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Chapter 1,064 Athletes are very innocent, but coaches may not be

Professional athletes take full responsibility for their bodies and warm up before competing.

Countless lessons have taught them that only by fully warming up and moving their bodies can they minimize the possibility of injury due to accidents.

While the two sides were warming up, not only Xu Ang and Zhang Ming were discussing each other, but Ma Jiajun was also discussing them.

Someone pointed at Xu Ang: "Is this Xu Ang? The man who set a world record and won a gold medal in Atlanta? I don't think he is very good."

The teammates on the side did not answer his words.

If the Olympic champions are not that good, then what's the matter with them who can't even break out of Asia.

It's sad that you alone are not strong enough. What's sad is that he can't even recognize his own position.

If you are really that good, go to the Olympics and try to get a gold medal.

Can't do it?

Then stop beeping.

They are all professional athletes. Whether they are good or not depends on their strength. It will be clear if they compare whether Xu Ang is good or not. What is the use of talking about it?

You talk nonsense before the game and reduce the opponent to nothing. When you get to the competition field and you can't outrun them, that's not a shame, it's double shame.

Although athletes have their own thoughts, they are not as innocent as children, but compared to people in society, they are still very pure.

Coach Ma told his disciples: "Stop talking and focus on business. You are all professional athletes and you have been training. I see your hard work, otherwise I wouldn't do it." I will ask you to come out. As far as I know, Xu Ang has not received professional sprint training for almost two years, and his competitive status will definitely not be maintained. Although he is an Olympic champion and the current world record holder in the 100-meter dash. , it’s not impossible for you to outrun him. You must seize this rare opportunity, and don’t take it lightly, otherwise there will be no regrets in the world.”

Why rush around in life?

Either for fame or profit.

And among the countless examples created by the Chinese predecessors, with fame, fortune will naturally follow. Otherwise, where does the word fame and fortune come from? Otherwise, why would fame come before benefit? Otherwise, how could people talk about fame and fortune instead of fame and fortune?

What Coach Ma wanted to express had already been told to these disciples before they came, and the latter knew it very well. Although today's incident was very unethical for them to sneak attack an opponent who was living the same life as retired, but no matter what, the opponent was also a world champion and the ultimate speed of mankind. As long as they could win, they would be famous, and they would be famous. Daimyo.

Once they are famous, their coaches have many ideas on how to cash it in later.

By then they will be able to earn a lot of money, so they don't have to worry about their life after retirement.

When it comes to their own future, Coach Ma’s disciples all put in 200% mental state.

They don't want to have no livelihood after retiring, and have to set up street vendors, work as security guards, or sell their labor to eke out a living like their predecessors did.

But what they didn't know was that Xu Ang had overheard their conversation, as well as the athletes' private exchanges after Coach Ma's instructions. Xu Ang's hearing, which has enhanced perception, cannot be hindered by such a small distance.

Athletes today are suffering.

Compared with later generations, these athletes who use their youth and sweat to win glory for their country on the field have very imperfect protection.

Many people are in poverty after retirement and live a very ordinary life. Most of them are even suffering from various problems after retirement due to injuries sustained during training and competition, making life more difficult than ordinary people.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as the world weightlifting champion who relies on giving people baths and hygiene, and there would be no such thing as selling his gold medal just to get hundreds or even thousands of dollars so that he would no longer go hungry.

Xu Ang thought to himself: This matter must be taken seriously. After returning home, he must tell Sister Gao and Lao Zhao and ask them to help as much as possible with the athletes' post-retirement work. Even if I can't change the overall situation by myself, I can help one by one.

What's the big picture?

The big picture is the country’s economic environment.

The reason why the lives of famous athletes in later generations can be guaranteed is not because the country's economy has developed and money can be spent to take care of these things. Otherwise, there is no money at the top, so what do you want them to do with it?

Even a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

With my thoughts racing around, the warm-up is over.

Seeing that Xu Ang didn't change into his game clothes or even his shoes, Coach Ma came over and asked him, "Are you wearing this? It's not good, it's easy to get injured."

As he said that, he asked Zhang Ming: "I remember that the center has always prepared Xiao Xu's number and a complete set of clothes and shoes. You should be prepared."

Xu Ang said: "It only takes a few seconds, so it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Zhang Ming looked at Coach Ma strangely and echoed Xu Ang's words: "Xu Ang is indeed prepared, but he said he doesn't need it, so there's no need for it. Hey, I'm talking about Lao Ma, don't take advantage of him. This is not like you."

There is something Zhang Ming didn't say - you don't know your character and personality, how can I still know? You are not the kind of person who values ​​martial ethics, and even a person who values ​​martial ethics wouldn't be able to do what you did today.

"Look what you said, I don't take advantage of everything. Since you don't plan to change, it's up to you."

Coach Ma became anxious, waved his hands and walked away angrily.

Zhang Ming didn't notice it, but Xu Ang was keen

I noticed that Coach Ma's expression felt unnatural for a moment when he clearly refused to replace the equipment that the field management center had reserved for him.

That's an emotion called disappointment.

To be precise, it was the kind of disappointment when a certain plan failed and a punch failed to hit the target.

"This guy..." Xu Ang frowned secretly, "He does things too unscrupulously."

He was not stupid. He immediately noticed something fishy after noticing something strange about Coach Ma.

No wonder this man who dared to bring his disciples to find trouble turned out to have a back-up plan. It's a pity that what he didn't expect was that he didn't play according to the routine.

He lowered his head slightly and whispered a few words to Zhang Ming. The latter was surprised at first, and then nodded with understanding.

Some things are not enough to just guess. The truth must be understood after examination.

"This matter may not be big or small, but it won't change the outcome."

Xu Ang would be lying if he said he didn't take this matter seriously. After all, it was aimed at him, and he always wanted to know the result. But if you say you value it too much, that's not the case. What should really be valued is Zhang Ming. If the things he lives in are really tampered with, the people under him should do a thorough investigation.

Athletes who practice sports don't have that many tricks up their sleeves, but their coaches don't necessarily.

Thinking of the things that Coach Ma would be exposed in the future, Xu Ang didn't think his methods were very fair.

That guy is very good at picking off the side.

It was also because he went too far that Ma Jiajun, who could be said to account for half of the country in the field management center at this time, disappeared after he overturned and completely fell into the dust of history.

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