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Chapter 1041: High-tech enterprises should be high-tech

Peiping is still different from Los Angeles. In this era, Peking's air quality has begun to have problems. In the winter, the thick fog will not dissipate for a long time.

At this time, people just regarded it as thick fog and did not realize that there was something called haze.

Of course, life must go on even with this awareness.

You still have to go to work when you need to go to work, and you still have to go out when you need to go out.

At most, there is nothing wrong when I don't realize it. I just think that the air is not good. When someone breaks the news, I will feel worried and other emotions in my heart.

In the thick fog on a winter morning, some people walk, some cycle to work, and some go out by car. Of these three, both the former and the latter are in the minority, and the one in the middle is the majority.

When the country develops, the number of bikers will decrease, and those who go out by car will become the main force, while those who go out on foot will remain unchanged.

Whether now or in the future, Hong Bin is the type who travels by car.

The car he was riding in drove into the garage of the County Prince's Mansion, and with the winter chill, he saw Xu Ang.


Xu Ang, who was sorting out documents, asked Hong Bin to sit down first. The latter saw stacks of documents on Xu Ang's desk, and their total height was definitely more than one meter.

Although he didn't know the contents of the files, Hong Bin still sighed: There are so many files, it feels like a big project.

He was right, it was indeed a big project.

After completing this month's sign-in task, Xu Ang received a Lenovo Xiaoxin iPad and its related technical information.

Twenty years later, tablet computers are very common among Chinese people. There are tablets priced at three to five hundred yuan, one or two thousand yuan, and even those from big brands such as Huawei that cost several thousand yuan. Prices vary and quality varies, but there is always one that suits you.

Compared with the much-hyped smartphones, tablets are relatively less popular.

But that was twenty years later. In 1997, if we wanted to build a tablet computer based on domestic technology and manufacturing standards, it would be a high-end project. Xu Ang was instilled with relevant manufacturing techniques, and it was not as easy as it sounds to create a physical object.

The most important thing is that he found that because the technology of this thing came from abroad, its brand company was just an assembly factory of a technology company, so many key technologies had already been patented by foreign companies. In order to obtain the authorization of these patents, he spent a lot of effort.

At this time, Xu Ang felt that he had helped Steve when he was at his lowest point, and then helped him return as a king, and it was extremely wise to take control of the fruit company again.

Because a large part of those patents belong to fruit companies, even if they do not belong to the fruit company, he can still buy them in the name of the fruit company.

With one or more foreign high-tech companies, many things that domestic companies cannot handle will have room for maneuver.

"Lao Hong, Lian Xiang's matter has been handled like this. How high are your hopes?"

While sorting out the documents and checking whether there were any flaws in the patent authorization, Xu Ang asked Hong Bin.

Speaking of what Lian Xiang was thinking about, Hong Bin's face lit up: "Although Liu Laoba and the others are still in office, as far as I know, the Academy of Sciences is conducting a self-examination. Someone was called to explain the problem at the specified place and within the specified time. These people They are still holding on, but they won’t be able to hold on for long. I believe some of them will be broken through by the end of this year.”

"Lao Liu is still in office?"

Xu Ang paused for a moment, and then told Hong Bin: "There may still be changes before the matter is finalized, so don't be careless. If we can't defeat that group with such a huge advantage this time, we will look for another opportunity." It’s a hundred times more difficult.”

Hong Bin said with deep approval: "That's true. But there are above-mentioned considerations. You may not be aware of it since you haven't been in Peiping recently. I guarantee that their voices will not be quiet."

"Someone is guaranteeing that they are not surprised, but what's the point of guaranteeing that their voices are not quiet?"

Xu Ang was surprised.

It's because he didn't speak clearly enough, or he didn't tell the story about Lao Liu and his son in enough detail. Not to mention Lao Liu, it would be impossible for him to hold a high position again if what he did, Liu Dazhuang, was exposed. This is not the case after Lao Liu has been in business for twenty or thirty years. His connections and relationships are not that deep, and his involvement is not that big. It shouldn't be like this.

Putting down the document in his hand, Xu Ang said to Hong Bin, "Please tell me carefully."

"I understand your concerns. Logically speaking, things should not be like this. Even if it is to avoid suspicion, Liu Laoba should come down. But those people also have their own reasons for saying that the company under Liu Laoba's leadership is making profits. It is one of our financial resources that generates revenue for the country. If we remove them, there is a question mark as to whether the successor can still make it profitable. If it can, everyone will be happy. If not, it will even suffer a loss. What to do with the jobs of many workers? There are too many factories in the country that are not profitable, and few are self-sustaining, let alone generating income. With a responsible attitude towards the people, we can give them a chance. Thinking about it, I can’t say anything for a while.”

At this point, Hong Bin's brows wrinkled unconsciously.

If you beat the snake, you will not die, but you will be harmed by it.

If Liu Laoba is able to handle this good situation this time, his life will never be easy.

You can't beat people like Liu Laoba to death with a stick, as the consequences will be endless.

Who told this guy to have no bottom line in doing things?

"I see."

Xu Ang thought about the restructuring that his superiors were planning to implement next year, and he also understood his superiors' concerns.

Those factories with poor profitability will clearly

During the annual restructuring, a large number of employees will be laid off. At that time, the pressure on society will be very great. From the above point of view, it is really not appropriate to cause trouble at this time.

If Xu Ang didn't have a trump card, Yang Liuqing and his gang might have escaped this disaster.

Unfortunately, destiny is mine.

Pulling out a three-finger-thick document from the pile on the table, Xu Ang motioned to Hong Bin to take a look. When the latter was browsing, Xu Ang said to him: "How big a deal do I think it is? This matter is easy to solve. What is needed above is stability. As long as you can show that you are more competent than Liu Laoba, the big leader will There will be no hesitation. You were originally a senior executive of Lianliang, but you were squeezed out by Liu Laoba through different means. It can be said that if Yang Liuqing's group collapses, you are the most suitable successor. The only question is whether the company can be maintained after you take over. As long as you show everyone that you can make the company profitable, then it won’t be a problem.”

"This is..." Hong Bin looked through the documents Xu Ang gave him, feeling extremely shocked, "Computer?!"

Computers can be made so light, so small, and so convenient!

The computer can also be used without a mouse, no keyboard is needed!

"This, this, this... is absolutely amazing!"

In Hong Bin's praise, Xu Ang Youyou said: "High-tech companies should do things that are consistent with their status, rather than selling sheep's meat to dogs. We are all honest people, and we do not want to imitate the Japanese devils and build assembly factories."

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