All-in-one Sign

Chapter 1048: One stone stirs up a thousand waves

What is the mentality of a small country with few people?

To say they have small belly and chicken intestines is an understatement. To put it simply, they are shameless.

It doesn't matter whether the thing is theirs or someone else's. What's important is that they think it's theirs, so it must be theirs.

the truth?


I don't listen, I don't listen.

I decided that it was ours, and in my mind it must be mine. No matter whether others presented facts or reasoned, they could not change my mind.

Karate is one of the trademarks of the island country in the world. People in District 11 have long regarded it as their own symbol. It is the pride of their island country. Now there is a Chinese who wants to trace its roots and tell its true origin. This is not to reveal their dark history, but to dig up their ancestral graves.

What Xu Ang said at the box office celebration ceremony of Lao Mouzi did not have any impact in China. At most, it made people talk more after dinner, and let those who saw the report say "That's it" so that they can spit. , angrily scolded the little devil for being so shameless.


Then it was gone.

It took less than three or five days after reading it to forget about it. If no one dug them out, they would simply be forgotten.

The Chinese people themselves have this attitude, but the islanders do not.

After Chaomai News published Xu Ang's words in the newspaper, the media in the entire eleventh district immediately followed up.

These media controlled various channels of occurrence, and launched numerous criticisms in newspapers, television, and even the new Internet. They refuted Xu Ang's words and found various so-called clues and truths to prove that Xu Ang's words were incorrect and ensure the pure island origin of karate. On the other hand, they spared no effort to smear Xu Ang, taking advantage of the islanders' hatred of China to influence public opinion.

The storm of public opinion driven by the media was both violent and rapid.

In just two or three days, a storm of public opinion had formed throughout District 11. The media criticized Xu Ang verbally and in writing, inciting people's emotions and trying to drown Xu Ang in their spit.

Of course, in the end, it was just a fantasy. After all, Xu Ang was not from the island country, and the media of his island country in Peiping, China, were completely out of reach.

Even so, these guys continue to disgust people.

As a neighbor of China, although the public opinion storm in the island country cannot come to China, it will still make China hear a lot of rumors.

Tang Lu took a newspaper and threw it on the table, motioning Xu Ang to take a look.

"The island country is clinging to what you said at the ice-breaking ceremony for Hero's 200 million box office, and they have been making noise there. It is said that their media is trying to get civil society groups to launch a petition, and they want their officials to protest against us."

The girl felt ridiculous even as she said it.

"What a bunch of things, they haven't figured out which dynasty they are in now, and they don't care if we ignore them."

Xu Ang didn't read the newspaper because he knew there wouldn't be anything good about him in it.

Xu Ang caught a glimpse of it when Tang Lu entered the room with the newspaper. The layout style and the huge blue both showed where it came from.

After all, in the Southern Department, it is a routine operation to strike hard at home. If they could do this to the outside world, they wouldn't be scolded by so many people.

"Some people are eating at home, but they want to smash the family's pot. I don't know what they are thinking."

After sighing with emotion, Xu Ang said to Tang Lu: "Isn't what I said true? I will be criticized whenever I tell the truth. This is not the old dynasty, and they are making some claims to surprise allies. The thoughts in the south feel a bit chaotic. Do they know where they should stand? They are criticizing their own family every day. Maybe they drank too much foreign ink and their hearts were stained. I said Lulu, I remember it was grandpa there. Hometown, right?”

Tang Lu rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"Allowing objections is not what I said. You have read so many books, you should know who said it."

Xu Ang shrugged.

"It doesn't make sense when you say that."

"Okay, let's change the topic." Tang Lu asked Xu Ang, "The public opinion in District 11 is fierce. I remember that you invested in many industries in District 11. Not long ago, the Japanese company entered the top 500 companies in the world after reorganization. He Real Estate belongs to you, right? You just finished your high-profile visit in District 11, and then someone started to pick on you, do you think there is something going on? "

"There are not two words that can be removed."

Xu Ang said.

Is something wrong?

There must be something wrong.

He couldn't say exactly how many forces were involved in this wing or that wing in District 11. What he could be sure of was that he himself was involved quite a bit.

