All-in-one Sign

Chapter 386 Which Five Mountains is the Five Mountains Chamber of Commerce?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "Boss, Zhang Chao called and said that everything has been dealt with. Your classmates are all high-quality talents and know the rules very well."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Before he got home, Xu Ang had already received a call from Zhang Chao.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "As expected."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Xu Ang was not surprised, if Wu Liang and the others were not sensible enough, Wang Lun would not have brought them here. As for the sentence behind He Xing, Xu Ang took it as a joke.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;He has always been unfamiliar with the so-called quality education. It sounds like a good thing, but it also depends on whether it is suitable for the times and national conditions.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The world is contradictory, and a bad idea often sounds like a good idea when it is born.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The specific situation should be analyzed in detail, otherwise the unrealistic good idea will change its taste and become a tool for a few people to benefit.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;As soon as the car reached the gate, Xu Ang saw someone standing at the gate of his house.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It was two young men, and two cars were parked on the side of the road.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Xu Ang knew these two people - to be precise, Xu Ang knew them, and they also knew Xu Ang, but the two sides had never met.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "The news of the Yang family is very well-informed, so here is the person."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The two young men were not others, Xu Ang recognized them as the two young masters of the Yang family.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "One is the person who caused the event, the one who operates the event, and they are good."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I have to admit that some of the richest people in China can't be underestimated. Xu Ang thought that he was secretive enough, and the other party should not have noticed it. But he never thought that as soon as his front foot fell, he was discovered by his hind foot. No, the people from the Laoyang family came to the door.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "Being able to know this entrance, instead of thinking about coming from the community, they also have a heart."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Saying so, Hu Yi and the others knew from Xu Ang's slightly narrowed eyes that their boss was in a bad mood.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This entrance directly connected to the road was newly opened by Xu Ang after moving in. It can not be seen on the planning map of the community, and few people know about it. . Even the residents of Junjingjiayuan Community know that there are only a handful of people who have such an entrance. The fault is not because they want to inquire, how can they know its existence.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The two people from the Yang family were waiting here, indicating that they had paid attention to Xu Ang early in the morning.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It may not be them, but other people, but they chose to wait at this entrance, and their attitude is worth recalling. Apologizing to them at the door may have a hint of meaning, but more of a warning.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;We have inquired about your Xu Ang's life trajectory and in and out habits, and we also understand you, so it's better for everyone to laugh at each other.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"Threat me?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Xu Ang smiled.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "The young masters of rich families are so skillful in making amends, and they are very human. Ordinary people can't play as much as they are, it's really interesting two people ."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The evaluation is the evaluation, but Xu Ang did not say to stop, so Li Ke pretended not to see these two people and drove directly past them , carrying Xu Ang into the gate.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"Brother, look at him..."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Yang Er Shao was very angry.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I didn't see two big living people here, and they went in without asking, what kind of quality is the surname Xu?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"The background of a small family is like that, uneducated."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; spit at the car, Bigu Yang Er Shao, who disappeared inside the gate, despised Xu Ang, and vented his dissatisfaction by the way.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; is just a nouveau riche who has sprung up in the past year or so. If you make trouble, you will make trouble. .


