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Chapter 433 The Fed is actually a private company

"Just gossip, naturally speak freely."

Zhu Lao said that you can say it casually, and I will listen to it casually, without being too restrictive. You say it casually, and the people I listen to will not take it seriously.

But is it really so?

Anyway, Xu Ang didn't dare to be so casual.

He rationalized his thoughts, and then said, "I won't say much about the domestic situation. Teacher and Mr. Zhu, you know better than me. I haven't been to many places abroad, so I can only talk about some of the things I've come into contact with."

What is the situation in the country where there is still a lot of talk, and the formulation of major policies cannot be a temporary initiative. Experts have already made plans after countless demonstrations, and all that is needed is to collect feedback in practice through specific pilots and make fine adjustments.

Otherwise, what do you think about the pilot reforms in Modu and Yangcheng?

On the contrary, in foreign countries, due to the hostility of the West to China at this time, they are very strict in guarding against them. In addition, the information channels are limited. The domestic understanding of the outside world cannot be said to be lacking, but it cannot be said to be too in-depth. Xu Ang can say something.

"The Americans regarded us as an imaginary enemy after the disintegration of our northern superpower. To put it bluntly, it is difficult for us to compete with the Americans with our current strength."

"In the war that happened in the Middle East, the Americans told the world with an incredible victory that the times have changed, and the mode of war has fundamentally changed. The old tactics of the past under the new mode of war are better than the old Sa's. The outcome of the Million Guards may not be much better. This is why the country will carry out military restructuring and fully support the strong military with science and technology."

"In modern society, a country's military and technology are linked to its economic strength. The lessons of the superpower in the north are reminding us that without the economy as the foundation, everything else is a castle in the air."

"When it comes to the economy, the Americans are actually not doing that well."

"The hegemony of the US is the hegemony of the US dollar. No matter what the US economy is like, the world has to take care of it. However, the US Federal Reserve, which has the power to print the US dollar, is not owned by the US state. Its nature is a private enterprise according to the domestic argument. ."

"The government of the United States issues treasury bonds with the guarantee of future income of the country such as taxation. Its essence is to use the country's credit as collateral to lend a corresponding amount of currency from the US Federal Reserve. A government does not even have the right to issue currency itself. Such an important national lifeline is controlled by non-governmental organizations, and it is difficult to think of problems. After all, capital is always greedy, and they can trample all bottom lines for their own interests.”

"The reason why they don't have a problem now is that the U.S. has a strong national strength and can plunder wealth from other underdeveloped countries in various ways, which can cover up their domestic contradictions. Once the U.S. shows its decline, its national strength begins to decline, and it is now covered up. The contradictions between the United States and the United States will erupt, and the decline of the United States will be inevitable. Therefore, I have never envied the United States, nor do I want to immigrate to become an American like some people do.”

Wang Lun glared at Xu Ang and scolded with a smile: "Don't think about holding yourself up when you're talking about business, you can talk to me well."

Then, he added: "Your speech at the freshman entrance meeting has spread long ago, and the opponents at the poker table have changed one after another, and we are always the dealer, the only difference is who will be the next opponent. , really young and frivolous."

Quietly giving Wang Lun a thumbs up, Xu Ang said: Teacher is worthy of being a teacher, and the key moment is to be powerful.

Zhu Lao smiled and pointed to Wang Lun, how could he not understand the little thought of this old friend. But he didn't say anything, Xu Ang, a young man, was still very good in his impression. He is not like some of the first rich, who do not know who he is when he gets rich, and he has not forgotten his origin. He wants to transfer his wealth abroad, but keeps bringing back good things from outside.

As far as Zhu Lao knows, the aerospace technology research center in Shuzhong and the lithography machine research and development center in Guangdong Province are convenient for the state to make great contributions. Not to mention that the big white whale he provided gave the country's large aircraft project a clearer direction, so that it would not be put on hold, and accept Huaxia coins and domestic resources in exchange for the US dollars in his hand... Wait, let the upper management respond to this The impression of young people is very good.

If Xu Ang really has shortcomings, it is that his personal life is not very pleasing to the eyes of some veteran cadres, and it also makes people worry that he will be corrupted by the sugar-coated cannonballs and extravagant enjoyment of capitalism.

Fortunately, judging from the information received now, all the feedback is good, which is why Zhu Lao is willing to meet him privately.

Zhu Lao said: "We are confident and capable of catching up with developed countries, but it will take time, and the West will not watch us catch up but not respond."

"So I have to find something for them to do, and don't let them idle, so as not to cause trouble."

Xu Ang said hehe and smiled, Wang Lun actually tasted the word "slippery" from his student's face, which made Wang Lun very curious.

What did my student do in the US?

"I asked Ms. Gao Xiaojun to cooperate when I dealt with the high-quality real estate Sterling mortgaged in Wells Fargo in the United States. I got a lot of dollars from the Americans and wanted to try it in the domestic real estate industry."

How does this relate to real estate?

Wang Lun frowned, knowing that things were not easy.

Xu Ang didn't say much, and he didn't ask much. Mr. Zhu kept this in his mind, and he would definitely know the specifics of this incident when he returned. Xu Ang believes that with Mr. Zhu's attainments in economics and his think tanks, which can be regarded as great domestic players, the little tricks he has played can definitely be seen.

His ancestors were all poor and lower-middle peasants, and his parents were also pure working class. Xu Ang, who has such a rooted socialist successor status, is definitely a red heart.

There is a fundamental difference between Xiang Central and those who forgot their roots when they got rich, changed classes when they got money, and lost their correct position.

With his firm stance and his behavior of eating outside and crawling inside, it is not a lie to come out on the wealth list. Other people with unclean foundations are on the list, which is called the pig-killing list. He is not.

Originally, Wang Lun wanted to escort Xu Ang to two classes after seeing Mr. Zhu, lest he would not see Xu Ang in the classroom for the whole semester. But he didn't want to change the plan. The time it took for the two sides to meet was far beyond his expectations. Not only did he fail to escort Xu Ang to class, but he himself skipped class.

Fortunately, Wang Lun had prepared a plan before that. Seeing that he failed to show up in class on time, a young lecturer came in for two classes, but he did not let other students find anything abnormal.

Today is a fruitful day for Xu Ang. In addition to getting acquainted with Mr. Zhu, he has been recognized by Mr. Zhu, and in the next few years, there will be guarantees and direct channels to the upper level. More importantly, he finally received a message from above. invitation.

"July next year will be a big day for Hong Kong Island to return from home after a hundred years. As one of the representatives of the young generation in China, you cannot be absent."

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