Why did the media that followed the trend at the beginning react so quickly and act in such a unified way? Do you really think it was spontaneous?

I can't go into details about this matter. Anyway, in one sentence, they all use money to do things.

As for who paid for it, Xu Ang won’t tell you: I paid people to hack me.

Surprised or not, unexpected or not.

Crossing the river doesn't require oars, it's all about the waves.

Wave after wave, without any worry of being slapped to death on the beach.

Xu Ang admired himself very much. I worked hard enough to complete the task.

Tang Lu couldn't even imagine that the initiator of this incident was Xu Ang.

I have seen people act recklessly, but I have never seen Xu Ang act so recklessly.

How could someone spend money to set their own pace and create a storm of public opinion against themselves?


However, Xu Ang did just that.

The girl told Xu Ang: "Whether this matter is big or not, as long as the higher-ups don't pay attention to it, it is just the island people's self-interest. It is small but not small at all. The keynote in the country is development, and development requires funds and technology, which is different from ours." Neighboring island countries have both capital and technology, and there is no shortage of investment willingness. If someone makes an issue out of this, it will be troublesome. "

Understanding the implication of Tang Lu's words, Xu Ang raised his eyebrows: "What? Someone has a problem with me and wants to take advantage of me?"

"It's not that I have an opinion, it's that I have a big opinion." Tang Lu rolled her eyes at him, and was very annoyed with this guy who had no self-awareness. "You don't even think about how much money you have. Money is attractive to people, how can it not make people jealous? Many seniors are very angry about this guy. It can be said that capitalists hate them deeply and are always on guard against the signs of the bourgeoisie. How can you avoid being watched by such a big capital when it appears in the country? "

"Is it a sin for me to have money?"

Xu Ang was puzzled.

"Aren't we running a market economy? It's normal for people like me to get rich first. If you say that other seniors who got rich first don't like it, that's okay. Who made these people's fortunes unclean? But they What's the matter with targeting me? Every cent of my money is clean. I make money with my brain. If I am innocent, can I find the second one?"

"But you are too rich."

Xu Ang: "..."

He couldn't answer this.

What’s wrong with making more money based on your skills?

But if he thinks so, others don't.

Our ancestors once said that we should not worry about scarcity but inequality. Everyone is poor, or everyone is on the same level, and no one thinks much about it. But some people climbed higher and got more, which made people jealous and psychologically imbalanced. Others were eager to find his faults and make him fall down to pieces. It seemed to be in line with the psychology of animals like humans.

Suddenly losing interest in the conversation, Xu Ang asked Tang Lu: "What do the leaders think?"

It doesn't matter what the young people think.

What matters is what the big leaders think.

Not being jealous is a mediocre talent. If you want to be a talented person, you will definitely make some people unhappy. If you care too much about what these people think, you won't get anything done. It's better to ignore them, climb forward with all your strength, and leave them far behind, so that they can only sigh at your farther and farther back, until you become someone they can't even look up to.

Tang Lu rolled her eyes at him and said, "What do you think? Without the support of the big boss, how can you still sit here so leisurely?"

"That's true."

Xu Ang felt much better.

Tang Lu asked again: "What are you going to do about the 11th District? Can't you just ignore it and let it ferment? The higher authorities are negotiating with the WTO. If you want to join the WTO, there are some issues that cannot be underestimated."

Joining the World Trade Organization is extremely important to China. Xu Ang remembers that it was after joining the WTO that the country officially embarked on the fast track of development. Chinese people can see the benefits of joining the WTO, and so can those who hate China. The latter are trying their best to obstruct this matter. Even though they know that China will definitely succeed in the end, they still hold on to the idea that it can only be delayed for a while.

In this era of rapid technological development, if a country's development is delayed by a year, let alone a few years, it will take ten times the effort to catch up with other countries.

Joining the WTO around the new millennium is crucial for China. Xu Ang remembers that someone in later generations once commented that this was the last chance to become a great country. Fortunately, we seized it. Those countries that are slow to get on the train, even if they have rich natural resources and superior geographical location, will always lose the opportunity to become a great power. These countries have either become sources of raw materials and are at the bottom of the human industrial chain, or they have become places of chaos, where their citizens live poor and precarious lives.