b;\u0026b;Could it be that this surnamed Xu can do anything to get their sheep family?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;In Yang Ershao’s view, he is not easy to mess with, not to mention that his company is about to complete a backdoor listing, and achieve the achievement of a sudden increase in assets and a sudden wealth. Their family is one of the members of the Wuyue Chamber of Commerce, which is enough to make their family walk sideways in the domestic business circle.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "The surname Xu is not a young master in the capital. What are you afraid of him as a commoner?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Yang Er Shao muttered in dissatisfaction.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;His brother Yang Cong gave him a warning look, signaling that the younger brother who even despised himself should shut up. But he didn't want to be much bolder than usual because he had been standing in front of Xu Ang's house gate for almost an hour, and was burned by the anger of Yang Er Shao, who was ignored by Xu Ang. It's you who caused the people, and you caused the disaster. If you want to make amends, you can do it yourself. What's the matter with pulling me together?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"If you weren't my brother, I'd kill you right now."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Yang Cong was stunned at first, then furious.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Who did he secretly want to step on Xu Ang?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It's not for my unsatisfactory younger brother, I want him to enter the entertainment circle in the future, so that he can indulge in the flowers, and by the way, let's see if I can let him There is something to do, so that he can save his family from causing trouble for the family.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; As for this brother, will he find some beautiful skins in the entertainment industry, where handsome men and beauties gather, so that he can appreciate and make his own life medicine , it depends on whether he understands or not.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It is true that he Yang Cong's affairs were not done quickly, and he did not expect Xu Ang to counterattack so quickly, but this is not the reason why Yang Ershao dares to be dissatisfied with himself .

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "I don't see it, second child, you have such a temper."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Yang Cong looked at his younger brother coldly, and the ice-skate-like eyes made Yang Ershao agitated and his anger subsided. After sobering up, his mind was not good, and he was about to defend himself, but Yang Cong didn't give him a chance.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The latter turned around and walked back to his car, signalling the driver to drive away, but also threw a sentence to Yang Ershao: "Since you are so If you have a temper, I will leave this to you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;You don't like this kind of apology?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I don't like your brother either.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Yang Er Shao was immediately dumbfounded.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Let him solve it?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;What did he do?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"I'll take care of me?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; crying, Yang Er Shao jumped into the car.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"Hurry up, go home."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; I got into trouble and asked my parents.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Provoke people, find parents.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Talk to the parents.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This is how Yang Er Shao has dealt with problems for so many years, after all, he is just a child.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"The man is gone."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;After Yang Ershao's car chased Yang Cong's car and left, He Xing immediately came to report to Xu Ang.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Xu Ang pouted.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Look, this is the so-called apology of the second generation, it is really not sincere at all.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"You have to have an attitude of making amends when you come to the door to make amends. I don't ask you to learn from Lianpo and apologize to me. You let me see that sincerity is what it should be."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Yang Cong and the others, even if they wait a few more minutes at the door, Xu Ang may not really hang them out, more or less. Respond - either a meeting or a message.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It's better now, the two drove away directly, and Xu Ang saved the trouble.


;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Since the Yang family knew that I had done something to them, I had to move faster.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Thinking in her heart, Xu Ang called Wang Lun: "Teacher, I'm about to act, you have to help me to block it so that no one will mess up. Reach out and do things beyond your purview."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"Slippery boy, let the teacher help you bear the pressure, you can figure it out." Wang Lun laughed and scolded, and then he told Xu Ang, "The aspect you are worried about It won't appear, but don't underestimate your opponent, you are also a member of the Five Mountains Chamber of Commerce."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Wuyue Chamber of Commerce?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Which five mountains?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Does Mount Tai count?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Xu Ang raised his brows: "The famous Wuyue Chamber of Commerce, should I feel honored that a small person like me has something to do with it?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"You just leave it."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "Teacher, you can see it, and let me, a young man, weigh their wealthy groups, maybe let them understand what it means The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and I slapped the front waves to death on the beach."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Wang Lun said: "It's a good thing to have confidence, but don't be careless, there are people watching."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Xu Ang's heart moved, the thoughts in his mind kept spinning, but he said in his mouth: "Teacher, don't worry, one or two billion will hurt my muscles and bones. No, I can afford to lose, what about them? I'm afraid they will return to the pre-liberation period. From frugality to extravagance is easy, and from extravagance to frugality is difficult, do they dare to bet against Duizi that I can't bring them back to their original form?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Also rich?


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Three generations up, how many are not ordinary people?

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; It's only been a few years since I lived a good life, and I forgot what my surname was, and such people would have to be slapped hard.

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