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Chapter 401 Preemption

It was rare for Xu Ang to have friends of the same age come home, which made Fang Shuying very happy.

What makes Fang Shuying even more happy is that her young daughter is also familiar with each other, and she is willing to let the girl named Xu Xin hold their little hand.

She greeted the guests warmly: "Xinxin, Xiaoqiang, eat more."

Xu Ang blinked, the word "Xiaoqiang" has not been played badly at this time, at least in China it has not yet become a commonly recognized name for a bug.

"Eat this, it's delicious."

Xiaoxiao gave Xu Xin a piece of meat. This little sister is also a meat eater and is much more interested in eating meat than vegetarian. Because she likes to eat meat, one of the dishes at home is sliced ​​meat every time.

In comparison, although Xiao Qingzi also likes to eat meat, he eats shredded pork.

No wonder Xu Ang would suspect that Xiaoxiao turned Xiao Qingzi from a vegetarian to a meat eater.

The little sister, who was very sensible, gave the guest sister Xinxin a piece of meat and found that her brother was looking at her, and she understood the meaning of her brother in seconds. So, she took another piece of meat and put it in... her own bowl.

"You're such a big man, don't let your sister help you with vegetables!"

Chewing the flesh in her mouth, the little sister also scolded her brother vaguely. Her behavior not only ushered in Xu Ang's warning eyes, but also taught herself a lesson from her mother.

"Don't talk while your mouth is eating."


The little sister had the courage to scold her brother, but she dared not reply to her mother.

Although my brother is big, it is not scary. My mother has a ruler and can really beat people. She is scary.

Xiaoxiao is not afraid of her brother, she is only afraid of her mother.

Of course, this is under ordinary circumstances, and special circumstances are not counted.

Seeing that the little sister had been taught a lesson, Xu Ang's decision was not to ignore her, but to get down on the ground. He clipped a piece of shredded meat to feed Xiao Qingzi, indicating to the latter: "Ah."

Xiao Qingzi opened his mouth: "Ah."

Look, such an obedient and well-behaved little sister is worthy of his brother's reward.

So, the shredded meat was fed into Xiao Qingzi's mouth.

Xiaoxiao pouted when she saw it, if it wasn't for her mother who didn't dare to move, if there were two guests, brother Qiangzi and sister Xinxin, who wanted to save face for her brother, she would rush over and beat him down.

Who told him not to feed his little sister's meat.

After successfully making Xiao Gouzi feel a little depressed, Xu Ang signaled Da Qiangzi to be polite, and said to him: "Do you need to stay in Peiping until graduation, or can you step out of the school earlier? If you can Come out ahead of time, I will ask Amazon in the United States to give you an internship position, and you can intern there until the end of the year. Learn their management experience, understand their management model, and find out how they make money, I believe it will be helpful for your business. It helps a lot."

Da Qiangzi did not refuse, not to mention how much the experience of interning in a mature American company helped him, but only said that it is not long before the end of the year, and it is impossible for him to refuse if it does not delay his entrepreneurial plan for next year.

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Da Qiangzi was willing to accept it, but Xu Xin was not.

She glared at Xu Ang and said, "Well, you Xu Ang, how about returning to the family, so you separated me and Qiangzi? The separation of two people is just one country and two cities. It's better for us, there is a Pacific Ocean in the middle. ."

Is this girl dissatisfied?

Xu Ang said that he could understand. After all, men craved women before, and women craved men after that. They were all young people, and he understood.

"If you want to go to the United States, no one can stop you. If you think it is necessary, you can go along, but I don't care about job recommendations."

Seeing that Xu Ang didn't object, Xu Xin didn't wait for Da Qiangzi to agree or reject, so she settled the matter first: "I don't know Qiangzi in Miguo, so I'll take care of him."

It can be seen from this that this girl is the strong party in the relationship between the two.

Xu Ang couldn't help thinking to himself: This may be one of the reasons for the separation of the two in the future.

But it is not necessarily. After all, the big strong son of the original time and space still failed for the first time after accumulating for several years.

You must know that Xu Xin is not an ordinary person. She has been able to wait for a few years for the light and shadow, and she has a lot of love. Only she knows how much pressure she has to withstand during that time.

Maybe my appearance will change the direction of many things. If that is the case, there will be no milk tea.

The meal ended with chatting and thoughts flying. When Xu Xin and Da Qiangzi left, Fang Shuying also sent her two little sisters to kindergarten, and the house, which was full of people before, became deserted again.

For this change, Xu Ang gave birth to a touch of melancholy. He sometimes thinks that there are so many rooms in the house anyway, if Zhao Xiaodai and Yang Xiaomi can also live in one... well, it's unrealistic.

It is estimated that if he really dared to be so blatant, his mother would break his leg.

When people are free, it is easy to think about things. Fortunately, if Xu Ang wants to do something, he can always find something to do.

Strictly speaking, once he gets busy, someone will be busier than him.

"Hendry, talk to Jeff about arranging a short-term internship. I need to send someone here for an internship."

"Also, I need you to help me with the registration of some patents."

It is said that a patent is a barrage, and those who occupy it first will block the latecomers out.

Many people have a misunderstanding when registering a patent, that is, they think that only the technology that has been realized can apply for it, but they don't know that there is another term called concept.

Many western companies have applied for patents that they have not realized at all, not even physical objects. They can still apply for patents with vague concepts and directions. As a result, many honest people who have invested a lot of money find that after they actually make things, they have become children of others who are obviously made by themselves.

It's really shameless to take things like this.

However, people do not think that they are shameless, but rather proudly think that they are good at using rules.

Western companies can play like that, and of course Xu Ang can follow along.

The Internet has just emerged, and it is a new thing. The whole world knows that it has huge potential, but how to realize the potential, which directions can go, are feasible, and can make a lot of money, but no one can give a certainty Answer.

Others really can't, but Xu Ang can.

In the Internet era of later generations, there are many industries that can make a lot of money. Among them, the most important thing for Xu Ang is industrial software. Although he can't make so many professional software, he remembers the general direction of development. Although it is not comprehensive enough, he can seize the next part first. At that time, those companies in the West will either make great efforts to bypass it or have to Obediently pay the price.

That price doesn't have to be money, it can be technology, or interchangeable patent immunity.

After giving Hendry an order to keep him busy for a long time, Xu Ang put down the phone in a happy mood.

Now, that faint melancholy disappeared.

"A pleasant lunch break should be so quiet."

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