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Chapter 371 Eat more if it's delicious

Today is not a weekend, nor is it a holiday, it is strange to see Xiaoxiao still at home Xu Ang. He picked up Xiaoxiao who was holding his calf, raised it to the same height as him, and asked her, "Why haven't you gone to school yet, are you truant?"

With her feet off the ground and her whole body hanging in the air, Xiaoxiao was not afraid. She would be really scared if it were someone else, but it was Xu Ang who picked her up, so that's another story.

In Xiaoxiao's heart, her brother would not let her be in danger.

Since there is no danger, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"You just skipped school."

Xiaoxiao looked at her brother angrily, and actually said that her sister was truancy. Going to school was so fun, how could her sister be truant.

Kindergarten is a good place. There are a group of classmates called my sister, and Teacher Xiao Song who teaches children to sing and draw, and takes children to play games. My sister is eager to go early.

If it weren't for the special situation today, my sister would be in kindergarten now.

"Then why are you still at home now, I know, you sleep late."


Being framed by her brother as a child who sleeps late, Xiaoxiao is so angry that she uses both hands and feet, twisting her little body and showing her teeth and claws to hit her brother. But she was small and weak, unable to break free from her brother's control, her hands were short and her legs were short, so she couldn't reach her brother whether she wanted to scratch or kick.

At this time, Xiao Qingzi came over and gently pulled Xu Ang's trouser legs, and whispered, "It's green vegetables. The green vegetables made by godmother are bitter and not delicious."

While speaking, Xiao Qingzi was still looking inward, for fear that Fang Shuying would hear what she said.

She is just a timid puppy, but she dare not let her godmother know that she is talking behind her back.

I see.

Xu Ang knew the reason. Today, my mother didn't make steamed buns as usual, but made some green vegetables to change the taste for the two little sisters. I never thought that this green vegetable would not feel much when eaten by adults, but it tasted bitter in the mouths of children, which made them very disliked.

Well, Fang Shuying also came out. When Xu Ang saw his mother coming, he said to her: "Mom, it's right for you to supplement Xiaoxiao and the others with dietary fiber, but they don't have to eat green vegetables. I'll have people buy some cereals and the like, and the effect is even better. it is good."

Fang Shuying instinctively wanted to say that those things were too expensive, and green vegetables were more economical, but as soon as she spoke, she suddenly remembered that her conditions had long since changed, and she should have a new way of life instead of sticking to her old habits.

So her words became: "That has to start from tomorrow. Today's green vegetables are all cooked, and food cannot be wasted."

So, this green vegetables should be eaten or not, the two little sisters can't escape this green breakfast.

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoqingzi, who were taken back to the dining table by their mother, frowned. The two little peas whispered together in baby language. They glanced at Fang Shuying from time to time. Xu Ang intuitively concluded that what they said was obviously not good.

Most of the time, bad mothers let their children suffer such things as green vegetables, but fortunately, they finally got smart once today, and they talked in baby language that adults couldn't understand, otherwise they would definitely bloom.

The little sisters had a hard time, and Xu Ang didn't have it easy either.

While taking the little sisters back to the dining table and letting them enjoy the green breakfast, Fang Shuying glared at Xu Ang and motioned him to stay where he was and not move.

Then she went back to the house.

In less than a minute, Fang Shuying came back with a ruler.

Xiaoxiao shuddered with fright, and quickly stuffed several green vegetables into her mouth, propping her cheeks up. The obviously deformed little face followed her chewing, like a kneaded jelly, bouncing q-q.

Knowing his son Mo Ruomu, Xu Ang didn't go home after going out yesterday, so Fang Shuying couldn't guess what he did.

He must have found the other person after he talked to that person.

"I said I'll deal with it, but you still went to him behind my back and ignored what I said, didn't you?"

While speaking, Fang Shuying's ruler also fell on Xu Ang.

The sound of a snap sounded very crisp, but it made Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi dare not take a breath. The two little sisters who had been mumbling didn't dare to murm anymore, they ate the vegetables honestly.

What is the bitter green vegetables, can it be compared with the mother's ruler?

Look at the elder brother, the scene of him being beaten makes the little sisters eat green vegetables twice as fast.

Others eat melons to watch the fun, they are different, they eat green vegetables.

To say that this mother is worthy of being a mother, when the ruler fell, the sound was very loud, but the actual force on the person was not great, and Xu Ang's thick skin did not feel any pain at all.

But this is not the point. When Xu Ang discovered that the two little sisters who were dawdling when they were eating green vegetables had become green vegetables lovers because of their own experiences, even if a small face was wrinkled into a ball, he would put green vegetables in his mouth When he realized.

Teaching me a lesson is not my mother's real purpose. Killing chickens for monkeys to see and intimidating my little sister is what my mother wants.

He turned out to be the monkey that was killed, Xu Ang was speechless.

Just because the two of you were dawdling with food, I was trained by my mother, who should I go to.

No, I must take revenge.

As soon as the thoughts in his mind changed, Xu Ang already had an idea in his heart.

He asked Xiaoxiao who was watching: "Xiaoxiao, is the green vegetables delicious?"

Xiaoxiao looked at the ruler raised by her mother, her little head nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Good porcelain, good porcelain."

"After that, let your mother cook green vegetables for you every day, okay? You have to eat delicious food every day."

Xu Ang's voice just fell

, Xiaoxiao was stunned.

what happened?

Just ask what happened?

She was just afraid of saying something against her heart, and she would end up eating green vegetables every day. She's just a four-year-old baby, why do this to her?

This little Douding doesn't understand that Huaxia parents have the most simple love for their children.

good to eat?

Eat more if it's delicious.

When Fang Shuying also said to Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao likes to eat green vegetables, my mother will cook it for you tomorrow." Xiaoxiao was moved to tears.

The green vegetables in the bowl are all the mother's love for the baby, and the bitterness in the mouth is so rich and sweet that it cannot be dissolved - the little person who has licked the saccharin knows how bitter the taste is.

Why is this happening?

It's not fun!

Not fun at all.

Xiaoxiao cried while eating, Xiao Qingzi beside her lowered her head and ate the vegetables in small bites, not daring to say a word.

Her sister Xiaoxiao has already made a test, using her own miserable experience to prove that she will lose if she talks too much. Xiao Qingzi will not make the same mistake again, she can only try to reduce her sense of existence.

"Brother is a big badass."

After finally eating the vegetables, Xiaoxiao, whose mouth was full of bitterness, ran to the kindergarten with a small schoolbag on her back. When passing by Xu Ang, she stretched out her little hand, supported Xu Ang's calf, and kicked her brother with her little jiojio.

Today's kindergarten Xiaoxiao is very special, because she ran away crying.

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