“Zhou Zhong, I think it’s better for us to explore the Cold Ice Secret Realm.”

“For three days, Lu Cang’s shadow has not been seen.”

“The Ice Secret Realm is so big, if we can’t find him all the time, wouldn’t we waste our time in vain.”

One of the two who came in, Ye He said.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhong frowned slightly.

After a moment, he muttered, “No. ”

“This kid’s rise is too fast, it’s like opening an outside.”

“This secret realm is not a broken secret realm of their school, there are monsters and beasts everywhere, and there are many resources.”

“The longer the time, the more variables.”

“I’m afraid that if we delay for a few more days, when we meet him, even if there is an explosive potion, it will not be his opponent.”

“Wang Ruwen, this kid, you don’t know, if we can’t kill Lu Cang, after we go out…”

Zhou Zhong’s face gradually turned livid, and his voice trembled.

“Not only will you be killed by Wang Ruwen, but the people in the family, Wang Ruwen will not let go.”

Ye He was stunned and asked rhetorically, “It’s impossible.” ”

“Wang Ruwen, does he dare?”

“The Sky Blue Base is not the Wang family, and he Wang Ruwen is not the head of the family, so dare to be so unscrupulous, when the person in power does not exist?”

Ye He is not a native of the Sky Blue Base, and originally lived in a smaller base than the Sky Blue Base, working as a transport team.

Then a transport mission, came to the Sky Blue base.

He then settled down.

“You don’t understand the Sky Blue Base.”

“The Wang family is extremely powerful in the Sky Blue Base, and in recent years, there are faint signs of confrontation with those in power.”

“We are old and have no background in the royal beast masters, in the eyes of the Wang family and the rulers, like ants.”

“Kill if you kill, as long as it doesn’t cause public indignation.”

“Even if it causes public indignation, just create some hot topics and attract attention.”

“When the heat passes, naturally no one pays attention, and even the masterminds behind the scenes will forget.”

Do you really not understand or pretend not to understand?

Zhou Zhong glanced at Ye He.

I wondered.

Ye He is also not small, how can he be so naïve.

Hearing this, Ye He’s face changed and he let out a long sigh.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand, he just pretends not to understand.

Lu Cang’s imperial beast’s combat power was fierce, and it was obvious to everyone that day.

If it weren’t for Zhou Zhong’s presence, he would even have the idea of going to Lu Cang.

Explosive potions also have a time limit.

Lu Cang Royal Beast may be invincible, and the Royal Beast that used explosive seed potions, but there is still no problem in escaping and delaying time.

When the effect of the drug passes, you can fight back.

But now, Wang Ruwen was like a sharp sword suspended above his head.

There was no choice but to kill Lu Cang.

“Okay, rest for a while, keep looking.”

Zhou Zhong took out the dry food and thought about his thoughts while eating.

Right at this moment.

A white figure flashed by.


Originally, Zhou Zhong thought that it was a demon beast in the Cold Ice Secret Realm.


“There are people on that demon beast!”

“It’s not a demon beast, it’s a royal beast!”

Zhou Zhong used his spiritual energy and came to the area of his eyes.


The field of view becomes clearer, like the gap between 360p and 1080p.

Zhou Zhong can also see further.

“It’s Lu Cang, Ye He!”

“Let’s catch up!”

After Zhou Zhong looked further, he found that the white figure was Lu Cang’s imperial beast, and above, it was Lu Cang who was sitting.

“It’s not fast, we can catch up!”

Just as Zhou Zhong rolled over and sat on his Qingmu Wolf, Ye He stopped him.


“Use the explosive potion first.”

Ye He said, moving sharply in his hand, feeding the explosive seed elixir into his imperial beast retreat beast.

The Escape Beast, an evolutionary form of the Earth Escape Beast.

It looks like a scorpion with a large mouth.

The Escape Beast obviously sensed the adverse effects of the Explosive Seed Elixir and took a step back towards the rear.

Seeing this scene, Ye He’s heart beat slowly, but he still gritted his teeth and ordered the retreat beast to drink the explosive seed potion.

The retreat beast that took the explosive seed potion emitted a scarlet light.

The momentum climbed step by step, and in a blink of an eye, he broke through the shackles and came to the top-grade battle general.

Improving strength was originally a good thing, but the retreat beast felt that its potential was exhausted, and there was no hope of improving for the rest of its life.

Looking at himself again and again, the master who fought hard to protect himself in blood and fought a bleak cry.

“I’m sorry, Escape Beast.”

“I’m also for my wife and daughter.”

There was a flash of light in Ye He’s eyes, and he meditated in his heart.

“It turned out to be really pretended.”

“Old boy, almost lied to me!”

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhong already understood at this time.

What he said before was obviously that Ye He didn’t want to kill Lu Cang.

But he didn’t want to!

However, the Wang family is strong and does not want to die, so he can only do what Wang Ruwen ordered.


After taking the potion, Qingmu Wolf’s strength also skyrocketed.

In the end, he actually broke through to the ultimate warrior!

The green wood wolf was smarter than the retreat beast, and he didn’t know whether he was cold-blooded or controlled his emotions, and he didn’t make a sad cry.

But in the eyes with a faint red light, there is a trace of imperceptible sadness.

Zhou Zhong looked pleased.

One superb warrior, one superior general.

Killing Lu Cang is as simple as probing for something!

“Lu Cang, you’re dead!”

“Let’s go, catch up with Lu Cang!”


The ground behind him shook violently, as if some behemoth was approaching.

Lu Cang could also sense two abnormally violent auras.

Turn around and look.

The ground in the distance was like undulating waves, as if an earth dragon was moving underground, and above, there was a beast master.

The other side.

It was a cyan giant wolf with vines wrapped around its body, and there was also a Royal Beast Master sitting on its back.


Lu Cang looked thousands of meters away, and Zhong Lu’s figure disappeared.

A long sigh.

Taibai also slowed down and turned around to prepare to face the two.

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