This building is decorated with a very western classical flavor. In fact, it used to be a world history museum, but now it is the command center of Lu Weiwei, the actual controller of Torch City, the head of the Silver Legion!

In one of the conference rooms, there is an oval conference table with a length of 10 meters. The two sides of the conference table are full of military officers at all levels, and each of them looks solemn.

On the top, there is a man in his thirties wearing a straight gray military uniform. Two long banners of the Brotherhood of Nod are hung on the walls on both sides behind him. The triangular scorpion-tail badge makes the People can't help but feel awe when they see it.

The man was thin, with prominent cheekbones and stubble on his chin, but his eyes were always closed.

He is the supreme commander of Torch City, the head of the Silver Army——Lu Weiwei! And the two scorpion tail marks on the shoulders of his military uniform also indicated that his military rank in the Brotherhood of Nod was Major General!

"Let me briefly explain, what exactly happened to destroy my Second Armored Regiment?" Lu Weiwei said, his voice was ugly, like a duck quacking, but everyone present lowered their heads Dare not have the slightest slack.

From the bottom of the conference table, three senior staff officers stood up. They were all staff officers of Feng Tao's army, and they left their troops and ran back from the hell of Iron Hammer Town.

"We set off at 11:00 am on July 28th, and the marching speed was not fast. We arrived at a position 50 kilometers east of Hammer Town at 13:00 noon on July 29th. And at this time, a large-scale ion explosion broke out in the area near the ruined city. The storm cut off all communication." A staff officer replied.

Lu Weiwei turned towards this man, eyes still closed, his expression darkened, "Then, according to the original plan, you should bypass Iron Hammer Town from the path around the ruined city, and connect directly with Qi Wei's Black Wolf Tribe. After we have a stable foothold, we will launch an offensive against Hammer Town, right?"

Beads of sweat dripped from the corner of the staff officer's forehead. He lowered his head and said, "No...Major Feng Tao thinks that the coming of this ion storm is just his opportunity. We can take this opportunity to launch a surprise attack to directly occupy Iron Hammer Town and achieve it in one go." The ultimate goal of the battle..."

"Feng Tao is dead, what do you mean, all the responsibility is on this dead man?" Lu Weiwei asked coldly.

"I... my subordinates deserve death! But... it was indeed like this at the time... Major Feng Tao insisted on doing this." The staff officer replied tremblingly.

"You want to tell me that Feng Tao led his troops to march all day, and launched an attack on Iron Hammer Town without any rest? Such a reckless decision, what is your staff doing? Already?" Lu Weiwei's tone became dangerous.

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