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Chapter 256 The Lion and the Hyena

A lot of information of a listed company must be made public, and it must be made clear to shareholders, which naturally includes members of the board of directors.

However, this is also conditional. You must hold a certain share of the company's shares before you can be on the list.

The outside world does not know how much the banana boat that was swallowed by the fruit company Snake Elephant has changed after the merger and reorganization. The public can only make extremely inaccurate calculations based on the limited information disclosed.

Experienced investors have noticed that after the completion of the merger, the big banana boat was thought to be the head of the family, but Steve, who returned home in golden clothes, did not hold a high share of shares. The largest individual shareholder of the restructured Banana Boat is a Chinese named Xu Ang, and he is still very young.

People who notice this have a sense of absurdity in their hearts: Steve, you made such a big move, and this is the result?

You are not a major shareholder, what are you doing so much tossing about.

Fortunately, this suspicion was immediately submerged in the rising stock price of the big banana boat, and no one went to the bottom of this.

For investors, money is the most important thing, and they don't care about you.

"Buy up and don't buy down. I thought only Huaxia investors were like this. Now it seems that Americans are no different from us."

Xu Ang is packing his luggage. He has been in the United States long enough, more than double the three days he told Xiaoxiao before he left. If he doesn't go back, the little sister should be angry with him.

This is not Xu Ang's random guessing, but Xiaoxiao already had such signs when she made a video with her sister yesterday. Xu Ang remembered that the little sister asked him eight times in just one hour when his brother would come home, and six times that he said that his sister missed his brother. You see, how obvious the hint is.

Well, the little sister doesn't understand this, she just expressed her own thoughts, but Xu Ang, the elder brother, will think about it.

So the so-called hint is actually something he made up in his brain.

"Xu, you won't stay?"

Steve didn't understand Xu Ang's behavior.

In his opinion, the fruit company and the big banana boat are being restructured. As the largest shareholder, Xu Ang must stay in the United States in order to ensure that his power in the company will not be emptied, and will not return to China until things are settled properly. During this entire reorganization process, as the company's second largest individual shareholder, he will inevitably have unpleasant frictions with Xu Ang.

It's not that Steve and Xu Ang are going to break up, it's just a personal disagreement about their own interests, which is normal.

What Steve never expected was that Xu Ang chose to leave at such a critical moment. What did he think?

Or is it that the way of thinking of the Chinese people is so different from that of the Americans, and the cultural differences between the East and the West are so great?

Although he was puzzled, Steve liked Xu Ang's approach very much. Xu Ang is not in the United States, so he will have a lot of room for maneuver when Steve restructures the company.

Of course, Steve still has to say what needs to be said? After all, neither of them are fools? No matter how urgent something is in his heart, what should be done should still be done.

"Our shareholdings will take a big hit after the company reorganization? This hit is unexpected. Xu? I have to tell you, don't look at the increase in board seats? But you can see if you do the math. question."

Xu Ang stopped and asked Steve, "What's the problem?"

"The board of directors has less shares!"

Steve said: "There were people in action when we bought the big banana boat? And they got a bad deal. They couldn't hold enough shares to go to the board? They didn't meet the publicity standard and didn't get the publicity. The qualifications that appear in the notice, but the total amount of shares they hold is not a lot."

Xu Ang asked, "They?"

After Steve nodded, he went back to packing.

"A bunch of guys who can't even get into the board? Just following us and making some small fortune. By the way? Did you find out who?"

"No." Steve shook his head and said his guess. "Their methods are very sophisticated. They have cross-shareholdings in many companies. It is time-consuming and laborious to track down? And there may not be results. I personally feel that , 80% of it was done by the people on Wall Street. They can hide it? The tricks can't be hidden from others."

"It's no wonder the Wall Street guys have a better sense of money than anyone else. If we were lions? They were hyenas."

After packing up the luggage, Xu Ang said to Steve: "I will always give you the greatest support? My partner. Don't worry about the Wall Street gang? As long as we are close? They can't make waves."

This time Steve's biggest purpose was to get Xu Ang's promise. Now that Xu Ang gave him what he wanted, Steve stopped bothering, and soon he found a reason to leave.

After confirming that Steve had left Beverly Hills, Xu Ang spoke to Zhao Zhanglong: "Zhanglong, you did a good job. Since Steve thought he was from Wall Street, let him think that way. I believe that with Wall Street The pressure is there, he doesn't have so much thought to figure out how to challenge my power."

Wall Street's way?

Sorry, Zhao Zhanglong worked on Wall Street before, and he was very clear about the operation inside.

"The next target is Jeff's Amazon? Are you sure it's just a book business."

"I have to remind you, boss. This time the turbulence of rice stocks is due to our prediction in advance and the support of your funds. Together, Peng Xue's team and I have helped you become a stock of 31 companies.

East. While they're not good enough to get your name on their board roster right now, it's not that hard to go deeper. "

Zhao Zhanglong is not very optimistic about Amazon, and he still makes books at all times. The Internet age has begun, and books are about to become a thing of the past for many of the era's elite who believe that portable electronics will take their place.

When there are enough investable targets in hand, investing in a company that is doing a sunset industry is undoubtedly stupid.

Zhao Zhanglong, who was trying to dissuade him, met Xu Ang, who had a firm attitude. The latter said to him: "Yes, it's Amazon. Keep an eye on its every move and don't miss the opportunity to hold its shares."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Zhanglong replied, "Okay, I understand."

Although he has not been working under Xu Ang for a long time, Zhao Zhanglong has already discovered that his younger brother is a very thoughtful person, and he believes that it is not difficult for others to change things.

Is it Amazon?

I would like to see why you attracted the attention of my little brother.

After explaining the focus of the next work to his financial team, Xu Ang just finished packing his luggage. Almost at the moment, a talent recruited by a headhunting company came to Xu Ang's house.

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