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Chapter 453 The Innocent Childhood and the Little Gopher

Cai Shuangxin is a very time-conscious person, which is related to his occupation.

There is a quick hand, but a slow hand. Many times he would rather be early than be late, because being late often means that the opportunity will be snatched by others.

Although working for Xu Ang was not as stressful as when he worked for the Nordic investment institution, it did not hinder Cai Shuangxin's professional attitude.

Walking into the door of Xu Ang's house under the guidance of Li Ke, Cai Shuangxin did not see his boss in the living room, but found someone surrounded by toys and puppets in a corner by the large French window.

Xu Ang nodded slightly to Cai Shuangxin, indicating that he saw him. At the same time, he gave Cai Shuangxin a look and asked him to sit in the living room for a while.

There is a stack of documents on the desk in front of the sofa, which is what he wants to discuss with Cai Shuangxin today.

It is not yet the meeting time agreed by the two parties, Cai Shuangxin can first look at the contents and prepare for the subsequent discussions.

Although he didn't know what medicine his boss was selling in the gourd, Cai Shuangxin didn't ask too much.

"After all, the boss's age is not very old, and it is normal to have a childlike innocence. After all, geniuses always have quirks."

Cai Shuangxin can only explain that Xu Ang's corner is full of toys that only children like, and dozens of dolls, but he himself has made a picture of a couch resting in the middle. .

Therefore, a person must be successful. As long as you are a successful person, no matter how weird you do something, others will automatically make up an acceptable explanation for him. For example, there are two trees in front of my house, one is a jujube tree, and the other is an in-depth interpretation of the jujube tree - the author does not think much of you.

Cai Shuangxin was looking at the contents of the document carefully, which contained some of Xu Ang's next business plans. Although there was one more person in the room, it was still very quiet until Gao Xiaojun came to break it.

After the woman who married Xu Ang's family arrived, she saw the strange scene in the corner where Xu Ang was. She didn't have as much scruples as Cai Shuangxin, so she laughed and asked, "You robbed Xiaoxiao and Xiaoqingzi. already?"

Those puppets and toys, Gao Xiaojun knew, were all the treasures of the two little sisters. Hadn't Xu Ang robbed them where did these things come from?

Even the two little sisters robbed, in Xiaoxiao's words: "It's not a Lun!"

Quietly looking at Gao Xiaojun, Cai Shuangxin wrote down this woman. To be able to talk so casually with his own boss must have a lot to do with him. He has to remember the other party so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Hearing Gao Xiaojun's voice, a small head emerged from Xu Ang's arms. Before Xiao Qingzi opened his eyes, he said in a daze: "Mom! It's mom!"

The silly child remembered his mother's voice very well.

The consequence of Xiao Qingzi's actions was that another small head came out of Xu Ang's arms. Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and yawned, as if she had not woken up yet.

Seeing the way these two little sisters appeared, Cai Shuangxin somehow came up with a game called Whack-a-Mole.

As soon as this idea appeared, Cai Shuangxin hurriedly restrained his energy. The little sisters are so cute, how can they treat them as gophers, let alone beat them, sin, sin.

Since Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi got into his brother's arms, they liked playing such games with his brother. When they slept, they could put their little bodies against their elder brother, and they didn't have to worry about catching a cold. The warmth was the most comfortable.

Poor Xu Ang was treated as a humanoid heater by these two little sisters, and it also had the function of a pillow, which was both depressed and helpless.

Gao Xiaojun laughed happily: "It turns out that I was wrong, it wasn't that you looted their treasures, but that you were kidnapped by Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qingzi. How do you get out of the heavy siege there, or do you want me to find reinforcements for you? "

It is unnecessary to find reinforcements, after all, Gao Xiaojun himself is the best reinforcement.

Hearing her mother talking, Xiao Qingzi opened her eyes at once. She followed the voice to look over and found that it was indeed her mother, and the child immediately woke up.

She touched Xu Ang's clothes with her little hands, found the zipper button, and pulled Xu Ang's knee-length down jacket that Xu Ang was wearing backwards, and ran over quickly.

She hadn't seen her mother for a while, and she was so worried about her thoughts that she just wanted to throw herself into her mother's arms, and she didn't even have time to avoid the puppets and toys on the road. Xu Ang didn't have to do it himself, Xiao Qingzi knocked out a gap in the encirclement.

"Mom hug!"

Gao Xiaojun saw her daughter's eyes were wet like this. She knew that she didn't take care of her daughter enough, but she didn't regret it. Because she knows very well that these few years are the most critical period for her to give Xiao Qingzi a better future. Missing these few years, when those who are smarter and more capitalized than herself change their minds and join the business world, no matter how hard she works, it will be futile.

It is said that the stupid bird flies first, and she, Gao Xiaojun, is the stupid bird. She can only have an advantage if she is one step ahead.

Xiaoxiao yawned and walked unsteadily to Gao Xiaojun's feet, her eyes still not open, she reached out for a hug in a daze.

Xiao Qingzi is her younger sister, and Xiao Qingzi is begging for a hug, and she can't fall behind as a sister.

Gao Xiaojun held the two little sisters in his hands and took them to wash their faces.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the two little sisters, Xu Ang took off the down jacket that he had put on outside.

Child, you say she is stupid, that's really stupid.

You can easily overwhelm them with IQ.

If you say she is smart, she is indeed smart enough.

I actually know how to turn my brother's coat over,

Putting the lining on the outside makes it easier for them to control the switch of the zipper, so as to avoid the dilemma of being touched by Sisi and pinching their face but unable to escape.

When he came to the living room and sat down, Xu Ang said to Cai Shuangxin, who put the document back in its original position, "That is Ms. Gao Xiaojun, the mother of my god sister, and the president of HD Real Estate."

I see.

Having seen the business plan Xu Ang put on the table, Cai Shuangxin has a general judgment on the role of HD Real Estate in Xu Ang's business map, knowing that it is a very important existence.

According to the habits of Chinese people, it is normal to arrange one's own people in such an important position.

After organizing the language, Cai Shuangxin said to Xu Ang: "Boss, your plan is very powerful, and the model is very innovative in China. From my experience, I can judge that it has a great possibility of success. It's just that this model really needs to be carried out. It may not go smoothly, as far as I know, there are already companies in the mainland that are exploring this business model, but they are far less clear than your boss."

Can you not be clear, I copied it according to their future model.

Don't mind me being a porter, small target.

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