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Chapter 1,046 Ice Breaking Ceremony

Some people say that people always contradict themselves. For example, in terms of language, people will say that blessings are unparalleled and misfortunes never come alone, but people will also say that double happiness comes at home.

The box office performance of Hero belongs to the latter category for Lao Mouzi.

In the past, the aroma of wine was not afraid of the depth of the alley, but that is not the case now.

China's entertainment industry used to do neither premieres nor other fancy things. Everyone talks about releasing the movie after it’s made, and they don’t care too much about the box office after it’s released.

At that time, movies and television were designed to enrich people's spiritual food and meet the people's growing spiritual and cultural needs.

But as the planned economy transformed into a commodity economy, times have changed, and many things have also kept pace with the times. As a result, the fast-thinking people in China started to cross the river by touching the bald eagle, followed Hollywood and other models to hold premieres, engage in ice-breaking ceremonies and other various tricks.

Lao Mouzi's double happiness comes from one of them - the ice-breaking ceremony.

Ever since Hero's domestic box office hit 200 million, Zheng Jiajia has been planning an ice-breaking ceremony. It not only displays achievements and is of a boasting nature, but also flexes its muscles to the outside world, erecting the golden brand of Xiaoxiao Media.

You must know that this was only 1997. Facing the increasingly sluggish domestic market, to be able to produce a single movie with a box office of more than 200 million in the extremely sluggish domestic film market is such an outstanding achievement.

"It establishes prestige within the industry and establishes a formidable mountain among peers, establishing the company's position in the industry. At the same time, it can also make supervisors happy. After all, this is an achievement that can be achieved."

Zheng Jiajia's reasons for holding this ice-breaking ceremony could not be more sufficient.

Xu Ang said to her: "I don't care about the two protagonists. Anyway, we are celebrating the hero's box office. Let's just add one more - the hero's overseas box office exceeded 200 million US dollars."

"The overseas box office has exceeded 200 million!"

Zheng Jiajia was very surprised.

As the president of Xiaoxiao Media and the producer of Hero, she didn't even know the news. How could Xu Ang...well, it wasn't strange that Xu Ang knew it.

"It will probably take some time before the data for North America and Europe will be sent to you. My news will be faster. According to accurate statistics, Hero's overseas box office exceeded 200 million yesterday. It's a pity..."

After saying it was a pity, Xu Ang shook his head slightly.

Zheng Jiajia was puzzled: "Is there any problem, boss?"

The overseas box office exceeded 200 million US dollars, which is another new record. With this result, even if the box office of Hero is zero in the future, Xiaoxiao Media will still make a lot of money, excluding the share from theaters and distributors.

Just this amount of money that Xiaoxiao Media can make is equivalent to half of the total box office of domestic movies in a year at this time.

It's just a bloody profit, isn't it?

His grades were so good that Zheng Jiajia couldn't understand why Xu Ang was dissatisfied. If it were her, she would wake up laughing from her dreams.

"The problem is not with Lao Mouzi's movie, but with Truck Driver's Big Ship which is about to be released. Its entry into the box office competition will inevitably affect Hero's overseas box office. It is estimated that Hero's overseas box office will not increase much in the future. "

This is what Xu Ang regrets.

It is obvious that he can make more money, but his opponent is too powerful, taking away the popularity and fans, leaving people helpless.

Zheng Jiajia didn't answer.

In her impression, although Truck Driver is a major commercial film director in Hollywood, and his films such as The Terminator are indeed huge hits, it is not easy to say that it has had a huge impact on Hero's global box office.

And she had heard that Truck Driver's new movie was not the hot-blooded gunfight movie he had made before, but an idol romance drama. The transformation is so big and the chances of failure are high.

Zhang Fei's embroidery style is inconsistent with harmony.

Inwardly speaking, Zheng Jiajia holds the same attitude as a large number of people in Hollywood at this time. They are not optimistic about the truck driver's transformation.

It feels like the boss is worrying unfoundedly.

Zheng Jiajia is thinking this in her heart, but she won't show it.

She still has this city.

Xu Ang saw that she was disapproving and didn't say anything more.

You will know the performance of that big ship when the movie is released. Zheng Jiajia doesn't believe it now. When the facts are put in front of her, she will admire Xu Ang's foresight even more.

It is necessary for Xu Ang to properly deepen the impression that the people below are very powerful towards the boss and that he is not as good as the boss.

Otherwise, if your boss cannot control the factory, they will have inappropriate thoughts, which is not conducive to management.

"Let's do the ice-breaking ceremony first."

Xu Ang agreed with Zheng Jiajia's suggestion, and the latter indeed held the ceremony in a classy manner.

Since the domestic box office exceeded 200 million Chinese dollars and the overseas box office exceeded 200 million US dollars, two new ice-breaking records were simultaneously broken. Naturally, Zheng Jiajia would not only invite domestic media. Xu Ang saw that in addition to reporters from the mainland, Hong Kong Island and Daiwan, there were also reporters from Malay, Siam and other places, as well as from Europe and the United States.

Among all the foreign reporters, Xu Ang's eyes rested on the reporter from District 11 for a moment. His intuition told him that the aura of these islanders was not friendly.

Then he smiled.


It's okay if you're not friendly. If you were friendly, I'd still be worried about how to show off.

Seeing Xu Ang's smile, Brother Kaizi, who was invited, came to him and said, "Lao Zhang is so powerful this time. Director Xu, you and Mr. Zheng can't favor one over the other."

The shooting of Brother Kaizi's painting has entered the final stage. This star

The director who is filming a movie but actually loves architecture began to fight for more screenings and more treatment for his new work.

It can be seen that Lao Mouzi's success still stimulated him.

Xu Ang silently complained in his heart: After all, the ex will be happy to see that the other party is not doing well after breaking up, otherwise he will be very unhappy.

Except for a very few people with a magnanimous heart.

From the interview with Liu Yan, we can know that Brother Kaizi is not among these very few.

Great directors are also ordinary people.

Xu Ang smiled and replied: "Director Chen, don't worry, everything you should have will be there."

"I feel much more relieved with your words."

Brother Kaizi was in a much better mood after getting the promise. Although Lao Mouzi, who was in high spirits on the stage and enjoying the attention of the stars, was still not pleasing to his eyes.

It's okay for a photographer to come and compete with him as a director for work, but the most annoying thing is that the other party actually won the job. Brother Kaizi has only one thing to say: He is a mother.

Let you show off first, and when my movie is released, the public will understand what a truly good movie should be like.

The appreciation of the current audience needs to be improved.

"Director Chen."

Kaizi, who was half-closed his eyes and staring at Zhang Yimou, felt someone gently bumping his arm. At the same time, he heard Xu Ang's voice and immediately came back to his senses.

Following Xu Ang's gaze, Kaizi saw a group of reporters walking towards them. From the station logo on their microphones, Kaizi recognized that they were from District 11.

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