All-in-one Sign

Chapter 1,069: Involved foreign media and beautiful scenery

There is an old proverb in Europe: Rome was not built in a day.

Likewise, the arena is not built in a day, it takes five days.

The large arena, which occupies nearly two-thirds of the empty square in the stadium, took the master workers five days to build. Counting the time it took Xu Ang to crash the Kyokushin-ryu gym, plus the fact that he only came to confirm the gym rental the next day after returning to Peking, the time when the arena was fully built was exactly the seventh day after Xu Ang made his bold statement.

Xu Ang did not break his promise to ask Kirito Mizutani to pick up the sign for his gym in a week.

He has already set up a challenge. It depends on whether the other party has the ability to take things back from Peiping.

Before leaving for the gym, Yang Xiaomi was packing Xu Ang's clothes. The latter wore a Chinese-style outfit that was close-fitting and easy for body movement. Well-fitting clothes will add a lot to a person's appearance when worn on the right person. The silk fabric is smooth and cool, making people feel so comfortable when in contact with the skin.

"Do you really want to go?"

At this time, Yang Xiaomi still wanted to persuade Xu Ang.

"If you put a perfectly good piece of porcelain against an earthen pot, you will feel panicked at the loss."

In the eyes of this girl, Xu Ang is like porcelain, and Mizutani Kirito and those ghost boys who have lived a good life are earthen jars. She really couldn't understand Xu Ang's thoughts. You are a super rich man. It's not easy to deal with those warriors. Just throw money around and there will be countless desperadoes willing to work for you. Not to mention beating them up, even if you kill them, there are many people who are willing to do it as long as the money is in place.

With a fortune like Xu Ang's, there is really no need to do everything personally. He could just eat hot pot and sing songs, cross his legs and watch others fight and die comfortably, all he had to pay was money that didn't count to him.

Xu Ang didn't answer, just smiled and put his chin on the girl's head.

He didn't want to do this either, but there was such a thing about the sign-in task. As a person with slight obsessive-compulsive disorder who would click on red dots on WeChat, Penguin and other chat tools, Xu Ang really couldn't ignore that there was an achievement sign-in that kept happening. Dazzling before his eyes.

Click it off, you have to click it off, otherwise you will always feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, you are so annoying."

Suffering a critical hit from his height, Yang Xiaomi broke through the defense instantly. She gave Xu Ang a hard squeeze on his waist, and just then Zhao Xiaodai and Liu Ruoxi came over to see him. Zhao Xiaodai took the opportunity to tease her: "Who is this? Why are you doing anything? I asked why you didn't come out. It turns out..."

Zhao Xiaodai deliberately prolonged his tone and did not say the next words.

Liu Ruoxi on the side reacted very quickly, and immediately shouted in a long tone as if she had some understanding.

"You two little hooves, let's see if I don't tear your mouths apart."

As if being ridiculed and held back by hatred, someone immediately changed the target of attack.

The three girls laughed and made a fuss, but Xu Ang did not participate. He only asked: "Are you all ready? Where are Xiaoxiao and the others?"

"Sister Lu will take them."

While dealing with Yang Xiaomi, Liu Ruoxi took the time to reply. After all, two against one, she and Zhao Xiaodai had the upper hand.

The atmosphere at home was very good, and there was no tension or uneasiness before the big event, which made Xu Ang very satisfied. He is different from some people. What he hates most is that when things happen, there are all kinds of psychological dramas and all kinds of mistakes. In that case, he would have to comfort the other person and waste time and energy on stabilizing the other person's mood. It was simply not a bother.

It's so nice and saves so much trouble.

Originally, I was the one who went up to deal with it. I wasn't nervous or scared. You people watching from the sidelines couldn't be more worried. Wouldn't this cause trouble for me?

Xu Ang walked out of the room, and a figure jumped out: "Brother Xu Ang."

An Qiqian called Xu Ang's name.

Seeing her, Xu Ang naturally stretched out his hand to touch her head and ruffled her hair. But An Qiqian didn't care at all, she was smiling and happy.

After Liu Xiaoli took this girl home and lived there for a while, she realized that she could no longer go back to her past. Although the stay in Xu Ang was short, it opened up a new world for An Qiqian. Not wanting anyone to control her life anymore, she made an unexpected decision. When Liu Xiaoli wasn't paying attention, this girl ran out of her home, ran back to Xu Ang alone, and then openly Continue to live.

