All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 528 Air Command

528. Air Command

"Be careful! Pay attention to air defense!!"

"The anti-aircraft guns fire!!"

Da da da da! Da da da da! Countless bullets were fired towards the sky, and tracer bullets pulled out bands of light in the air.

Eight AV-49 Wasp fighter planes rolled and circled very flexibly in the air, and the two multi-function rocket devices equipped on the planes continuously fired rockets towards the ground.

The rocket launcher equipped on the Wasp is a single-tube type. It uses a drum with 30 rounds to feed the bombs. The driver can easily select one of the rockets in the drum to launch through the on-board computer, so that according to different battlefield conditions , emitting different single species.

The third-generation synthetic human driver on a Wasp looked sternly through the panoramic driver's window, and tapped his finger to control the rocket launcher to install the No. 23 ammunition. All the controls of the entire aircraft have been deeply implanted in his mind, and he doesn't even need to distract himself to look at the screen for all operations.

boom! boom! ! Two incendiary rockets exploded on the ground, one of which hit an M2-F light tank. The tank was immediately submerged in the sea of ​​flames, the flames were sucked in from the engine vent, and thick smoke billowed out immediately, paralyzing there. The driver among them was sealed in the tank, let out a series of screams, and was roasted to death by the flames.

There are more and more anti-aircraft firepower on the ground, and more and more dense, no matter how flexible the Vespa aircraft is, it has to be forced to an altitude of more than 2,000 meters by powerful firepower.

Boom boom boom! The Hornets continuously fired rockets to attack the 3rd Armored Regiment of Torch City below, but the firepower of only eight fighters was not enough to cause much damage to the entire army with a marching width of more than 3 kilometers. In other words, the distance between ground troops is too large, and the damage caused by small rockets is really limited.

The combat organization of modern warfare is getting smaller and smaller, and is developing in the direction of flexibility and decentralization. In an armored regiment's operations, the area to be controlled may be several kilometers wide. Therefore, the tank group charge that was common in World War II is difficult to appear in modern warfare.

Therefore, in the view of the drivers of these Wasp aircraft, although there is an entire armored regiment on the ground, more than 5,000 people, close to 100 tanks and armored vehicles, and more trucks and artillery, they are still sparse.

However, the sparseness is just an appearance. In fact, the powerful information and data-based battlefield command system can use this sparse power to the limit and become a terrifying torrent of steel!

This is modern warfare!

More than a dozen Harpy helicopters flew to the battlefield. Torch City does not have regular fixed-wing aircraft as the air force. In fact, thanks to the ion storm, the number of air forces in the entire world is very small. The plane you have worked hard to build and the pilot you have trained for several years, just a sudden ion storm will fall from the sky like dumplings, and then there will be no survivors!

The pilot of the Wasp aircraft gave those Harpy helicopters a cold look, immediately pushed the joystick, and swooped over like 8 hungry wolves!

Da da da da! The two air force M247H machine guns on the nose spew out flames! This pulse machine gun is so powerful that it can even tear the top armor of some tanks! You must know that this is also the production process of the interstellar era in the 26th century. Although the principle used is common, the related production technology is extremely high. Even when this machine gun fires against the wind at high speed, the dispersion of bullets is very small. With the advanced fire control system, it is no problem to deal with Harpy helicopters!

Eight AV-49 Wasp fighters drew arcs in the air, and the flexible tactical maneuvers made it impossible for the Harpy helicopter to lock and fire, and the rest was massacre!

boom! boom! boom! ! At the same time as more than a dozen Harpy helicopters turned into fireballs and fell, the Wasp aircraft also began to dive, firing rockets one after another at the locked ground target.

The synthetic human pilot of one of the Vespas suddenly saw several strange vehicles ahead. This vehicle is large, crawler-type, and a long boom with a dish antenna is raised at the rear of the vehicle.

Without the slightest hesitation, the synthetic human driver pushed the joystick and rushed straight towards the truck.

The surrounding anti-aircraft firepower is obviously stronger by more than one level, and it is obvious that this kind of truck is the core existence of this force. Immediately, other troops moved closer to this side, and various machine guns and anti-aircraft guns fired dense barrages. A piercing alarm also sounded in the cabin, which was a signal locked by several active fire control radars!

Several anti-aircraft missiles rose into the sky, and the synthetic human pilot also locked on to his target!

However, at the same time he pressed the launch button, a sudden change occurred! A 20mm machine gun bullet arrived in an instant, and immediately pierced the cockpit of the Wasp aircraft, and at the same time penetrated the synthetic human pilot's chest!

The cockpit of the AV-49 Vespa has very good visibility, but this is also the biggest drawback. Because the large area of ​​tempered glass windows can't stop the attack of bullets at all.

If it is the full version of the AV-49 Vespa, then there is an energy shield to make up for this shortcoming. However, what Chunyuyan drew now was a broken aircraft without energy shield. In this way, this kind of driving window cannot provide even a little protection for the pilot at all!

The synthetic human pilot was instantly killed by the bullet. He tilted his hand to move the joystick, and the prepared rocket was launched immediately, but it did not hit the target, but exploded in the open space. And this aircraft was quickly destroyed by intensive anti-aircraft fire after it lost control, and fell from the sky.

boom! bang bang bang bang! The burning wreckage of the Wasp aircraft rolled on the ground under the action of inertia, and the scattered parts still carried flames, forming dots of fire on the ground. I don't know whether it was God's blessing or the reason why the aircraft dived towards the MSA mobile radar vehicle. The wing of the aircraft slammed into the track of the radar vehicle, breaking the track and knocking down a road wheel.

The members of the radar car rushed down to pick up the tools and started repairing.

In the sky, after seeing that one plane had been lost and the results were not great, the remaining 7 Wasp aircraft turned around and flew back towards the ruined city.

Although it took only about half an hour for the general attack from the Harpy helicopter formation in Torch City to the bombing of the 3rd Armored Regiment by the Wasp aircraft, during this half hour, Ruin City has already firmly grasped the air supremacy in its hands. !

An hour later, the ruined city dispatched the air force again. Ten Wasp aircraft flew directly over Torch City. Although the anti-aircraft firepower of Torch City was extremely fierce, these aircraft still fired more than 100 rockets at Torch City, causing panic among the city residents.

On the ground, the 3rd Armored Regiment has directly reached the Redwood Town that was previously occupied by the ruined city, and brought the town back under control. The troops of the Ruin Legion did not dare to fight, and continued to retreat after firing a few symbolic shots.

After that, the third armored regiment continued to advance, and the main force led by Lu Weiwei entered Hongmu Town, and established a front-line combat command center in Hongmu Town, and sent an infantry brigade to march south to occupy Bailong Town, which was also controlled by the ruined army before.

The superiority in the air has no way to stop the attack of the Torch City Legion! Now the Third Armored Regiment has advanced to an area less than 40 kilometers away from the Hammer Fortress!

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