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Chapter 426 Mahjong is also a national quintessence

Mahjong is on fire.

At least temporarily in the US.

The most powerful proof is that there are foreigners who went to Chinatown on purpose to buy a pair to play with.

However, the Chinese bosses did not understand.

"Cat feet?"

"what is that?"

"We don't sell cats here, let alone such bizarre things."

Negotiations with the store owner were not smooth, like chickens and ducks talking. The Americans who had quick brains said two words that turned the situation around: "Huh!"

The shop owner understood immediately.

Listening to these two words, who said that foreigners can't speak Chinese well, isn't it very standard.

The popularity of mahjong was within Xu Ang's expectations. After all, it is a national quintessence. Unless the Americans don't play, it's only a matter of time before the Chinese culture is promoted.

But Xu Ang did not expect that the mahjong machine was on fire.

When he saw on Twitter where the topic of Chinese Mahjong was next to the topic of Chinese Mahjong was where to buy a mahjong machine, Xu Ang suddenly thought that there seemed to be no organic hemp at this time.

In this way, business opportunities can be found, and Xu Ang does not know how to say that he has good fortune.

Of course, the premise is that the technology of the mahjong machine can be successfully analyzed.

It should be fine.

"It's coming, boss."

Karina reminded Xu Ang that the plane was about to land, and the mahjong should be put away early to avoid accidents.

This place in Texas is also famous for its rough style in the United States, but Xu Ang did not come to experience its customs. After getting off the plane, he took the car out of the airport and went straight to the destination.

The land area of ​​the United States is not much different from that of China, but the population is only a fraction of that of China.

Knight XV is speeding on the road. Don't look at its heavy body and think it is not fast. Its strong horsepower can make this armored car-like big man drive fast.

When I saw this big man for the first time, even the reporters who followed him admired him. Americans like this kind of big car. When the Beetle and other small cars in the eleventh district entered the American market, they were disgusted. It's just that most of the Americans are still really fragrant, and they can't get along with anyone who can't get along with their wallets.

No matter how big a man with high horsepower is in line with the American aesthetic, they can only stare blankly if their wallets can't stand it.

Or the "toy car" in District 11 to save fuel and money.

However, when the camera showed the situation inside the car, not to mention the audience in front of the TV, even the cameraman who had experienced strong winds and waves was stunned.

To put it nicely, the situation inside the car is full of childishness, but to put it bluntly, it is childish.

Children's toys, cute dolls, and the little girl's favorite color - pink, dress the interior of the car into a world that is diametrically opposed to the mighty shape of the XV Knight.

Such a large contrast makes people stunned for a while, and they can't react for a long time.

Xu Ang, who was followed by the camera, looked helpless: "Look, the interior of this car is very spacious, so my little sister likes to play here. Usually if I don't have to drive this car out, it will be caught The little sisters requisitioned it to be a place for them to play and play."

You just say that you have no status in the family, and you only deserve to be bullied by your little sister, and you are done. Saying so much is useless.

Many people saw the truth, but they had a lot of goodwill towards Xu Ang.

The United States and China differ in many concepts. China advocates giving up a small family for everyone, while the Americans believe that if a person cannot handle family relations well, and even his own family is not treated well, how can we expect Can he be kind to others?

It was found that Xu Ang was so accommodating to his little sister that even his car could be used as a place for his little sister to play, and the favorability of the American people was severely brushed by Xu Ang.

When the towering derrick appeared at the end of the field of vision, everyone knew they were there.

When Knight XV stopped, someone greeted him.

Xu Ang knew the identity of the other party, it was a staff member of Lucent.

To say that the energy of these big American companies is really not small, Xu Ang did not waste any time along the way. He was still on his own private jet, but he was still one step slower than the people from Lucent.

The other party was talking with the people from Peak TV, revealing the logo of Lucent on his clothes, intentionally or unintentionally.

This time, Xu Ang's bet on the oil field will not only benefit from Peak TV, but Lucent will also be the beneficiary.

Although neither the photographer nor the person being photographed mentioned it, Xu Ang took out a laptop with the fruit company logo and successfully connected to the Internet without a network cable. The people at Peak TV set up the camera positions, and While waiting for those drillers who started drilling to drill where Xu Ang pointed, there were still many viewers who keenly discovered what Xu Ang wanted them to discover.

"I'm the only one who wants to know what technology Huaxia Xu is using. Why can he surf the Internet without plugging in an Internet cable to his computer?"

Someone tweeted this.

For some unknown reason, this tweet quickly gained a lot of attention, entered the public eye, and was noticed by many netizens.

When someone asks, someone will answer, and there is never a shortage of enthusiastic people on the Internet, especially some hot topics that have been created.

"Didn't see the Lucent people there? I guess it must be their new technology. Oh, these goddamn capitalists, they

What will let the rich like Huaxia Xu enjoy the new technology first, do we ordinary people not care at all? "

This is okay in the front, but there is a suspicion of provocation in the back.

It is said that no one will be fooled by such a low-level trick, but the truth is quite the opposite.

Some people's emotions have been stirred up, and it is not a minority.

"Thanks for Happy Education."

Xu Ang said when he saw that certain topics on Twitter were going the way he and Longman expected.

The people have demands, and their voices should not be ignored, so Steve took advantage of the situation to launch a new generation of laptops from Fruit Company, and announced its strategic cooperation with Lucent, which will stand in line with wifi in the battle between wifi and bluetooth, so that users can get rid of Isn't it reasonable that the limitation of the network cable can realize the convenience of surfing the Internet at any time outdoors?

Three birds with one stone, nothing more.

Xu Ang said: You thought I was on the first floor, but I was actually on the fifth floor.

Some people discover new concerns, while others remain the same.

No matter where you are in the battle between wifi and bluetooth, we just want to see you, a Chinese person, make a fool of yourself, a place that is not favored by countless experts and authorities. You Xu Ang must go to drill and broadcast live TV. You will die. you.

Huaxia people, this time you are going to be embarrassed after all.

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