When Liu Xiaoli found out, she was shocked and speechless on the spot.

It is estimated that Liu Xiaoli would never have thought that her daughter, who had always grown up under her control, grew up according to her own wishes, and did not let her step beyond the bounds, would do such an astonishing move.

Is Sissi still the good girl?

Liu Xiaoli wanted to say yes, but a voice told her: no.

After experiencing the feeling of freedom, who would still want to be someone else's puppet?

Even if this person is his mother.

"There will be a lot of people in the place we are going to today, and the composition of the personnel is very complex. You and Sisi will keep an eye on Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi for me, and don't let them run around."

Xu Ang assigned tasks to An Qiqian and Sisi.

In addition to adults having to pay attention to things like looking after children, older children also need to be in charge of the children, so that the effect will be better.

An Qianxi nodded with a smile and agreed: "Okay."

Then she asked Xu Ang with mystery and expectation: "Brother Xu Ang, are you going to fight with others today? I heard that a week ago you went to District 11 to have a fight with people from the island country."

It's so exciting to watch other people fight.

I gave this half a piece without hesitation

The little girl's head suddenly collapsed, forcing her to squat in a defensive posture with her head in her hands as she cried out in pain. Xu Ang felt that this would help her wake up a little and return to normal from the excitement.

However, he could teach An Qiqian a lesson, but he could not teach dozens or hundreds of such people.

What does it mean to just watch the fun and not take it too seriously?

When Xu Ang came to the stadium, he saw that the stands were full of people. These people include Zheng Jiajia, Lao Mouzi, Brother Kaizi, Jiang Wen, Jiang Wu, Brother Xiao Ma, Li Yanhong, etc. He then understands how big the Chinese people are watching, and how big a thing like eating melons is. enthusiasm.

"You guys, get down to business."

"Jiang Wen, don't look at other people. I'm talking about you. Where's your movie? It's finished, right? You don't care about the subsequent announcements? You don't bother with the filming? You dropped a lot of things and came here to watch the fun. You said you What kind of behavior is this? This is irresponsibility for one's own work and indifference to the efforts of the entire crew..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Seeing that he was caught, Jiang Wen raised his hands in shame.

I voted, shut up.

Xu Ang turned his attention to Lao Mouzi again: "Director Zhang, it's okay for Wen'er to be ignorant. Why are you here? Heroes is still being screened in District 11. Aren't you worried about affecting the box office?"

Lao Mouzi showed a silly smile like an old farmer: "It doesn't matter, we don't insist on the box office in District 11. And this matter is also because of us. If we hadn't held the hero's celebration banquet, this wouldn't have happened. No matter what Said, this matter has nothing to do with us and the crew, we have to do it."

Xu Ang didn't think so: "It's because of the reporter, and I didn't control my temper and didn't care about your business."

"You can't say that. If it weren't for our box office success, the other party wouldn't be jealous and try to find points to slander us. You wouldn't have a quarrel with them, and the matter wouldn't escalate to this level."

Lao Mouzi said, and added: "Besides, I didn't come alone, I came with Lian Jie. He is a martial arts practitioner, so this kind of scene is naturally attractive to him."

Lian Jie's eyes twitched, why did he turn to me?

Director Zhang, you are not kind.

It's obviously you who wants to join in the fun, okay?

My heart is so full that I want to vomit, but I can't. Lian Jie could only say: "Director Zhang is right. I brought my junior brother here to gain experience. After all, he is young and has not seen much and has little experience."

Wolf Warrior was directly trapped.

Why is this being blamed on me? I'm just here to gather the number of people. Aren't you the two leading brothers?

With a calm expression on his face, Lian Jie gently touched Wolf Warrior with his toes and signaled to him: I am Senior Brother, you must listen to my words and take the blame obediently.

What can Wolf Warrior do?

He could only hold back his neck and said with a blushing face: "Yes, I'm here to broaden my horizons and gain knowledge."

It looked like Ren Zhanlang was so suffocated that the veins on his neck were popping out. Tell me, are you handling personnel matters well?

Xu Ang made a joke. He was about to continue chatting with others, but someone was not happy.

Kirito Mizutani, who still had the marks left by Xu Ang last time on his face, jumped out. He quickly turned over and got on the ring, shouting to Xu Ang who was still on the sidelines: "Mr. Xu, here comes Kirito Mizutani." You’ve gone to the appointment, please come out and answer the question.”