"As a young man who was born in New China and grew up under the red flag, even if I cannot contribute to the development of the country, I will never hold the country back. The public opinion storm in District 11 started because of me, so naturally it is up to me. solve."

Of course you have to solve the problems you caused yourself.

Xu Ang snapped his fingers, and Li Ke came over immediately after receiving the message. Xu Ang said to him: "Lao Li, go apply for a flight route. I'm going to the big board in District 11. The sooner the better."

"Okay, boss."

After Li Ke left, Tang Lu said to Xu Ang: "Don't rush there first, think of a way before leaving. It is always a place for islanders, and it is easy to suffer losses if you rush there."

Pointing to his head, Xu Ang told Tang Lu: "There is a way. This matter is actually easy to solve. Don't look at the chaos in District 11. It's not a problem at all here."

Tang Lu stared into his eyes: "Are you sure?"

Xu Ang's eyes didn't dodge at all, and he replied: "Of course."

Seeing that Xu Ang didn't seem to be lying to comfort herself, Tang Lu felt relieved.

Immediately, the girl said bitterly: "Island people are really unreasonable and they make trouble at every turn."

"Just say this in front of me, but don't say it in front of other people. After all, you are also a public figure and you have to maintain a good image."

Tang Lu snorted, this girl has a bad temper and doesn't feel comfortable listening to anything.

Coming from a military family, she was not interested in District 11, but now that this incident has happened, she has no good impression of the islanders. That is to say, the current channels for individuals to speak out are inconvenient. If, like later generations, they could talk to the public by picking up a smartphone and typing words, and tell the public what they wanted to say, Tang Lu had to understand the media of a certain country well.

As for saying

How could this girl care about the consequences of doing this?

Scratching his head, Xu Ang held the girl in his arms, patted her back gently and persuaded her: "Okay, okay, don't be angry, we are not angry. It's really not wrong to get angry with someone who has nothing to do with you. We don’t do that stupid thing.”

It seems that I am the one being targeted by the storm of public opinion. I am not even angry, but you are angry instead, and you want me to comfort you. Are you sure you are right?

Men are so helpless sometimes.

Although I was complaining in my heart and felt that this was wrong, I still had to coax my future wife into a good mood.

He coaxed Tang Lu and said nice things until she was happy. But towards others, Xu Ang will have a different attitude.

The Gulfstream G550 landed at Daban Airport, and Xu Ang entered District 11 again and came to this city again.

It’s still the same place, still the same people.

Aoyama Gangtian had a solemn look on his face. As an island native, he felt very uncomfortable at this moment.

There was a storm of public opinion against Xu Ang in the country. Those media who were afraid of the world being in chaos went crazy and aimed their guns at their own boss. Qingshan Gangtian quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

It's a pity that he failed to suppress the public opinion storm in its early stage. After the storm formed, he tried to stop it, but he was already unable to do so.

In the past few days, Qingshan Gangtian has been worried every day, worried about his future. He is very afraid that Xu Ang will be angry with him for his slow response on this matter and his inability to deal with the media, and kick him out.

Even though Aoyama Gangada is the president of Niyori Real Estate and is in charge of a new company ranked among the top 500 in the world, you would think that he has a high status and great power.

He knew very well that the power and status he had now all came from his current identity. Stripped off the cloak of the president of Niyori Real Estate, he is just an ordinary person with some ability and money. Without the blessing of status, it is difficult for his age to have a high-quality life in today's island country.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

If you want someone who is used to feasting and living a life of extravagance and extravagance to return to an ordinary life, it will be too difficult, too difficult.

Their hearts have already been stained with all kinds of colors, and they will never be pure again.

It's obvious that Aoyama Gangada is that kind of person.

If you have not got it, you will not be afraid of losing it. On the contrary, if you have got it, you will feel deep fear of losing it.

Therefore, Qingshan Gangtian, who was picking him up at the airport, had his head lowered. When he saw Xu Ang, the arc of his bow and waist made people feel that he wished he could lie down on the ground and perform the bowing ceremony.

Xu Ang glanced at him and said, "Go to the company first."

He walked right past him without even stopping for a moment, which made Qingshan Gangtian feel bad in his heart.

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