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Chapter 451 Technology

A stack of palm-thick blueprints was placed on Xu Ang's desk, making Xu Ang surprised by the thickness of the drawings.

"It's just a mahjong machine. You guys actually decomposed so many drawings for me. What's the matter?"

It's not that Xu Ang makes a fuss, it's just too many drawings.

It looked so simple, a mahjong machine, but he had the research center in Yangcheng dismantled. After analyzing it, there were hundreds of drawings. It was because he read it wrong, or the old experts in the research center were too serious.

"It looks simple, but it contains a lot of technology."

The visitor told Xu Ang: As for, really as for.

Although she is not a researcher of technology, the older generation of scientific researchers dispatched by the country will never joke about technology.


Xu Ang chose to accept it, and he quickly flipped through the drawings. In the eyes of others, he just looked at them curiously, but Xu Ang had already memorized the above contents in his mind in a very short period of time.

The development of the brain domain far exceeds that of ordinary people. It takes almost no time to memorize things. This is the case with the legendary memory.

Putting the drawings in his safe, Xu Ang asked the person who brought the drawings: "Lulu, what about the domestic patents, have they been approved?"

It turned out that it was none other than Tang Lu who brought the drawings to Xu Ang from the Lithography Technology Research Center in Yangcheng.

Since the lithography machine research center is too important, and it has to be in constant contact with Xu Ang, it is far less convenient for Tang Lu to leave it to others. It is the most suitable person to let this girl act as a bridge between the two sides.

"The patents have been approved by you, and the research center also needs your authorization. Here is the authorization document, just sign it." Tang Lu said, taking out another document and handing it to Xu Ang She also said, "Are you sure this patent is useful?"

It's not that Tang Lu doesn't understand the "Patent Law", but that according to the domestic situation, who cares if the patent is not patented.

Now domestic companies are not all copying me, I copying you, copying each other, and no one has paid attention to patents.

As long as the products that sell well, no one cares who owns the patent, they just crack the production and make profits.

As for whether this damages the rights and interests of the inventor of the patent, and the negative impact of the substandard quality of the knockoff products produced by them on the genuine products, it is not a concern of these people.

Anyway, in this era, and even for a long time in the future, the protection of the interests of inventors and creators has always been lacking in this regard.

What would you think if you worked hard and racked your brains to invent a new thing, but you didn't get the corresponding reward, and you could only watch your results become a tool for others to make money?

"We in China have never lacked smart people, otherwise the proportion of Chinese scientists in the United States would not be so high. What we lack is how to retain the attitude and execution of talents. The talents who spend so much resources in China are cultivated because of some people's Inaction has turned them into helpers to promote the progress of other countries, which is heartbreaking to think about."

No problem was found in the authorization contract, Xu Ang signed the pen and expressed some of his views.

In this regard, Tang Lu did not answer.

It's not that this girl doesn't know the current situation in China, but there is always a gap between ideals and reality.

If everything is strictly followed, many small businesses will go bankrupt, and a large number of workers will be unemployed, and behind each worker is a family, and the number of people affected will be a terrifying number.

"In fact, in the final analysis, we are not developed enough. If we are as developed as Western countries, many problems will not exist."

Looking at the domestic environment in later generations, it is not just because the country has developed to a certain level that people begin to pay attention to intellectual property rights.

Even the penguins who have gone the other way so that others have nowhere to go, haven't they changed the copycat mode of copycat empires and turned into smashing them with money?

Why don't you still have to walk if you go the way of others? I'll just throw you down with money and become your shareholder. In this way, you don't need to bear the infamy, you can also share the benefits, and you can save the effort of walking, killing three birds with one stone.

"I really didn't expect that you would be interested in the mahjong machine." Tang Lu said and asked a question, "What's the matter with the mahjong machine, you already have the finished product, and you brought back the technology to analyze it, isn't it? Bought it in the US?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no such thing in the United States.

"Someone sold me a finished product directly, what can I do?"

Xu Ang shrugged, and Tang Lu's heart moved: "It's them again?"

Xu Ang didn't answer this question, let the girl figure it out on her own.

He opened the laptop and said to Tang Lu, "You mentioned them, I just happened to get something new."

Tang Lu noticed that the laptop Xu Ang used was not the IMAC he was used to, but a brand new machine.

"What's in here?"

Glancing at the computer screen, the various symbols, formulas, and English letters on it dazzled Tang Lu's eyes.


Xu Ang spoke plainly, but the content of his words was extremely explosive. Tang Lu heard a loud noise like a thunderbolt in her ears. She was not a novice who didn't understand anything, and she was very clear about the role of the etching machine.

She moved the laptop in front of her and asked Xu Ang seriously, "Are you sure you're not joking with me? If I report the news, you should know what kind of attention it will attract."

"I never

Don't make fun of such a big deal. "

Xu Ang signaled to Tang Lu not to be so nervous, it was just a laptop with etching machine manufacturing technology, and it didn't need that.

He can think this way because he knows that knowledge is in his mind, and as long as he is given time, as long as he thinks, he can code another copy.

But Tang Lu didn't know, this girl thought it was only this one, could she not be nervous.

"I need to verify." Tang Lu put away the laptop, and she explained to Xu Ang, "It's not that I don't believe you, but the matter is too important, and the procedures that should be taken must be followed."

The country has suffered a lot in this regard. Because they believe too much in their own people, there have been many incidents of people using fake inventions to defraud the state.

After learning from the lessons learned from the above, they began to formulate a complete set of verification processes for major scientific and technological projects.

It's a pity that the process is dead, people are alive, and no matter how perfect the system is, it can't stand the operation of human beings.

Not to mention, the future Hanxin incident alone will make the top fall.

"The procedures that should be followed must be followed. Since the system is set, there can be no exceptions."

Xu Ang said something in his words.

I don't know if the girl Tang Lu can understand, or if the superiors will pay attention to what he said.

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