All-in-one Sign

Chapter 421 It's time to make trouble for the United States

"Selling coffee in Huaxia?"

Helping Xu Ang secure the contract with Howard, Hendry was thinking about the prospect of this business cooperation.

At first, he thought that Xu Ang had made an investment that didn't make much money, but the more he thought about it, the more Hendry discovered the market prospects.

You must know that he is not the American people who can only understand China from newspapers and other traditional media, and is not a happy educational product of the media who believe whatever they say. Lawyers like Hendry belong to the elite class in the United States and have their own thinking ability.

In addition, he often goes to Huaxia, which can be said to be Huaxiatong among Americans.

Through what he saw and heard in China, Hendry found that although Chinese people love to drink tea, they are also chasing coffee that Westerners love to drink.

The reason is that the West is more developed than China, so many so-called petty bourgeoisie in China are keen to move closer to the West and like to imitate the lives of Westerners. Coffee, a common drink for Westerners, has begun to replace tea in some small circles.

These small circles are all wealthy classes in China, and when they start to pursue coffee, they will inevitably lead the trend and change the habits of the public.

In this way, the investment this time is not blind, but it is promising.

Hendry couldn't help feeling that Xu Ang's investment vision was terribly accurate.

But he didn't know that this time, Xu Ang did not intervene in the whole contact with Starbucks. It was an investment made by Peng Xue's team, but in the end it was only after Xu Ang's approval that the contract could be signed.

Huaxia's higher education institutions at this time are really places for cultivating talents. The seniors and sisters Xu Ang recruited are really not ordinary. Even he himself did not think that now is a good time to invest in Starbucks, but these seniors Xuejie found out. And he also pressed the other party's pulse to make an offer, which maximized the benefits for Xu Ang, which really made people have to be convinced.

Thinking of the influx of juniors and juniors after the expansion of colleges and universities in later generations, and then think about those who chose to skip the compulsory courses, and the elective courses must be skipped. Also wasting his youthful students, Xu Ang didn't know what to say.

He still remembered that some people said that a university without truancy was incomplete, and he also received the approval of many people, which really left him speechless.

God is fair, if you don’t work hard when you should, don’t blame yourself for not being able to find a good job after graduation, and don’t blame yourself for having a difficult and unfair life after you leave the society. The nerds you think of, the people you think are all about studying and not gregarious in college, after a tough few years of schooling, the next few decades are much more comfortable than you are.

"Because of today, fruit of other days, adults should understand this principle."

"Everyone is responsible for their actions."

Xu Ang looked at Yang Brigade and asked, "Are you right, Second Young Master Yang."

After coming to the United States, I lost the control of my family, and fell into the rotten hedonistic life of capitalism in just half a month. The sheep brigade, who has been drunk all day long, originally planned to go to a nightclub to cheer up, and then find it by the way. A hot girl, but I don't want him to be taken away before he goes out.

It was none other than He Xing who took him away.

Yang Lu actually thought about not birding He Xing, but thinking that Xu Ang was behind He Xing, he didn't dare to play the young master's temper.

In the past, when I was in China, the state control was strong, and capital did not dare to mess around. Therefore, Yanglu's perception of Xu Ang's energy was not accurate enough. When he arrived in the United States and lived in the United States for half a month, he finally had a sufficient understanding of the energy of capital.

To put it mildly, Xu Ang is capital.

Even in the United States, with Xu Ang's wealth today, he is qualified to say that.

If such a person wants to see himself, Yanglu can only come obediently, even if he is reluctant.

"I was young and ignorant at the time, so I'm offended, please forgive me." Yang Lv subconsciously shied away from responsibility, "My brother did that, I didn't know it, and it had nothing to do with me. If you If you are angry, you should go to him, and you have a debt and a debt, don't you think?"

The corners of his mouth twitched, Xu Ang knew why Yang Cong abandoned his younger brother so simply.

It's such a wonderful thing, if he doesn't come in handy when he is valuable, why don't he keep it for himself?

Without paying attention to the evasive words of the sheep brigade, Xu Ang warned him: "If I let someone explain to you, you'd better take it to heart, otherwise I'm not sure what will happen. This is the United States, not China, this prosperous country is every day There will be all kinds of things happening, if you want to play real cs and experience what it means to be exciting, you can do your own thing."

Sheep Brigade trembled violently.

Although he knew that Xu Ang looked down on him, he didn't expect to look down on him so much.

But there is no anger in Yanglu's heart, to be precise, he does not dare to be angry, he only has fear.

As Xu Ang said, this is the United States, a capitalist country with all evils. In this country where guns cannot be banned, everything is possible.

Everyday live online cs, whoever touches the taste of crossing the line of fire knows.

Anyway, Yang Brigade is absolutely not dare to try.

Quietly raised his eyes to look at Xu Ang, Yang Brigade quickly lowered his head again.

He misses his motherland so much at the moment, even if Xu Ang looked at him upset in Huaxia, he would not have made such a blatant threat. This is equivalent to telling him stubbornly, if you make me dissatisfied, I can kill you if you talk about it.

Bullshit cooking.

Evil capital.

The sheep brigade kept cursing in his heart, like this rich

A country where you can do whatever you want is really not a place for people.

This person refers to the poor.

Compared with Xu Ang, his sheep brigade is poor.

Thinking in his heart, Yang Travel would not dare to be slighted in his movements, and he repeatedly replied: "I dare not forget the things you explained, I remember all those stock terms. And my Twitter account, which I use every day. Watching what it publishes will never break your business."

"Better so."

Xu Ang waved his hand and motioned for Li Ke to hand over a document to the sheep brigade.

"As long as you do what you need to do, the United States is a paradise for you. You can play as you like. If you don't have enough money, you can come to me."

Yang Brigade nodded like pounding garlic: "Okay, thank you Brother Xu."

Seeing that he was curious about the contents of the document and didn't dare to read it, Xu Ang did not embarrass him.

"There are only three pages in it, and I need you to memorize it within a day. I don't ask you to memorize it exactly, but you can memorize it roughly. You, are you okay?"

"No!" Which Yang Brigade said half a word, "Absolutely no problem."

"That's good."

Xu Ang would not tell Yang Brigade how important he was in Xu Ang's plan. The United States is all over the world to cause trouble for others, and it is time for someone to cause trouble for him.

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