All-in-one Sign

Chapter 218 We are different

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The magic of technological creation is that even if they are separated by oceans, they can connect two people through a mobile phone the size of a palm. Its convenience and ease of operation allow people of all ages to use it, including four-year-old Xiaodouding.

"When are you going home, brother?"

"You don't do so much work, go home quickly and don't become a wild child."

Xiaoxiao was chatting with her brother on the phone, whispering to her brother, telling him to go home quickly and not be wild outside.

The little sister doesn't understand what a wild child means. Anyway, her mother would say that to her when she was crazy in kindergarten and didn't want to go home. Now she uses what her mother taught herself to her brother, which makes her very proud.

I'm not a wild child, my brother is.

"Hey hey hey hey!"


Xu Ang heard the ringing on the other end of the phone, Xiaoxiao left a message of "goodbye brother" and quickly hung up the phone.

Kindergarten is about to go to class. As the eldest sister in the garden, Xiaoxiao wants to set a good example for the little Doudings who call her sister. Don't be late, don't leave early, don't cry, listen to the teacher, be a good baby.


Hearing the busy tone of 'dududu...' from the phone, Xu Ang covered his face and sighed.

When the little sister went to school, the teacher's words became the imperial decree, the mother was better, but the elder brother stood aside.



Viti, who was led into the room by Li Ke, tentatively called Xu Ang. The boss's depressed expression didn't know what happened to make him unhappy, and he couldn't say the wrong thing next.

Putting away the faint sense of loss in his heart, Xu Ang signaled that Vitty should not care about these details. He asked Vitti, "Have the Marvel acquisition contract been signed?"

"Boss, this is the contract. According to the agreement, you only need to pay the money before September, and Marvel and everything it has will be yours. In addition, I used a little trick to successfully acquire , so boss, you end up paying not just $1.5 billion, but $1.5 billion and $5 million."

Xu Ang waved his hand, indicating the business operation, he would not care about these details.

If you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse.

If you want some of Marvel’s shareholders to cooperate with you, you must be willing to give them fodder—add money.

There is no benefit who will help you work and contribute.

There is plenty of time until September.

Turning over the contract in his hand, Xu Ang was still asking, "What's the attitude of Colombia Company?"

"They insisted on compensating for Marvel's breach of contract. I don't think they just wanted money."

Xu Ang raised his brows: "Sony is going to do something, and the people in the eleventh district are biting me. That's right, I'm from China after all, and Dahe Dianxiong and the others will naturally have different attitudes towards me. If I can guess. Yes, they didn't want my career in Hollywood to go too far."

Sony, that's a behemoth.

With Xu Ang's current strength being targeted by such a behemoth, even some of them would definitely not feel good.

Vitti said seemingly unintentionally: "The parent company of Colombia? When I first saw its company name, I thought it was an American company."


Xu Ang pondered the meaning inside.

"I remember that Colombia Films used to be the face of the United States after all. It was bought by a company from my younger brother. Does the United States have any opinions?"

"The turmoil that was caused at that time was not small." Vitti's smile was inexplicable, "It's just that the main group of people who were angry about it at that time was too young, they were all school-aged, and they did everything except anger. No. At that time, there were too few channels for voices, and they couldn't even make their own voices."

"When was that time?"

"Year, that is, seven years ago."

"Seven years is long enough."

"Yeah, long enough for a generation to grow up."

Xu Ang glanced at Vitti: "You are one of them?"

Vitti said: "It's not just me, it's my generation."

Xu Ang laughed: "So, thank the Internet."

"Shouldn't I thank my boss for your tweet? That's a holy place for people to have their own voice," Vitti asked.

"It's time for a wave of memories to kill." Xu Ang nodded to Vitti and motioned her, "Let go and do it. By the way, remember to pull on Wall Street, it's too bad to fight alone, we also need allies, I believe they don't Will miss this opportunity to get into Hollywood."

"I understand, boss. Sony has many friends, but more enemies. I suggest you be fully prepared. The parent company cannot be safe if something happens to the subsidiary. This is also a good opportunity for you."

When Viti, who got permission from Xu Ang, left excitedly, Li Ke, who had been listening, said worriedly: "Is it playing too much, and the Americans have such an attitude towards the eleventh district, they Not necessarily friendly to you."

"Unfriendly for sure, but I'm not like Sony."

Xu Ang signaled to Li Ke not to worry too much.

"District 11 is just a little brother to the American people, but they made a fortune through the two wars that are painful memories for the United States. If it is only like this, that's all.

As soon as they get their way, they go wild and run to the United States with the war money they earned because of the suffering of the American people, clamoring to buy the entire United States. What do you think the generation of Americans like Witty will think of District 11? "

"You are my little brother, but you want to ride on the big brother's head. How can the Americans not move. The plaza agreement was hit hard enough, but you think it's over? The American people's vigilance has been completely activated, As soon as they get a chance, they will beat their little brother to let him know who is the master, not to mention how many wolves are staring at Sony's big piece of fat, who doesn't want to take a bite?"

"We are different. Behind us is Huaxia, and our bones are hard enough. Thanks to our ancestors for making the Americans suffer enough, making them feel jealous and not dare to mess around. More importantly, seeking profit and avoiding harm is capital. By nature, it is impossible for those on Wall Street to fail to see the importance of the Chinese market in the future, and they will choose cooperation rather than confrontation if there is no fundamental conflict of interest."

Of course, except for some old Cold War people whose thinking is still stuck in the period of the two superpowers.

Moreover, once there is a chance, the Americans will be more ruthless than against the eleventh district.

However, Xu Ang did not say these words to Li Ke.

"Lao Li, call Lao Zhang for me. It's only a few days before the opening of the Olympic Games. Anyway, I'm also an athlete, so I can't make it too special."

It is said that it is not special, but in fact everyone knows that Xu Ang is the most special one.

But what about this?

Strength is king in the arena, and Xu Ang has that strength, not only an athlete can eat, even if someone is dissatisfied, you have to be able to handle him.

Can't do it?

Then keep your mouth shut.

Zhang Mingren came, and brought a set of clothes over: "Try if it fits, this time you raise the flag."

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