Everyone else mentioned them by name, and Xu Ang couldn't pretend he didn't hear them.

It just so happened that he also thought that meaningless politeness was a waste of time, so he said sorry to the others and went directly to the ring.

Seeing Xu Ang walking up, the spears and cannons that had been set up on the sidelines found their aim, and invariably focused on Xu Ang.

There were dozens of media outlets, including those from the mainland, Hong Kong Island, Korea, District 11, Europe and the United States. Almost all interested media came.

Chasing hot topics is the professional instinct of the media, especially when a super rich man like Xu Ang makes an appointment with others, it is the hottest among hot topics.

For Xu Ang, a young man who started from scratch and rose like a comet, every issue of newspapers and periodicals with news about him since he became famous has sold many more copies. Although the traditional media are very unhappy, due to the long-standing high profile of the West, they do not want to report on the success of a person of color. However, due to the pressure of life, no one will have trouble with it. They can only pinch their noses and endure it even if they are not happy.

The news is usually like this, let alone this time it is so exciting.

The super rich man had a fight with someone, and while provoking the warriors in District 11, he also issued an open invitation to warriors all over the world. News like this cannot be described as explosive, it was simply an explosion.

A nuclear bomb-level explosion.

The kind that is countless times more cruel than the big fat man and the little boy.

It is an event that almost everyone around the world is paying attention to. If they don't report on the scene in person, wouldn't it look like they are not professional enough?

Whether it’s to prove one’s professionalism, to have the instinct to report big news, or because more hot news can be sold for more money, all the media that should come are here.

What impact will the arrival of so many media reporters have on Peking?

That is when Pixar TV reporters ingeniously started the live broadcast in advance, broadcasting what they saw and heard in Peking to the audience, allowing the American people who did not know China to see with their own eyes the true appearance of the mysterious ancient oriental capital in their eyes.

Many Americans are surprised, is China like this? How is it different from what newspapers and magazines tell us? The people there didn’t have pigtail-like braids, and their city wasn’t medieval.

The ground is covered with feces and urine like Europa's, and the stench fills the sky. Their people seemed to be living a good life. They were not half-clothed, sallow and skinny as the newspapers said. Refugees who were so hungry that they only had half their lives left could be seen everywhere. In their eyes, there is a longing for the future and a yearning for a better life, rather than the despair and numbness of a pool of stagnant water.

This kind of China has subverted their understanding and made many people in the United States re-recognize China. At the same time, due to this operation of Pixar TV, the number of viewers of their programs continues to rise.

You must know that watching TV programs abroad is different from domestic ones. Every channel and every program requires payment.

The increase in the number of viewers means that the TV station's income is increasing, that is, the small amount of money it gets is increasing.

Capital has always had the sharpest sense of money. Within half an hour, followers appeared one after another.

Foreign media reporters either actively or passively started the involution mode.

In order to increase the ratings of their own program and to get more bonus income for their own pockets, during the past few days when the arena was set up, they did a good job of promoting Peking and China to the world.

After receiving this wave of free publicity, many people above were delighted.

Some people in the West have been doing their best to slander China, distort China's image, and demonize China in the hearts of the people because China is not on the same path as them.

China will not be indifferent to this, and they have been thinking of ways. However, the loudest voice in the world today is the West, and China's efforts have not had much effect.

But this time, because the Western media themselves were doing live reporting, and multiple media were doing it together, a high-density bombardment of information was formed in a short period of time. The effect, in Tang Zhongye’s words, “five days is comparable to the ten years of our Central Propaganda ".

Many Westerners know that it turns out that China is not a backward feudal dynasty. It turns out that China is not full of long robes and mandarin jackets on the streets. It turns out that China's infrastructure construction is not worse than theirs. It turns out that China's roads are not horse-drawn carriages, but modern cars. , It turns out that Chinese people can go out at night instead of hiding at home when it gets dark. It turns out that China is so safe, and the people living there have a richer life at night than they do... There are too many things, there are too many things Unexpectedly, there are too many perceptions that are different from what they thought.

Perhaps the impact of reality and impression is too great. Somehow, such voices have emerged among the people in Western countries - the people need to see the truth instead of being blinded by the lies of politicians.

At this moment, Western people who love parades and parties have a new reason to be proud.

Then many cities in Western countries became lively, with crowds of people on the streets, filling the spacious roads with water.

Although this scene is not as fierce as the Peking Gymnasium, it is still a beautiful scenery.

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